September 10, 2021

A room without walls

As long as there is a sense of separation, the notion about a "me" inside the body with its beliefs and feelings, you will not stand before the experience as it shows itself, as it presents itself – the pure experience of this moment. This sense of separation falsifies the experience of Reality. The experience of this moment is the Reality of Happiness, of Freedom, of Peace. The thought/feeling is a veil, a curtain over This. When you get lost in this identification with thoughts and feelings, you ward yourself off from the present Reality, your Real Nature, your Being.

This present moment, which is Reality, is the moment of Love and Beauty, it is always the moment of God. This is not the moment of the "person," which is just a belief, conditioning, something you were educated to believe. That is, you believe you are a person present here, right now, but there is no "person" in this moment! Consciousness is present, so what we have right now is this Presence-Consciousness, but there is no "person." Thoughts always represent shapes in the space. Thus, the thought, which is only the imagination of shapes, gives "reality" to a personal world since the "person" needs shapes – the shape of other people, objects and all kinds of images. There is no thought without images. Thought revolves around images, shapes. When thought comes, it always approaches with images.

Remember something, right now, at this moment... For that, you need images. Thoughts are images that are in the Space, and you cannot imagine that Space. The Space is a formless void, a room without walls, and there are no rooms like that. You cannot imagine a room without walls – this is the Space. This Space is the Presence-Consciousness, without shape, without a name, without story; it is the Nature of Reality, of God, of Being; it is your True Nature, and therefore You were never born. Some "walls" were built and a "room" appeared, but the Space was already there, before these "walls." The Space inside is the same Space outside. The "walls" created an illusory separation between inside and outside and did not give reality to the Space, only creating an illusory limitation.

When you identify with thoughts, feelings, emotions and sensations, you are imposing a limitation on yourself – the limitation of being "someone," a separate entity, a "room." So, you say you have no freedom since you have become a prisoner of your own beliefs. Fear is self-created, so are desire and suffering, and these are the "walls" that apparently limited and imprisoned the Space. In Reality, Space is not a prisoner, but the illusory sensation is of being imprisoned. This is the sense of separation in the illusion "my space" is one and "your space" is another; "me and the world," "me and others."

Participant: Why did Space allow Itself to be imprisoned?

Master Gualberto: There is no prison for Space since, actually, It does not exist. These "walls" are beliefs, mental concepts, cultural conditionings, imaginations. Space is not a prisoner, and there are no real walls. These "walls" have "bricks," which are the thoughts, the feelings and the sensations. When you identify with thoughts, the "walls" are raised, and when you trust them, they are strengthened. When you trust feelings, the "walls" are reinforced, that is, it is pure conditioning, it is cultural. The ego is a cultural, social product, the result of education. You were educated to be miserable.

In this world, the more human beings study, the more stupid they become. It is a "breadwinner" education. You study, but the thinking remains stupid, narrow, limited. You study a lot, but the "walls" are still standing – jealousy, envy, desire, fear, concepts, prejudices. You may earn a little more money since you studied and now you can buy a luxury car. You are now rich, but a miserable one! There is the miserable poor and the miserable rich. When they die, one goes under the ground and the other goes to a mausoleum. It is a big difference, isn't it?

*Online meeting transcription originally held on May 5th, 2017. First published in Portuguese on January 22nd, 2021. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

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