November 27, 2020

There is no way to attain Self-realization if you are identified with the mind

The approach you have in this space called Satsang is meant to show you the great illusion the mind has been living. As you have always been identified with the mind, you take it as your reality, as if it were the reality of your life.
If you discover how to explore the Real Nature of Consciousness, you will find out It does not have these objective interpretations. In other words, the way of conceptualizing life around you is the way the mind knows, classifying everything around itself. In Satsang, you are approaching Wisdom, you are in an encounter with the Truth. This is the meaning of the word Satsang.
In the mind, you carry several concepts, beliefs, opinions and conclusions, and you consider them real to you. However, here lies the illusion of this false “me,” of this "person" who, for example, seems to be listening to someone at this moment - someone listening to someone. These are the objective mind’s interpretations. Mind, in its illusion, makes everything objective around itself, placing itself as the subject. So, the mind is the subject, the "me," and everything surrounding it is the "non-me." This is the concept, the belief, the illusion of separation. This Consciousness is the Nature of the Self, is your Real Nature. It does not have these objective qualities. This is a sheer mind’s creation!
So, the way you are living within the mind is totally mistaken. It is a totally illusory life! What is known as "human life," "personal life," is similar to the dream you have at night. When you wake up in the morning, you notice there was no reality in it, it was just the mind creating images, producing experiences, and all of that was inside the mind. That world in the dream was not an objective reality. That sound-images-people experiences present in your dream, all of that was as unreal as you were in such experience. Everything in your dream was built through concepts and beliefs. So, objects, people, sensations, all these experiences were only within the mind. Everything was sheer imagination.
This world of yours, which is the mind’s world, is the same dream’s world you have at night, while the Truth of your Consciousness, of your Real Nature is beyond that. The purpose of this meeting is for you to find out the Reality, the Truth about yourself. If this is clear, there is no more illusion; the mind collapses!
There is no suitable name for this Realization. Some call it Awakening. This Reality is the Reality of Silence. All the mind knows are names and forms, they are experiences produced by the mind itself, but we are pointing out "something" beyond the mind, "something" beyond this illusion of the "me." The mind cannot apprehend the Reality, cannot reach That.
Mind always lies in the field of duality, which is the field of its own experience - subject and object. Everything the mind knows is within that duality. The mind splits itself between mind and body, mind and world. However, there is no subject and object; there is no thought and thinker. Thinker is just a thought creating the illusion of an entity responsible for thinking. There is neither thinker nor thought; this is just a thought’s belief. There is no mind, body and world. There is no vigil state, no dreaming state, no deep sleep, no death and no postmortem state. All this is only mind’s creation.
Every day you have the experience of talking to other people, having thoughts, feelings and emotions, but this is not true. This is only the mind in itself, by itself, experiencing itself. Even if you have an encounter of third kind, a contact with extraterrestrials, this will also be within the mind’s experience. There is nothing outside the mind and its experience. Ego is eager for mystical, esoteric, spiritual, extraphysical experiences. This is the mind’s search for extraordinary sensations. Ego loves this kind of flight of fancy.
Truth is the end of the mind and its experience; It is when the mind collapses, falls, disappears. The mind itself is made up of concepts, appearances, names and beliefs. So, every experience is mind’s projection. Actually, the mind itself is built by these projections, which are not separate from it; these projections are the very own mind.
When your history ends, the mind, the ego, which is the illusion of that sense of a separate "me," also ends. Then, there is no mind, there is no body and there is no world. Your Natural State is Being! This is Meditation, Consciousness, Freedom!
I have just one more thing to say to you: all this movement, this dream is just a dance of the Consciousness. The problem lies not in this dance, not in the movement itself. The problem arises when you try to assume the place of Reality. Therefore, you are - and will always be - facing a paradox. You cannot reach the Truth. There is no way to realize That identified with the mind, taking the mind as real.
*Online meeting transcription, originally held on January 29, 2018 - First published in Portuguese on May 23, 2018. For further information about the meetings, click here.

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