February 22, 2022

Thought and time

All right… We've been asked to talk about this issue "time-thought," thought and time. Excepting chronological time, which is the time we know, the time between sunrise and sunset – we have the clock time, the chronological time –, there is another notion of time that we psychologically have.

This is the notion of present, past and future. It's a notion entirely grounded in a direct relationship with thought. That's the point. So, we may say that without thought, this whole notion of time – present, past and future – disappears. What you have is chronological time, which is this time between sunrise and sunset, clock time.

However, we create time! It's the time produced by ideas, beliefs, images and imaginations we have. Then, in this notion of time we create, that thought has created, we are living in a relationship between present, past and future.

The question is: who? Who is living this? Who lived the past, who is living the present, and who will live the future since this "present, past and future" is just a notion created by thought? The fact is that without thought there is no such "me." Without thought, not only present, past and future disappear, but also this notion, this sense of an I present, disappears.

So, this notion is totally wrong, totally false. So, what we have as the reality of time is just the supposed reality of thought. Thus, thought supposedly creates the reality of time. Without thought, there is no time, and time is for this separate entity, for this "person" "I" believe to be.

Actually, this "person" all based on thought is just a story, a concept, just a belief. Every notion you have of yourself is the simple notion of memory. All you can say about who you are refers to memory, and memory is basically thought, and it's this memory that created the notion of a past for someone who supposedly lived this.

Then, this relationship between thought and time is something quite close. In fact, thought is time, time is thought. So, if the subject is "talk to us about time and thought" … Actually, when we are talking about thought, we are talking about time, and when we are talking about time, we are talking about thought since it's something always close, always together.

In reality, it's just one single appearance with different names. Here, what matters is for you to understand that this entity doesn't exist, and if it doesn't exist, there is no truth in time since this entity is based on thought, and thought is part of memory, part of remembrance, part of images; it is part of this supposed character's story.

Your Real Identity, your True Identity is timeless. It isn't in time, and therefore It is not part of thought. See, thought is just a phenomenon, an existential phenomenon, something useful as a tool of memory, of remembrance, of recollection. But remember: thought is always about remembrance. Remember that thought is always about remembrance. That is, it is always about a supposed life for a separate entity, which is not Real.

So, thought is not about Reality. As a phenomenon, it's just an appearance, useful from the viewpoint of this dream, this dream that we can call "me in the world," but there is no world and there is no "me" without thought, and without thought, there is no time, this whole notion of time disappears.

The Reality of your Being is something present here and now. It's right now and here that there is no conflict for this separate entity. This separate entity is not real here and now. When thought arises, when memories arise, images arise, when they arise, the idea of a present entity appears, and with this idea, the conflicts inherent to this "person" you believe to be also appear.

Your Being is timeless. This is the Reality of your True Identity, which isn't a separate identity. In fact, it is the Divine identity, the Divine Reality, outside time and thought. And we can go further, also outside any notion of presence in this so-called "space." The space is another matter.

Space is what we see between two objects. Your Consciousness, your Real Nature is not an object. The body is an appearance in time. Thought is an appearance in time. Thought is time appearing. The body is an appearance in thought. However, your Reality, What You are, is outside all of these.

Divine Realization is the Comprehension of the Nature of your Being, it is the Comprehension of the timeless nature, which is your Divine Reality that is free from time, thought and space. Ok? This is the Truth about You. So, present, past and future are just ideas, just beliefs, just concepts produced by thought. Without thought this doesn't appear, this doesn't exist.

This is clearly comprehended, experienced in deep sleep. There is no sense of "me," there is no space, there is no time and there is no thought. In deep sleep, Being is the Reality You are, time doesn't appear, space doesn't appear, the world doesn't appear, and What You are is still present, as pure Consciousness, as pure timeless Reality.

January, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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