February 15, 2022

Appreciation and rejection

Let's talk a little about this issue of appreciation and rejection. If you search for appreciation, you inevitably carry the fear of rejection.

Now we'll definitely solve this. Who, within you, is this one who loves being appreciated? If not appreciated, seen, recognized, or worst rejected or deprecated, who is this one that suffers? Who is this one?

So here we are before the most important point. The truth about this is one's self-image that feels appreciated or rejected, and this self-image is the one that searches for appreciation and runs away or rejects, repels the rejection.

Therefore, your work is to become aware of the Truth about who You are, and definitely stop mistaking yourself for this character you believe to be, for this image the mind is creating, keeping and upholding about you.

The fact is that you spend your whole life experiencing internal states of feelings based on self-image. So, your relationships are all based on this self-image. You deal with the world around you based on self-image. The matter with self-image is that it can have an extreme implication, an extraordinary and drastic implication. People even commit crazy things because of this self-image.

So, it's not only a matter of depreciation or self-appreciation. The matter of loneliness, the matter of all forms of fear, all forms of anxiety, of rejection, is something thought creates inside you and upholds based on this self-image, on the image it creates about who you are, about who you are.

So, all these are constructions of thought. Looking directly at what thoughts are producing and stopping to mistake yourself for what it says, is essential. There's no way Liberation can happen without paying attention to yourself. You need to be free from this image. You need to be free from this self-image. You need to be free from this false "me," from this imagination thought builds about who you are.

Living under this subjection is basically living in suffering. Our work together is a work of investigating this and breaking this model. It's on this basis that people are living completely unhappy since they base their lives on beliefs, ideas and the image they have of themselves, and on the image they have from others, from the world.

So, basically, a life centered and settled in thoughts is a life of conflict, a life upheld in fear. Basically, ego is fear and when we talk about ego, we are talking about this fictional character, this imagination we are treating as "I," "me." When we use this pronoun "me," in general, what thought is doing is giving itself a label, a nomination. It's the nomination of this false identity, this false image. Ok?

Disidentifying with this, that is, abandoning this identity, this identification, with this model, with thought's movement, is the end to this condition of searching for acceptance and fear of rejection. That's it.

January, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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