September 21, 2021

Meditation requires no effort to happen

You may ask me what meditation is. Meditation? Do not meditate about that. If someone orders you to stop thinking and you strive in this direction, you will soon discover there is no way to do that. It means thought happens without you. And, here, we have something interesting to say: in the same way, meditation happens without you. Just like effort will not cease the thoughts, so also meditation requires no effort to happen.

Your Natural State is already meditative when there is no identification with the mind. When there is not this obsession, this fixation, this undue importance we give to thought, then meditation is present – and that is quite natural.

Listen to this carefully. I am saying that when you look at something, thought is not present, but it does arise a second later and, when it does, it says "I want" or "I do not want," "I like" or "I dislike," or anything else. However, at the look moment, at that instant of the look, there is no thought. The same happens with hearing. You hear a sound, and at that very moment you are listening to it, there is no interpretation on it, there is no "I like it," "I do not like it," "it disturbs me," "it does not disturb me," "it is good" or "it is bad." Therefore, I want to invite you to stay there, only with the listening, without judging, translating, interpreting. Stay there with the looking, with the seeing without saying "like" or "dislike." This is possible when you are aware of this thought movement. Such attention puts an end to this conditioned pattern, a mental pattern that is frequently putting us in this unnatural challenge of "being someone," "being something" – "someone" who likes or dislikes something, who listens to, or sees something. Did you get what I say?

To be natural is to not be "someone," here, at this very moment. This is so simple... It's really simple! That is the work. But notice: it is not your work. It is just the work. This because if you do something, you destroy it. You do not interfere in it, and so the work takes place without you. You are not included into it. You are not involved in it. You have nothing to do with that.

Deep inside we have this strong need to "nosing into other's affairs," especially when we are not requested, we have to show up! You do not have to get involved in anything, nor getting involved with everything, but the mind is constantly getting involved with anything, continuously involved with everything. And this interrupts, undoes, your naturalness, your Natural State, which is Silence, Stillness, Peace.

So, I want to say to you: stay there! Even when you go to the "outside," talking, having a conversation, choosing one side, giving your opinions, even if you have to be there, in the "outside", do not leave home, stay therein! This is the art of Being, of being Yourself. This is natural, quite natural. There is a present "discipline," but it is a discipline of a new order. It is the discipline of self-investigation, of meditation and surrender. Is that clear? It comes naturally, as natural as a fish swimming, a bird flying and the Sun shining. This is to be natural.

*Meeting transcription originally held on February, 2012. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

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