February 1, 2022


Let's go! When we use the expression "self-knowledge" – and this is a subject we want to discuss –, it is necessary to be careful with this expression.

In general, when some people use this expression "self-knowledge," they are talking about this knowledge of the "me," of the "person," of the "personality." So, the intention to understand or comprehend the "I" makes these people use this expression. But, see, the Truth about Self-Knowledge is that there is no "me", any "person" or any entity present, to be known.

So, the attempt to get to know yourself, to know yourself, in this sense of a better understanding of the "personality," the "person," this "sense of person," is something that does not make sense when we are dealing with the True Recognition of What we are, because the Understanding of What we are is what we could call True Self-Knowledge. However, in this Self-knowledge, there is no "me" to be known.

Here we are faced with an illusion, the illusion of understanding or comprehending this "I," this "person," this "personality," because if you search for this "person," this "I," you do not find it. You can't find it, because it is not real.

So, Self-realization is the Verification of the non-existence of this "me." So, in that sense, True Self-Knowledge is the Realization that there is no "I" to be known, no "me" to be understood.

The interesting thing about all this, is that if you actually carry the conflict of this "I," the conflict of this "person," this separate entity you believe yourself to be; if you go after it, investigating the nature of the mind that produces all this, this egoic mind, this separatist mind, this dualistic mind, this illusory mind; if you are in search of the Truth about it, in self-observation, you see that this "I" is not real, that with the disappearance of this illusion, the illusion of this "entity," this "person" also disappears, so do all conflicts. So, the sense of "I" is the illusion that perpetuates all conflicts.

So, when one wants Self-knowledge to get rid of conflict, it is necessary to understand that it is necessary to go towards this sense of "I," this sense of "me," and not by study, not by understanding this "I." It is rather by the investigation of the Real Nature of this "I." So, it is in this sense that self-investigation becomes the most important tool.

When we talk about self-investigation, we are talking about this self-observation. The most appropriate word, I have said, is self-observation, because it is not the investigation of something that does not exist or something that is not present. So, here it is about self-observation, what is present here, what exists here. This self-observation is the True Realization of the Truth about Who or What you Are.

The expression "What You Are" is even more accurate than this "Who You Are," because there is no one. So, it is possible to Realize What You are, not "who" You are. So, in this way, we can use that word, in a legitimate way. It is in this sense: the word "Self-knowledge" is the revelation of the illusion of an "I" to be known, of a separate entity to be understood. So, the work of Divine Realization, of Truth's Realization, of God's Realization, is the Verification there is no "I" nor any "me" to be known.

It's like this matter of the mind itself, which, in general, people have. They say "my mind." What is actually present is a whole movement of repetitive and conditioned thoughts, which carry a certain pattern of movement. If this is "looked at" closely, if this is investigated, it becomes clear that there is no such thing as "my mind." There are just thoughts. If that is seen, that disappears, that so-called "mind" dissolves. And here, when I say "dissolves," I refer to this conditioning, this repetitive, continuous, mechanical and unconscious movement pattern.

So, this is the True Understanding of the "Self," of "Yourself," of this "Me," of the Truth of What "I" Am.

January, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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