This meeting is another opportunity to self-enquiry. It is an invitation from Consciousness to Consciousness. It is not an invitation to the mind, as it is unable to know anything.
We have a sort of objective consciousness, and even that is not the mind knowing something. As the mind is unable to know anything, it cannot enlist itself to this investigation, being just one more object.
So, what we name as “objective consciousness” is a just a perception of this Consciousness, unlimited and undefinable. The mind, indeed, is confined into this limit of knowledge and experience. What we investigate in these meetings, in this invitation to Consciousness, is the movement of the mind.
Therefore, this invitation is from Consciousness, within Consciousness and to the Consciousness. Everything the mind apparently is able to know is knowledge within this Consciousness. The mind is just a perceiving element, and all it can do is to perceive its own limitation, which happens through this investigation of Consciousness.
We can say the mind can explore its limitation, and this is what happens in this self-enquiry: you realize how limited is this sense of “me” in the mind, how limited is this perception and knowledge. So, this is the only thing you can find out within this self-enquiry. I see this in a very simple way. I do not know if you can see how simple is for the mind to notice its own self-limitation, beliefs, images, concepts, its notion of future and past.
Every mind’s experience is about perception, however, the True Nature, that is Consciousness, is beyond the mind and its perception. This acknowledgment through self-enquiry allows the mind to disconnect from this movement of identification with the experience, from the imagination of being an “identity.”
Throughout all this mind’s perception, there is something beyond it: the Reality, which does not need to be forgotten, but this is what happens when there is no attention to mind’s movement. The ordinary person is confined to this self-forgetfulness, as he or she is identified with the mind and its perceptions. So, that ends up being the person itself, although not being, in a way that this Consciousness gets dressed up as a person. Yet this Clarity, the Awakening or the complete Vision of the Truth is always a Mystery.
This is just like looking at the mirror and saying: “I am there!” Now, this “I am” has an entirely different meaning than what the mind knows, it is absolutely unknown, a great mystery. This Self-recognition is named as Awakening or Enlightenment, which is the Comprehension that experience and action are not yours, that thought, body and world are no longer yours, nor what You really are. We remain in What we are when mind, body and world are not important anymore. In your Natural State of Being, which is Meditation, you just allow yourself to think, feel, perceive and experience, moment by moment, without the illusion “you” are there, leading, moving, changing and making that happen. All this is just happening.
When no work on yourself is going on, you mistake yourself for this present thinking, feeling and perceiving, that you name as “me” - here lies your identification with an imagination.
You imagine a room, people in this room, situations and things happening, and all this is being perceived, seen, analyzed and understood by a “witness.” Mind says you are this “witness,” but this is a trick, it is utterly mind’s perception, as no witness is there. There is only this biological and functional movement of the brain, of the body and of the senses within this experience. It is so fascinating!
Consciousness does not play any role here, within this illusion. Its role lies in being the basis for everything, but there is no “person,” no “witness” in there. It is just the basis of this impersonal phenomenon.
Everything appearing is just impersonal phenomena from this Consciousness, in this Consciousness, to this Consciousness. So, even the experience you call as “fear” is not happening to the “person”, but to a psychologically conditioned pattern.
Your Essential Nature does not experience fear, but the mind does. Since you mistake yourself for the mind, through this imagination, “you” are in fear.
There are smart, no smart, healthy, sick, happy, unhappy, tall, short, fat and thin people, but this is just an impersonal Consciousness phenomenon, as these people, these forms are no separate identities. All kind of people are inside a room, but no “person” is there, as everything is just a phenomenon within Consciousness.
Consciousness is What we are. To assume your True Nature is to enjoy Love, Peace, Happiness, without mistaking yourself for the body, the mind and the world anymore. This is the goal! So, we allow everything to be as it is. When you allow everything to be what it is, You are What you are! When you mistake yourself for the mind, when you resist and don’t allow everything to be as it is, things to be as they are, you are identified with the illusion of a false “me,” and then you are miserable, unhappy.
You, in your Being, cannot be unhappy! Out of your Being, you will always be miserable, there will always be this resistance against the present Truth - present here and now – against this impersonal Truth, in which there is no “you” to control, voice, judge, compare, evaluate, accept or reject.
However, the mind is persistent, the ego is very persistent. This distinguishes the Sage from the fool, the Self-realized one from those who have not assumed the Truth about themselves: the fool one believes to exist and to be in control; the Sage knows he or she is not there, there is nothing to control. So, one is Happy and settled in his or her Being, and the other is tense, miserable, settled in his or her mind.
So, mind is this set of concepts and beliefs arising and assuming a false place. Look at this closely and disidentify from the mind! Thanks for the meeting! Namaste!
