February 16, 2022

The Secret of Happiness

Here's a question I've come across a few times. The question is, "what is the secret to Happiness?"

First, we need to discard any idea of Happiness. Happiness is something completely different from anything thought can idealize, look for, believe or seek.

When we speak of Happiness, we are talking about the Nature of our Being, we are speaking of our Divine Nature, the Truth of What we are.

What puts me now, here, with you, sharing this with you, is because I have witnessed this mistaken state in which the "person" has been living.

First, we have to completely discard the illusion of this so-called "person." If we want to have an approximation of what the Truth of Happiness is, we need to know everything about this "me," about this "I." So, if your question is about Happiness, you need to ask who you are.

What I have to tell you, and this is what brings me to these meetings, is that Happiness is your True Nature, your Divine Nature, and That is your Being.

So, what is the secret of Happiness? It is to remain in Yourself, free from this false identity, this false center, this false "I." A psychological stance, a self-centered stance in life, is a deeply miserable attitude.

Happiness is not possible for this false identity. Happiness is not possible for the ego. So, Happiness is your Being, your Nature, and that Nature, which is your Being, is Divine. It doesn't carry egocentrism. To be free, in your Being, represents Real Happiness. So, the secret of Happiness is to remain free from that illusion, the illusion of being who you really are not.

When you see yourself in that self-image, when you see yourself as a separate entity, when you see yourself as someone who needs to achieve, conquer, do, accomplish, obtain, control, choose... When you see yourself this way, you are seeing in a completely wrong way, outside your Being, outside the Truth that You are. Then it is not possible to realize Love, Peace, True Joy, this Happiness of Being.

The secret of Happiness is a Divine life, it is a life in Love, a life in Compassion, a life totally and completely free from fear. And when there is no fear, there is no suffering.

So, the secret of Happiness is the discovery of the Truth, the Divine Truth, the Truth of God, here and now, not in some distant place, but here and now, in Yourself.

Your Being is that Divine Reality, and your Being is Happiness, Love, Intelligence, and Consciousness. This is the secret of Happiness: to remain in your Being, to remain in God.

January, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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