March 14, 2023

Joel Goldsmith: a mystic | Life in Abundance, Plenitude, Happiness | The psychological conditioning

After all, what are we investigating here together?

Why is the word “investigation” present on this channel? Because we need to find out and we only find out when we get closer. This approach puts us in this investigation.

And what are we investigating here together? We are investigating the Truth about who we are, the Truth about our Being.

Why does this have great relevance in our lives? Simply because without it, there’s no Real Life.

I want to work with you today, here, on the beauty of this Abundant Life, this Life in Plenitude, in Wholeness. This has been what Saints, Mystics, and Sages point out within the history of humanity. And we want to work this out with you here, today, and I want to quote a great Mystic of our time [who] was Joel Goldsmith.

Joel shared, in his day, the Truth of this Life which he called “Life in Christ.” This Life in Christ, this Life in the Reality of God where the “error,” as he called it, disappears.

We want to work with you today, here, showing you that life within this vision of “Conscious Union with God” is possible — this is the language Joel Goldsmith pointed out in “The Infinite Way.” We are going to work with you today, here, showing you that this possibility of Life in Abundance, Plenitude, Completeness, in Happiness, is possible.

When you realize your Being, when you realize the Truth of who You Are – here, I want you to be a little patient in following us. We have a language of our own to share this issue of Spiritual Enlightenment (this is the expression within the teachings of Joel Goldsmith). Here, I also call it the Awakening of Consciousness. I have an entire and quite particular language here on this subject, so be patient with me a little. Here, within the channel, we always use our own language. It’s important to put this here for you. You always speak from what your experience or your own language is. Once you realize, acknowledge, and become aware of This, you develop your own language. And here I want to tell you that this Divine, Real, Abundant Life, this Life in Consciousness, in the Reality of Your Being, which Joel called “Life in Christ Consciousness,” is something present when the sense of an “I,” of a separate identity, is undone.

Here, on the channel, we show you within these speeches — and also [in] online, face-to-face meetings and retreats — that the Nature of your Being is the Nature of Consciousness, Happiness, Love, the Nature of Christ.

The Realization of What You Are is the end for this egoic mind, this sense of a present “I.” Notice that this “I” is always either in the past or in the future and naturally occupied with everything it knows. Our thoughts are like that.

Thought in you deals with everything the mind knows, and everything the mind knows is within this aspect of materiality, of limitation of the known. And if we are here approaching the Divine Reality, we naturally approach what is beyond the mind and therefore beyond the known. So, we're going to work with you on this here, today, in a few minutes, in this meeting.

So, the question is: is it possible to be beyond this limitation of the mind? How to go beyond the mind? How to live “beyond thoughts and words”? – That was an expression of Joel Goldsmith. How to live “beyond thoughts and words”?

All we deal with, here within the channel, is this possibility. A life without the mind is a life free from the sense of “I” and therefore from this limitation, this condition of hypnotic, mistaken, programmed vision within the process of psychological conditioning, something we bring from childhood.

To approach this possibility, this Abundant Life, in full Consciousness of God, of the Truth we are, of the Realization of What we are, we need to be freed from the sense of a separate identity.

In general, we believe that we exist as persons, within this context of a human being within humanity. Here, I challenge you to investigate this. You are not a person. You are the own Divine Reality, the Reality of Consciousness. Your nature is the Nature of Christ, the Nature of God.

Self-observation is what you do by simply and directly observing yourself here and now, moment by moment. All these reactions you're going to observe, thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, the way of relating to the world around you, when you approach and look at it closely, what you perceive is a movement. Conditioning movement.

Our language is learned, this is conditioning. Thought in you circulates inside your head within a conditioning process. Feelings and emotions are manifested because they are also part of a conditioning process in this body, this machine.

So, as human beings — so-called — we are a set of memories, programming, and conditioning, some conditionings are physiological, and some are psychological. But will there be anything beyond that? We’ve just put it to you: yes. It’s your nature that transcends this, which is beyond the body, this mind, and this world.