We have a sort of objective consciousness, and even that is not the mind knowing something. As the mind is unable to know anything, it cannot enlist itself to this investigation, being just one more object.
So, what we name as “objective consciousness” is a just a perception of this Consciousness, unlimited and undefinable. The mind, indeed, is confined into this limit of knowledge and experience. What we investigate in these meetings, in this invitation to Consciousness, is the movement of the mind.
Therefore, this invitation is from Consciousness, within Consciousness and to the Consciousness. Everything the mind apparently is able to know is knowledge within this Consciousness. The mind is just a perceiving element, and all it can do is to perceive its own limitation, which happens through this investigation of Consciousness.
We can say the mind can explore its limitation, and this is what happens in this self-enquiry: you realize how limited is this sense of “me” in the mind, how limited is this perception and knowledge. So, this is the only thing you can find out within this self-enquiry. I see this in a very simple way. I do not know if you can see how simple is for the mind to notice its own self-limitation, beliefs, images, concepts, its notion of future and past.
Every mind’s experience is about perception, however, the True Nature, that is Consciousness, is beyond the mind and its perception. This acknowledgment through self-enquiry allows the mind to disconnect from this movement of identification with the experience, from the imagination of being an “identity.”
Throughout all this mind’s perception, there is something beyond it: the Reality, which does not need to be forgotten, but this is what happens when there is no attention to mind’s movement. The ordinary person is confined to this self-forgetfulness, as he or she is identified with the mind and its perceptions. So, that ends up being the person itself, although not being, in a way that this Consciousness gets dressed up as a person. Yet this Clarity, the Awakening or the complete Vision of the Truth is always a Mystery.
This is just like looking at the mirror and saying: “I am there!” Now, this “I am” has an entirely different meaning than what the mind knows, it is absolutely unknown, a great mystery. This Self-recognition is named as Awakening or Enlightenment, which is the Comprehension that experience and action are not yours, that thought, body and world are no longer yours, nor what You really are. We remain in What we are when mind, body and world are not important anymore. In your Natural State of Being, which is Meditation, you just allow yourself to think, feel, perceive and experience, moment by moment, without the illusion “you” are there, leading, moving, changing and making that happen. All this is just happening.
When no work on yourself is going on, you mistake yourself for this present thinking, feeling and perceiving, that you name as “me” - here lies your identification with an imagination.
You imagine a room, people in this room, situations and things happening, and all this is being perceived, seen, analyzed and understood by a “witness.” Mind says you are this “witness,” but this is a trick, it is utterly mind’s perception, as no witness is there. There is only this biological and functional movement of the brain, of the body and of the senses within this experience. It is so fascinating!
Consciousness does not play any role here, within this illusion. Its role lies in being the basis for everything, but there is no “person,” no “witness” in there. It is just the basis of this impersonal phenomenon.
Everything appearing is just impersonal phenomena from this Consciousness, in this Consciousness, to this Consciousness. So, even the experience you call as “fear” is not happening to the “person”, but to a psychologically conditioned pattern.
Your Essential Nature does not experience fear, but the mind does. Since you mistake yourself for the mind, through this imagination, “you” are in fear.
There are smart, no smart, healthy, sick, happy, unhappy, tall, short, fat and thin people, but this is just an impersonal Consciousness phenomenon, as these people, these forms are no separate identities. All kind of people are inside a room, but no “person” is there, as everything is just a phenomenon within Consciousness.
Consciousness is What we are. To assume your True Nature is to enjoy Love, Peace, Happiness, without mistaking yourself for the body, the mind and the world anymore. This is the goal! So, we allow everything to be as it is. When you allow everything to be what it is, You are What you are! When you mistake yourself for the mind, when you resist and don’t allow everything to be as it is, things to be as they are, you are identified with the illusion of a false “me,” and then you are miserable, unhappy.
You, in your Being, cannot be unhappy! Out of your Being, you will always be miserable, there will always be this resistance against the present Truth - present here and now – against this impersonal Truth, in which there is no “you” to control, voice, judge, compare, evaluate, accept or reject.
However, the mind is persistent, the ego is very persistent. This distinguishes the Sage from the fool, the Self-realized one from those who have not assumed the Truth about themselves: the fool one believes to exist and to be in control; the Sage knows he or she is not there, there is nothing to control. So, one is Happy and settled in his or her Being, and the other is tense, miserable, settled in his or her mind.
So, mind is this set of concepts and beliefs arising and assuming a false place. Look at this closely and disidentify from the mind! Thanks for the meeting! Namaste!
*Online meeting transcription, originally held on March 23rd, 2020 – First published in Portuguese on July, 17th, 2020. For more information about our meetings, click here.
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