December 28, 2021

The cause of all problems

We talk about problems, don't we?

Someone comes and asks, "What is the cause of all problems?" But then, I ask, "What problems are you talking about?"

First, see, we create an identity. In fiction, in imagination, in thought, we formulate this idea: the idea of a present identity. And this identity carries problems. Problems such as anxiety, fear, worries, every form of internal, psychological disorder... It is inherent to this "identity." Putting this word in quotation marks: "identity" since this "identity" is not real.

So, when you come and ask: "What is the cause of the problems?" I would answer you in a very simple way: the cause of all problems is the illusion of an identity. The illusion of this separate identity is the basis of all forms of problems, which, by the way, is part of this illusion.

So, when we talk about fear, when we talk about anxiety, when we talk about worry, about the conflict of desires, we are talking about an identity present in this experience of a problem. Without the illusion of this identity, there are no problems.

So, what you call a problem, your problem, is the problem of this supposed "me," this supposed entity you believe you to be. If you go deep into this "Who am I?" question, investigating or observing that identity, you will find out, if you go deep into it, that it doesn't exist.

And once you see there is no such identity, through observation, you will unfailingly realize there are no problems. Problems are for the problematic one, but the problematic one does not exist. The problematic one is a construction of thought. This false center, this false "me," is a construction of thought.

So, what is the real cause of all problems? Illusion! The illusion of an identity present to have problems.

So, if you have a fear problem, it's in a relationship between a supposed "I," a supposed present identity, and something. Fear is always present in a relationship of duality.

Then, there is this "me" and the object, or a reason for the fear. But actually, both appear together. So, this duality between subject and object, between this "me" and the other thing is the basis of this problem, for example, called fear.

If you take that element out of that experience, sensation remains, but the problem doesn't. You cannot confuse the experience itself with the problem. The problem presupposes a present identity, resisting, fighting, wanting to get rid of, trying to protect itself, or attacking in some way. That's when we have a problem.

Life doesn't carry problems. The mind never stops having problems. It is inherent, it is in the nature of the dualistic mind, the separatist mind, the egoic mind, to carry problems!

So, the recommendation is: get rid of this false center, recognize your own Being, live in your Essential Nature! That's the end of the sense of separation. That's the end of duality. That's the end of conflict. That's the end of problems.

There is no problem without this false center, there is no problem without this "me," this "sense of person," this ego-identity, with its innumerable images, with its searches, escapes, desires, resistances... Without this movement, there is no conflict, there is no problem.

Then, there is no problem! Your Divine State is your Natural State, and that Natural State has no problems. So, the cause of problems is the illusion of a separate identity, a false identity in resistance to Life, in resistance to this movement of What Is, of That which is present, here and now! It's always like that, always like that.

December, 2021
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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