February 27, 2025

The Search for Spirituality | What is Mindfulness? | How to Overcome Insecurity? | Master Gualberto

People have the idea that they will find spirituality. That is why they embark on this so-called search for spirituality. Here on the channel, we have several videos dealing with this topic.

Why is it that people are on this search for spirituality? What is the purpose of someone becoming spiritual? Generally, the belief is that you become a better person, a special person. You achieve a status that sets you apart from others around you. Notice, what is behind all this? It is still ambition, vanity, the desire to be special. Note, it is purely egoic. Here, we are inviting you to ask questions, to look, to listen, to investigate all these issues. Or perhaps your search for spirituality is to solve problems.

Human beings carry many problems. So, you end up believing that a spiritual or spiritualized person has no problems. There is always the idea of a person in conquest, in a goal, in achievement. Here, we are investigating with you this question of the person.

What is the person? Who am I? If your purpose in life is to discover the truth, this is entirely different from finding a position or a privileged place to be someone there. The encounter with the truth is the revelation of divine science, the science of God.

It is not about this so-called spirituality, as humans identify it. We have many perspectives, ways of approaching, looking, asking, investigating, already with a purpose, with a goal, with an ideal. This ideal, purpose, goal, is still seated in the ego, in this model of being someone seeking something.

We have some things here to show you, actually to see with you. It is necessary that within you, there is something very honest in this direction of the encounter with the truth and not with a place, a position, or prominence, or power that a goal, a target, this so-called spirituality, might give you.

Here, we are with you on this channel, showing you that a new life is possible, a new way of acting. But this requires a new way of feeling and a new way of thinking. And we cannot have this within this format, within this program, within this way of being that we have received from culture, society, the world, and also tradition.

Our tradition is religious, philosophical, political, familial. What has this given us? Today, you are, what, 30 years old, 40, 50? Or are you just 20 years old? Or have you passed 60? What we receive from society, the world, is a model of feeling, a model of thinking, a model of acting based on the cultural, social, educational values we receive. We are competitive, vain, ambitious; we have internal psychological characteristics of arrogance. This is vanity.

It is in this sense that I use here the expression vain. It is not about taking care of your hair, or doing your nails. That is not what makes you vain. Being someone is vanity.

Taking care of your hair or nails does not make someone vain. Someone is vanity for being someone, for carrying this psychological sense of being someone in the world. Here, we are seeing with you the illusion of being someone and the problems it brings.

One aspect of being someone-this is just one example; we have countless others for you-it would be better if you looked at your own life and directly perceived what we are addressing here. In fact, this is how these issues are resolved, when we, by ourselves, become aware of it.

It is not about hearing a talk like this and following this language or this way of speaking to later reflect on it. It is important that you follow this and discover this in living, in your own life, everything we have shared here with you. So, the tip is for you to notice in your own life these examples of this sense of being someone and the problem it causes you.

So, this question of being someone, for example, this is just one, take note of the others, in life, in your living. Your relationship with your husband, with your wife, with your child, with your family, is nothing other than the relationship you have with yourself. If you are not in peace, in silence, in serenity, in stillness, in love, in yourself, with yourself, in the relationship with him or her, conflict is established. Because if you are not in your natural state of being, which is the state free from this sense of the "I," of the ego, it becomes burdensome, heavy, difficult, unmanageable. See, with yourself, this is what you reflect, this is what you share, this is what you divide in relationships.

So, your way of dealing with your wife stems from the way you are dealing with yourself. If you are restless, your relationship with him or her is one of restlessness. If you are not at peace, your relationship with her or him is one of lack of peace.

Your way of dealing with the person you believe you are is, naturally, the way of dealing with the other, as you believe the other is. Notice how important it is for us to have a new look at this moment for the novelty of life at this moment.

Right now, at this moment we are together here, it has never happened before, and it will not happen again. So, it is not something that happened, nor is it something that will happen. Note, life is like this.

It is a novelty. We are always facing a new moment, and everything is new in this moment. With a new moment, your contact with the person you are talking to is a new contact, and you are facing a new person.

Notice how important this is. But the thought, the feeling, the sensation in you, something that comes from this movement of the past because it comes from this movement of the image, of the mental representation you have about yourself, is now in contact with this moment, from this place. Notice how fascinating it is for us to have this understanding. Your state, which is the state of the "I," of the ego, of this element that comes from the past, which is this person, as you see yourself, notice, is a portrait of the thought about you, of the feeling about how you feel, of the emotion of how you are feeling at this moment.

This comes from the past; it has nothing to do with this moment. It has to do with this element that usually shows itself at this instant, in this present moment, to deal with this novelty, which is the novelty of life. And this does not adjust.

And there is no way an adjustment can occur between the past and this instant. This is the sense of the "I." When you ask: after all, what is the ego? The ego is this: it is the person who comes from the past, who faces this moment and tries to adjust their feeling, their thinking, their acting to what is here in this moment.

This produces conflict, disorder, problems, confusion, suffering. Are we together? Your contact with the person you are seeing in front of you is a mental representation you bring from the past about who they are because you have memory records of him or her. So, your contact with him or her is not real because it is established in this time, which is the past.

