September 1, 2023

How to get rid of jealousy? How to get rid of emotional dependency? What is mind? Meditative Mind

We have three questions here, and we are going to investigate that with you. One is the question of jealousy, the other is of emotional dependency, and another is, “What is the mind?” So, we have three questions here. The question is: “How to get rid of jealousy?” The second is: “How to get rid of emotional dependency?” and “What is the mind?” Here on this channel, we are working with you on the end of suffering, the end of this psychological condition, and also emotional and physical suffering.

Much of this physical suffering within us comes from this condition, which is the condition of not understanding this third question. So, this suffering, which is also physical, emotional, sentimental, and psychological, is present due to the lack of understanding this third question: “What is the human mind? What is this human mind? The non-understanding of this sustains us within internal frames of unhappiness and suffering. Jealousy is something like that, as well as emotional dependency, depression, anguish, and anxiety, all of this is present in us. We are the result of human culture, of all human society, and we carry this human mind with us. We do not know what this human mind is.

Here on the channel, we are working with you on the end of this illusion of a present “I,” which carries this condition of the human mind and, of course, lives through all these conflicts, dilemmas, problems, and human suffering. Something very intimate to this psychological condition of being this human being as we see ourselves, we express ourselves here in life, in living. So, we are working with you on the end of the illusion of the “I,” of that person in this condition of the human mind. Here we have some things to tell you about it. We will work with you here in the next few minutes on how to end this human suffering. We have just put that jealousy is part of it. Envy and emotional dependency are part of it.

We are quite interesting human creatures. Within this human mind, we behave in a very typical, specific manner. For instance, the question is: “How to get rid of jealousy?” or “How to get rid of emotional dependency?” Don't we realize that we also carry envy? That we carry, not only these two types of dependency: emotional dependency and the dependency that makes me feel jealous of the other? Don't we perceive that we carry fear as the core of all this? Fear not only sustains this within us but many other things as well. Don't we realize that we need to discover the Truth about who we are and disentangle ourselves from this issue, this condition of fear and that this is something present within this human mind?

And what is this human mind? This human mind is a set of cultural, social, and historical conditioning of humankind. So, everything you have within this human mind is the history of humanity. Envy, emotional dependency, jealousy, and the various patterns of fears present within you were already in your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and those who came before you. That is something typical in human history, something ordinary in humanity; therefore, it is ordinary within this human mind.

Here, we have a few things to explore and investigate with you. Here we are telling you that a new mind is possible in this lifetime, not the human mind, but a Divine Mind. A quality of brain functioning within the mind in a completely different way from the brain we know today. The brain we are familiar with is in emotional disorder, laden with memories and recollections that generate internal psychophysical conditions in us of stress, anxiety, and suffering, which can be clearly recognized by experts as states of illness, diagnosable by specialists as states of biological and physical disorder. All of this is due to this restless, disordered brain within this condition of the human mind.

Here, we are telling you that a new mind is possible, free from this condition of an identity that separates itself from life, that separates itself from experience, due to a matter of training, conditioning, an artificial way of feeling, thinking, and acting; and when there is this separation, there is conflict, there is suffering. So, this conflict and suffering sustain fear, and fear upholds this disorder, which maintains this contradiction of the human mind, of a life condition without Love, Peace, Freedom, and Happiness.

So here, in this meeting, we are working on the Realization of God, the Realization of your Being, and the blossoming of a new mind, a Free Mind. This Free Mind, this New Mind, possesses the quality of the Meditative Mind. And what is Meditation? It is the encounter with the Reality of your Being, the Truth about you, not the belief you hold about who you are. Contact with Meditation, with the correct Meditation, with this True Meditation, is the end of this human mind. It is the emergence of a New Mind, in this quality of the Meditative Mind, of Being, Consciousness, and Presence, here and now. A life without this separation, where there is no longer this “the other and I,” “the world and I,” “life and I,” “God and I.” That is possible. Yes, this is possible!

That is a statement: this is possible. You were born to realize this in this lifetime, in this existence. You were born to assume the Reality of your Being. The awareness of who God is, is the Truth about who you are. The awareness of who you are is the Truth of who God is. And there is no separateness because there is a single Reality present in this existence. And here, I refer to life in its entirety. In the totality of life, there is only God. It is only in that particular life of the “I” that suffering and confusion are present, that all violence, all despair, and all these responses based on the principle of attachment, desire, and fear are present.

In this condition of fear, attachment, and desire, our relationship with others is of dependence, emotional dependency. To this dependency, this lack, which represents a form of suffering, I give the name “love.” And when this so-called “love” is denied to me by the other, I get angry, upset, frustrated, betrayed. Then jealousy arises.

