November 23, 2020

Intelligence is the Blossoming of Consciousness

Satsang means being in good company, in Divine, Sacred company. That is an opportunity to deepen the Understanding of your Self. The commonplace is the internal psychological disorder, conflict, fear and suffering. However, Clarity, Intelligence, Wisdom are not like this. In these meetings, we are interested in observing That closely, in knowing That directly, in recognizing the Truth we are.
However, this kind of meeting is pointless to those not read yet to this moment. Here, evaluation, judgment or comparison of any type sound very strange, as it is not about listening to a subject from knowledge viewpoint. Knowledge only distorts what is being said.
Another important thing here is that we are not interested in words, in hearing or in knowing words, as Truth cannot be reveled through them, but rather through straightforward experience. You live That when you directly feel what is being pointed out here; it is not about verbal, analytical, philosophical, intellectual understanding. So, be a little patient and find out the meaning of listening without a knowledge background. You do not need knowledge here.
Truth cannot be nourished like a plant in the garden. Truth is not like that; It is not cultivable. In other words, there are no steps or levels to reach That; it is not Something you acquire step by step. So, this sounds completely strange in relation to everything the mind knows, even because it does not concern the mind’s knowledge.
Generally, you live in inattention, and Satsang is an invitation to Conscious, Intelligent Life, to the Freedom from all confusion the mind knows. You know all the mind knows is the experience of confusion. In the mind, life is confusion; you are in confusion, that is lack of clarity, lack of silence, lack of peace.
Thoughts produce confusion. Within yourself, images, beliefs, values, motives and reasons are leading to confusion. Seeing the world, seeing yourself and life through thought lens is pure confusion. Nevertheless, this has become the normal state in people’s lives, entangled with every kind of confusion - psychological, financial, emotional, familial, political, social, and so forth. Confusion is the way of living when there is no Intelligence. When there is no Freedom, what you call as “your life” is in disarray throughout different aspects and areas, producing more and more suffering, conflict and, of course, more disorder.
On the other hand, Intelligence is the Blossoming of Consciousness, present when you leave the disordered, confused, conflictive, fearful mind circuit. Consciousness is the Source of all manifestation! It entails a huge and extraordinary power! It is the Source of everything; it is the inexplicable and extraordinary Intelligence!
You cannot enjoy this Intelligence living confined into the mind’s limitations. Scientists say the brain has great potential, being a great part not used. I do not know what they exactly mean by that, but I know what I am saying to you here: there is a huge Intelligence potential within Consciousness, beyond the brain itself, beyond brain’s capabilities.
Awakening, Enlightenment or God’s Realization is the blooming of that Consciousness, this supreme and powerful Intelligence. You cannot learn That from your parents, from society or by following politicians, as there is no "political intelligence." Political science is not intelligent. Politics is the absence of Intelligence, since it is the mind on agreements. When there is Intelligence, there are no agreements but rather a clear Vision - "what it is" and "what it is not". It is simple like that!
Therefore, you cannot learn this from politics, from your parents, relatives or society. If you love this movement of culture, society, politics, if you love to be a militant of these things, to voice your opinion, to analyze, to study agreements, that is, if you love the mind and its movement, all you have is limitation. You cannot know Reality by being stuck within illusion. You cannot discover the Divine Truth while attached to these patterns of mediocrity. In this space called Satsang - the encounter with the Truth - it is possible to find out this clear Vision of Life, when everything the mind builds (all this culture, this humanistic, social, political, religious, philosophical vision, and so on) does not matter anymore. When you find out your Real Nature, your Divine Nature, you see yourself in your Being and out of this “mind’s game,” beyond this imaginary story, this imaginary concept of being “someone” in the world living this so-called “human history.” That’s when all the confusion, disorder and suffering end.
Satsang means being vulnerable to this Blooming, to this Intelligence. This is what I have called as Meditation. Meditation is neither reflection, nor a silence imposed by some technique or method. I am not talking about a meditation technique with a starting and ending point. I am talking about the absence of the mind and all the movement it is able to do, including the movement to be silent, to be still, to slow down.
Meditation can reveal That, and there lies the “end of the game”. When I say "end of the game," I am not saying it ends, but rather that You are beyond it. Therefore, the “game” goes on, but since you are currently beyond it, You enjoy it, without mistaking yourself for it. In reality, when you see yourself in your Essential Nature, You are the “game” itself, you are not trapped in it anymore.
It is like looking at a chessboard, on which you are no longer the pawn, you are no longer the king, you are no longer a piece of that game. You are the game itself, but you are beyond it. In Satsang, when we go deeper, when we immerse ourselves into That, realizing this non-identification with the “game,” with the “me,” with this psychological sense of being “someone,” it gets clear that this “someone” is merely a fantasy, a belief, an appearance, just an image.
What is Enlightenment, then? It means knowing the “game,” going beyond it and being the game itself. In other words, it is settling in and enjoying Life as it is, without confronting, conflicting, resisting or causing any disorder. How worth is that? If you get deeply involved in It, you will discover the price, which will be insignificant given the value of That. However, you cannot know how worth is That without first approaching and looking at It closely, at what It represents.
You remain identified with these stories, with the story of the character you believe to be, with a name, in short, with this presumption of being "someone," an "entity." You see the body in the mirror and say "I," but it is only a body. When someone undergoes an accident resulting in amputated limbs, such as a finger, a hand or a part of the arm, this person will never say again that is his or her limb; let alone the injured person will say: "I am that hand," "I am that arm" or "I am that finger."
So, this idea you are inside the body is completely illusory, because You are the One who sees the body and these objects in front of you. This hand and this body are not You, just like this chair where this body is sitting. All of this is only an appearance! When you are awake, you see all this, but in deep sleep you know nothing about this body or this world.
*Online meeting transcription originally held on June 10th, 2020 - First published in Portuguese on September 10th, 2020. For further information about our meetings, click here.

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