This is the egocentric model of being, feeling, and acting in relationships. So, this is an example.

The husband has been with the wife for ten years. In reality, he has not been with her for ten years. What he has of the last ten years of living with her is a set of images.

This set of images is in relationships. So, the husband has been with her for ten years, and she has been with the husband for ten years, but, in reality, there is no truth of the relationship because what we have is a game between images of ten years of relationships. Naturally, all these relationships are based on the ego, on the "I." He has his interests, and she has her interests.

What do we have in this relationship? Agreements, negotiations, egocentric adjustments, personal adjustments of images. We are not in real contact with life as it is. This game, which is the game of the "I," of the ego, in relationships, does not fit, does not adjust to life as it is, as it is actually happening at this moment. So, what exists between people? Agreements, adjustments, a model of thinking, acting, feeling that is egocentric. We do not have the truth of the relationship free from the ego, and therefore, we do not have the presence of truth, the presence of love, of happiness. We have pleasure, we have fulfillment, satisfaction, but we also have the misadjustments.

Beyond the adjustments, we have suffering, conflicts, and clashing interests.

So, couples fight and love each other. They feel anger towards one another and then exchange caresses, kisses, and affection. This is how our relationships are with neighbors, with coworkers. All of this happens because what I am is not well. This "me," this "I," is egocentric. It is self-centered. It is exclusively involved with itself, but in a negotiation of interests, bargaining, and exchange of pleasure and sensation.

I know all of this sounds very strange to you, but notice, this is a fact, this is how it is. If I carry fear, fear is present in my relationships. If I carry distrust, that is present in those relationships.

It's very interesting when people ask: how to overcome insecurity? Notice: how to overcome insecurity? Basically, this question is about how to overcome insecurity in relationships. But what is insecurity? Insecurity is the presence of fear.

But what is fear? Is your fear of the other, or is your fear just fear? Our relationships are sustained by desire, pleasure, and fear because there is dependency, attachment, possession, and control. There's a whole game behind it that sustains our relationships. While they are advantageous, the sense of "I" feels good, comfortable. But when these relationships are threatened, there is resentment, worry, jealousy, envy, insecurity, and fear.

Can we approach life at this moment without this sense of "I," of "me," of ego? If this approach exists, the relationship with him or her will be real because it will no longer be established within this game; it will no longer stabilize within this model, which is the model of the image I have about who they are, about who I am, and about what I need. When there is no longer the sense of "I," of ego, we have the truth of relationships because we have the presence of love.

Try looking at him or her without the image you have of him or her. Try this. Notice that this requires attention to this moment, which, in general, we do not have.

The ability to look at the husband without the image, at the wife without the image, at someone you know without the past, without this element of self-image, which is the image you have of yourself. Then it becomes possible to look at him or her without the image you have of them. At that moment, we have an encounter with something new.

This new thing is the novelty of life; it is life as it is here and now. Without the "I," without the ego, without the past. Here on this channel, we are working with you on life in love, in freedom, in peace, in happiness. This is present when, in relationships, the sense of "I," of this "me," of this ego, does not enter.

Of course, this requires work, inner work to end this psychological conditioning, where we are repeating everything we learned throughout all these years of life, which was to sustain this self-image and this unconscious way of dealing with the experience of the present moment, where this game always prevails-the games of images, where the sense of "I," of ego, prevails. So, when people ask: how to overcome insecurity? We need to approach the attention to this entire movement of the "I," of the ego, of this "me." So, what is mindfulness? This is a topic of ours here on the channel, one of the subjects we are working on with you: What is mindfulness?

What is bringing to this moment the awareness of being, in the absence of the "I"? This awareness of being reveals this moment as a moment free from an identity present, which is this self-image, which is this element that looks from this image it has about who it is, creating images about the people with whom this self-image relates. So, bringing attention to this moment is discovering what it is to look at this moment without the past. Try this-looking at the wife, at the husband, at the children, at the boss at work, at the coworker, looking without beliefs, ideas, opinions, conclusions, without this feeling, thinking of liking or disliking.

So, we need this art of attention, of mindfulness, of full attention to this moment. Learning to look without the observer, to look without the thinker, to look without the thought, without the ideas, opinions, and judgments about what is here and now in this moment, about life as it happens, about people as they present themselves, about the world as it is. Then, something reveals itself at this moment when there is this full attention. So, this is the approach to self-awareness.

To the truth of what is present in this moment, which is beyond the "I," beyond this self-image, beyond the past. So, this is our topic here with you on this channel and also on our other channels. You have the link in the video description to learn more.

Additionally, we have in-person meetings and retreats where we are working on this with you in person during multi-day gatherings. And besides these meetings, we have our online meetings, which take place on weekends. On Saturday and Sunday, we are together, investigating this with you through questions and answers and within a context of approaching meditation.

If what you have just heard makes sense to you, our WhatsApp number is here in the video description for these online meetings. If everything you've heard truly makes sense, leave your like here, subscribe to the channel, and comment here: yes, it makes sense. Okay? And we'll see each other.

Thanks for the meeting, and see you next time.

December, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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