So, for most of us, jealousy is part of that love. Some people even go so far as to use the term “unhealthy jealousy” when this situation happens, but notice what we are saying: jealousy is the presence of suffering; whether it manifests aggressively in action or not, suffering is implicit when jealousy is present. Whether it takes on an apparently moderate form or a more aggressive one, jealousy is not love; it is dependency, violence, and suffering.

As long as there is this fear, this desire, this attachment to the image I have of others, as long as there is this cultivation here in this “I,” in this ego, in this human mind, in this manner of relating to others, while we see the other as an object of pleasure, gratification, someone who needs to accept me, recognize me, love me – what do we understand by the word “love”? But we use this word in this game – as long as this is present, there will be attachment, and with that, there will be jealousy and there will be emotional dependency, because it is a relationship based on fear. All of this is part of this condition of the egoic mind. So, we have already touched upon this question very clearly: What is the human mind? The human mind is the egoic mind, certainly not the Divine Mind. It is not the mind free from this psychological conditioning.

We are working with you towards the end of this illusion of the “I,” the ego, of this human mind. Then, the Truth of your Being blossoms when a new mind emerges, when the quality of a Meditative Mind appears, the Mind Free from all forms of egoic conditioning. That is the end for the human mind. The Truth of your Being blossoming is the New Consciousness, no longer the old consciousness of the “I,” in that human mind, in this state of the egoic mind, numb, asleep, mechanical, unconscious, and thus living within a pattern of insanity.

Look at the world around you, at your model of relationship with your husband, your wife, your children, your boss at work, your employees, with the so-called “friends” you have. The close relationships, the most intimate ones, all of them are within this condition, where what prevails within it is a relationship of the human mind. The mind I have, the mind she has, the mind others have. We are talking about a singular mind, which is the human mind. It carries this condition of programming, mode of operation, mechanization, and repetition.

What I have of you and what you have of me are beliefs or ideas. The ideas I have about who you are and the ideas you have about who I am. All these contacts we have are the ones in which what prevails is self-centeredness, the sense of a present “I.” This “me,” this “me” here, that “I” there, this “I” here, this “me” within you. This quality of relationship based on the ego, on these ideas, these beliefs, on the images I have about who you are and you have about who I am, is creating all kinds of confusion. If these images match, they become friends. If they do not, they pull away or become enemies. If you give me what I want, I love you. If you deny me what I want from you, you are my enemy or I remain indifferent and walk away.

So, our whole condition of relationship is conflictual because it is centered on the “I,” the ego. You come and ask me: How can I get rid of jealousy? The end of jealousy lies at the end of the illusion of someone present who lives internally, psychologically dependent on an image. That is possible when there is an end to this human mind and a beginning of a Sacred Mind, a Divine Mind, a New Mind, a Free Mind, a Meditative Mind. There is no longer the presence of the “I,” of the ego. Thus, it is possible to have a life in which I no longer hold any image about who you are and, therefore, no longer have any demands on how you are or how you should be.

Then, the Presence of Real Love becomes possible, of this real complicity of Being Consciousness. In this, there is no separation between “you and me,” between “me and him,” between “the world and me,” between “God and me.” Simply because the illusion of that “I” no longer exists. So, we are before Love, Truth, and the Awakening of Consciousness. When the Awakening of this Consciousness is present, there is no longer this condition of the human mind and, therefore, of the egoic mind and the sense of confusion within this duality. The basis of our lives lies within this duality; we live in this duality.

Non-duality is the Truth of your Being, the Reality of this Awakened Consciousness, this Real Consciousness. This is present when the blossoming of this Truth about Meditation, about True Meditation takes place. Here on the channel, we have been talking about True Meditation. That is what we need in our lives: to become aware of the Truth of the Being that we are, discarding that being that we seem to be, we demonstrate to be, and we psychologically mistake ourselves for being. The end of this is the expression of this Real Consciousness, no longer the egoic consciousness, the consciousness of the “I,” this human mind.

So, there is no end to this unhappiness in this psychophysical being, as long as there is not that Realization, which is the Realization of God, where the only Being present in this psychophysical being is the Being of God. No longer this being you believe to be, this being you appear to be, you demonstrate to be. We are talking about the Reality of Being, which is the Reality of Consciousness, the Reality of God, your Divine Nature here and now. That is the mind free of the “I” and, therefore, free of this so-called “humanity” and this psychological condition of humanity.

That is the subject here on the channel; that is why we are dealing with you about Spiritual Awakening. We are dealing with you about Spiritual Enlightenment, about the Divine Truth here and now. If this is something that makes sense to you, leave your “like.” I invite you to subscribe to the channel and also participate in online meetings; we have online meetings on weekends. You'll find our WhatsApp group in the video description, so you can join this group and participate in our online meetings. In addition, we have in-person meetings and also retreats. Here's the invitation and we'll see you there. Thanks for the meeting, and see you.

August, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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