September 7, 2021

You are God and there is only Him

It is neither present inside nor outside. What is really present is this Reality, which is not inside or outside. We can call this Reality as Grace, Consciousness, Presence, God... It is always present, outside every notion of space and time.

The reference of thought is the reference of forms. So, you have learned that God is within, and I am here questioning that. It is not inside. It is not outside. Inside and outside are always from thought's perspective and not from Reality. Reality is this Presence always present, here and now.

This Reality makes the birds sing and the flowers bloom. It makes waves crash against rocks and allows your heart to beat. It makes these clouds float in this blue space, which we call the sky, It makes them run smoother or faster...

That Presence always present, always here, always present... here. It is not inside. It is not outside.

Do you know why I invited you? To show you that you are that Presence! This has been my invitation to all who come. Some people are at the right time to receive that invitation, welcome and receive it deeply in their hearts. And others are not at that moment. But my message to the world is: You are Love, You are Happiness, You are Beauty, You are Silence, You are God!

It has been bitter, hard, difficult because you switch What You are for what you are not. You artificially replace this present Reality with this illusory movement of thought within time, which places you into the past and into the future, which creates this notion of inside and outside, making you trust this illusion of the person – of this person that is just a belief. This is an illusion.

You are the Happiness I am. I am the Happiness You are. Time and space... just imagination. Body, mind... just an idea. In and out as well.

You do not need to live in that illusion, in the illusion created, nurtured, fostered by thought. You can be free! And that Freedom can only be realized, seen, demonstrated to you as You to Yourself, here, now! That is why I invite you to abandon the ego, to abandon the sense of being someone who places oneself in an illusory relationship with the world.

An example of this is our so-called affectionate, loving relationships – all based on fear, on the desire to be someone to someone or to have someone to someone you believe you are.

Truth is not that! The Truth is this present Reality that makes the birds sing, the flowers open, each one with its uniqueness, with its scent. The Truth makes every cloud in the sky unique, every dewdrop, every flower that turns into fruit on a tree, and each of those fruits being unique. However, only one Reality is present beyond these shapes, names, colors, flavors and fragrances...

In Satsang, I am giving you a choice, which has always been denied to you. Every choice you know is the choice thought engenders, something imaginary. This means going around in circles, which, in fact, is not a choice. Living in the ego is not a choice, it is going around in circles.

All your conquests, accomplishments, all your satisfaction, pleasure and fulfillment in these relationships – which you end up turning into egoic relationships, where the ego splits in two, into observer and observed thing, into the loved one and the one who loves – always end up in a vicious circle of pain and suffering.

I am giving you a choice – the only one possible, the only real one. This choice means to stop choosing, to stop being in time as a separate entity. It means to be in everyone's heart and to have everyone's heart inside you. It means abandoning the notion of inside and outside to be everything and nothing, to be here and everywhere.

Satsang is to encounter What Is, the association with Reality, the association with Yourself.

You are God! God seeing Himself. God looking at Himself. God in love with Himself. God meeting Himself. Only here exists the one who loves and the one who is loved, God and the devotee, the Guru and the disciple. It is in this sense that the Guru is essential since the Guru is the one who shows you this.

You look at a rosebush and notice that some flowers are no longer buds, they have bloomed. Some of them are still in bud, and others are in all their Grace, in all their Glory, in all their expressions of rose. The Guru is a rose that has blossomed. The disciples are rosebuds. But they are a promise, a beautiful, gorgeous, indescribable, extraordinary promise. It's all already there! There is no separation in the rosebush! It is only one rosebush, the same Life! The touch in the rose bush is the touch of the same Grace, the same Presence! One Life, one sap, One Being!

Awakening, Enlightenment, Self-Realization, whatever you want to call This, means the blossoming of your Real, innate Nature, What You are, now, here. That is why you are coming. Others will also come.

The music of my flute delights the heart! And when you come, you acknowledge yourself, being in the rosebush, being part of this, being this, being all of this!

You were born to be what You are! Nothing more, nothing less than That! And that means being God! There is only Him! The only rosebush, the only rose, all the roses! Thorns are also part of that. Everything is part of this. The rose is not hurt with the thorns. They do not harm the rose, They never reach its petals, its perfume, its dance in the wind when it blows, its delicacy... the thorns can't hurt it at all.

The Guru arrives first, but here the first and the last are irrelevant. A flower that blooms before does not make it a separate being, a different being, a special being. The Guru is important, not because he is special, but rather because, in Him, we can see That which we are, we can smell the scent that we also have, we can see how beautiful is the dance of the rosebush when the wind is blowing, and also see that the thorns are there, but that everything is part of this rosebush.

I want that, my only interest is that you abandon the illusion of choice, the illusion of being in time, going somewhere to be happy or fulfilled there. My only interest is that you abandon the illusion of looking for this on the outside, of trying that way.

God is the only need, What cannot be replaced, What is not outside, is not in power, in wealth, in relationships, in personal achievements... Absolutely! He is there, looking at me now, behind these eyes!

That's it! And that's only this!

*In-person meeting transcription originally held in Ramanashram Gualberto, in Campos do Jordão city/SP-Brazil, on April 2016. First published in Portuguese on May 31st, 2016. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

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