November 20, 2020

What hinders Real Happiness?

What hinders Real Happiness? Our purpose in this meeting is to investigate the nature of this obstacle. We are not investigating Reality, Truth or Happiness, but rather the nature of this obstacle. The great barrier - perhaps the greatest one - is the unexamined belief in the Truth about yourself. You do not know who you are, but you have lots of ideas about it.
To be willing to live the Truth means to be willing to abandon all beliefs, which means abandoning the personal identity (the sense of person upholds the beliefs and vice versa). Your major barrier is linked exactly to this!
The thoughts you have about yourself uphold the ones you have about life. Basically, this is how it happens. What keeps your world is what you believe to be indeed. Unconscious beliefs manifest and uphold this model within the body and the mind - this is the basis of the false identity.
How do you feel at this current moment? What sensations appear in your body? What kinds of thoughts appear in your mind now? How are your beliefs appearing now? Everything you are feeling right now is conditioned by a belief-shaped model. If you feel sorrow, this is being configured by the current thought model. If you feel joy, another thought model is present there. If you are feeling something in the body, some sensation, it is linked to a certain thought model, a belief model.
You are so identified with thoughts that you do not even notice what they trigger in this body-mind mechanism. Your set of beliefs upholds this model of a present identity within the body. This is completely false, but not how your body-mind feels, as you are mistaking yourself for this "mechanism,” for this state of beliefs.
You see yourself inside the body, having a mind inside that body. This is a representation pattern you have about yourself. The Sages name this as "dream state" or "unconscious state." This is not Real! From the standpoint of Reality, the present Truth, you are literally sleeping! Do you realize how important this is?
Obviously, this is not easily accepted as real. This existence model is what is easily accepted, instead of what is being proposed here. Our invitation is for you to find out the structure, the basis upholding suffering, for you to understand this barrier. Then, you become more and more aware of the Reality about yourself.
You can go beyond the belief, beyond that identity present in the body; so that a change takes place in this entire structure, in this mechanism. It is evident it does not always seem easy, since your beliefs are deeply based, anchored in that feeling, that thought, that emotion, that sensation. You are addicted to it for such a long time.
I have been talking about it quite a lot. I have been using new words and ideas to talk about What is beyond them. So, leave your ideas, your beliefs, your models, your conditioned patterns behind. You may have read a lot of books, heard several speeches, watched lots of videos, but that did not work and will not work. Now, you believe in other things, but it is still an intellectual act, still within the mind, and you have not yet excelled it. You have quite specific beliefs and I am here to show you they are your hurdles.
Some beliefs are basic and simple, posing no barriers to Realization. For example: you believe the Earth is round, water’s chemical formula is H2O and Gravity’s Law is a fact. You are not a chemist, not a scientist, so you believe in what they say, but they are still intellectual beliefs.
So, you have thousands upon thousands of beliefs not posing any sort of barrier to your Realization, to your Happiness, to the Realization of the Truth about yourself. However, some other beliefs, addressed in Satsang, need to vanish, to disappear: the belief in who you are, in a separate existence, in an existing separate identity at this present moment, "The world, God, and me." There is no "me," there is no "world" and God is not what one imagines.
So, the point here is not to be free from beliefs, as some of them are harmless. When drinking a glass of water, you do not need to know the water’s formula, nor to have the scientific proof of that; you can keep on believing H2O is water’s chemical formula. But from the standpoint of Consciousness, of the Real Nature of Being, this belief in who you are poses you the main barrier and you must abandon it completely.
The major part of the people live within these beliefs, that uphold further beliefs. True Happiness, true Freedom is far greater than any belief. It is beyond any idea, any description.
Realization requires an openness, that is the vulnerability of living without those beliefs. For a flower to blossom, it must open itself up; for you to become free, you must be open to the Truth about yourself, which is the end of the illusion of the belief in this false “me.” Then, like a flower, when you open yourself up, you bloom.
*Online meeting transcription, originally held on February 16, 2018 - First published in Portuguese on May 17, 2018. For further information about the meetings, click here.

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