November 2, 2020

Are past and future a real experience?

We have a great opportunity tonight, at one more meeting, one more moment in this investigation, in this immersion, for this plunge into the Source, into the heart of all things. This core of everything is beyond the thought, which is quite interesting. Thought creates the illusion of past, of future and of this present moment as being the real now; and life within the mind revolves around present, past and future. Life within the mind revolves around the thought, which creates the illusion of a separate life, of a separate existence. Without the thought, there is nothing similar to past, present or future. Without the thought there is nothing similar to a separate life. The beauty of Self-realization lies in verifying that.
Notice that past and future are only thoughts. We do not truly experience the past or the future within them, as they are not real experiences. We only experience the present thought, because neither past nor future are real experiences; they are simply thoughts. Notice how interesting this matter of thought is. In Satsang, you are going beyond thought, beyond this illusion.
Are past and future true experiences? Are they real experiences? What do you have now, at this moment, when you talk about past or future? All you have present is simply the thought. See how interesting this is, how thought has fascinated, hypnotized us, and how it has made us believe in a separate existence, the existence of "someone…" The beauty of Self-realization is the end of time, of the illusion of time! Do you see that? You stop giving importance to thoughts.
So, time is an imagined thing... Life is an imagined thing... Person is an imagined thing. This moment is this Presence, the only Reality, and It is beyond thought. All that exists is this ever present now, out of time. Eternity is out of time. Time is just a thought, like a veil trying to cover Reality. This eternity is just another name for Consciousness, Presence, the Self, our Real Divine Nature.
Participant: Master, when I "notice" a thought, it disappears; so, it seems to be unreal. But after a while, I find myself again wandering on unnecessary thoughts.
Master Gualberto: It is exactly that. The nature of the egoic mind is to produce thoughts and then to wander on these thoughts. This is the mind’s life, life within time. The egoic mind is in the past, in the present or in the future; all it does in the present moment is to project itself to the future or to the past, imagining what apparently happened or what may happen, which are only thoughts - and all thoughts are unnecessary. Life does not need the thought. Life happens within Eternity, that is not the eternity of an infinite time period, but rather the Eternity of the absence of time, of the non-need for time, outside of the time.
Other names for Eternity are Presence, Consciousness, Being... pure Being, our Real Nature. Time overlapping this Eternity is just a thought. There is no time within which we move in action... there is no movement within Consciousness - the Self does not move. Is that clear?
Therefore, it is not about words, but rather the Awareness of this Presence, this Presence as Consciousness. It is this Real Now. It is not the simple present moment, which is also only an imagination within time that will become past. We are talking about something out of time illusion. This present moment is time. The past moment is time. The future moment is time…and everything is appearing and disappearing, arising by overlapping this timeless Reality, this Eternity, this Presence, this Consciousness.
Notice that there is no person on it, there is no personal life there. Personal life is the story, which is time, thought, imagination. Here it gets clear that all this is an illusion, just a belief, an idea; "a person" present in this room is only an idea. There are no people in this room, and it is fascinating to comprehend this... To access this is what I call "to comprehend," because you cannot reach this intellectually, but only understand it. I want to use here the term "to comprehend," which means going beyond the intellect and therefore, beyond the understanding. You cannot understand this, as understanding means getting some piece of verbal and intellectual knowledge about this Thing, which is useless, and you find that everywhere, on books, on Facebook… everywhere.
There is plenty knowledge available about this, easy to understand, but no comprehension remains in this “understanding.” Comprehension means not understanding, but rather realization, and I invite you to comprehend This. I do not invite you to understand It intellectually or verbally, nor to know and even to be able to explain It, because this is useless - it is just more knowledge. Regarding this "matter" here, which is not a subject or a matter of discussion for you to learn, every knowledge is garbage, useless. You need to plunge into your Being, see That directly!
Let’s stop here. Good night everyone. Namaste!
*Online meeting transcription originally held on June 29th, 2016 on Paltalk app - First published in Portuguese on July 18th, 2016. For further information about the meetings, click here.

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