This world is the dream experience, this body-mind is the experience of a dreaming identity, this thing called human life and humanity.

The Realization of your Being is the Truth of this Plenitude of Abundant Life, something that transcends this limitation of dream life, of human life, humanity’s life. It’s the Realization of your Real Life which is your Divine Life. This Divine Life is the Nature of Happiness, Love, Real Consciousness, Intelligence, this Divine Plenitude, this Plenitude of God.

So, our work together — which takes place in online and face-to-face meetings, and also retreats, in addition to these meetings here on the channel with these different playlists we have here — our purpose is to show you a life completely different from this internal, psychological and physical condition of programming and conditioning, something purely transitory, brief, temporary, connected to this body and mind, still with these aspects of self-imposed limitation by this sense of a present “I,” which is an illusion, a fraud. The sense of a present identity believing that it can control, resolve, and dissolve problems. You see, thought builds the problem and creates an identity, which is the thinker. Yes, you believe you are thinking. In reality, thought passes as you. This is a revelation for some of you.

Perhaps, this will come as a surprise to you, a challenge for you to discover that the thoughts in your head are not of your own making. In fact, these thoughts are producing you. It’s these thoughts that make you who you are – or who you believe you are. It’s not you who creates or produces thoughts; it’s not you who think, but rather thoughts passing as you.

Thoughts build the illusion of “someone” present. So, it’s thought that builds the thinker, and those thoughts are the problems. The various problems in your life are based on the thought-feeling of the thinker you believe you are.

So, the different problems we have in life, this limitation, this absence of Life in Plenitude, Love, Peace, in Happiness, this is present because the sense of “I” is present, the sense of the “me,” the ego, the thinker, the experiencer, is present constituting the belief of being able to solve problems. I repeat, these problems are created by your own thoughts and feelings.

The feelings and thoughts in its desires, due to cultural conditioning and egoic programming, are building in that organism, in that mechanism, the idea of “someone” with problems.

Desires, fears, and the various forms of present fears arise like this. Yes, I refer to these psychological problems, to every form of psychological suffering present for this “me,” this “I,” this identity, this thinker, this experiencer. All this is being constructed by thought-feeling.

The Realization of the Truth of your Being is the realization of the absence of the thinker, the experiencer, the “I,” the ego, and if this is not present, thought takes the natural place and I can assure you: the natural place of the thought isn’t of producing problems and suffering within you. Thought is just a harmless phenomenon when it’s not given this illusion, the illusion of an “I” behind the thought.

So, we have here — and this is our proposal — to investigate together what has kept us within this oppression, this absence of Abundant Life, of Life in Completeness, in Plenitude. What is it that is keeping us within this limitation of the absence of this Christ Life, this Life in Christ Consciousness, for this direct experience, this experience of the Reality of our Being?

So, this signaling by Joel Goldsmith, which is the signaling for a Christ Life, in Consciousness, in this “Conscious Union with God” — as he [Joel Goldsmith] points out in “The Infinite Way” — this is something present when you learn the art of Meditation. Here on our channel, we have a broad playlist about the proposal of True Practical Meditation. What is Meditation? How to implement this in our lives? Here, I refer to Meditation differently. Here, I challenge you to live in this Natural State that is Meditation.

In this Natural State of Meditation, the sense of separation, of duality, where there’s you and God, you and the world, you and the other, you (the thinker) and the thought, all of this vanishes, because this is based on an illusion. An illusion that can, that needs to be verified by Self-awareness. We have a playlist here on the channel about true Self-awareness.

What is Self-awareness? Self-awareness is the direct way to get into this issue of True Practical Meditation.

We also have a playlist about True Meditation here on the channel. Without Self-awareness, there’s no Real Meditation.

People make use of various meditation practices out there. These techniques, these systems of meditation, do not bring you closer to Real, Genuine Meditation.

What is Meditation? Meditation is the emptying of all this content of psychological conditioning, programming, something present in this body, this mind, this brain, in the brain cells themselves. It’s part of that memory of the structure of the body. This is a cultural heritage, conditioning, as we have already told you countless times. It’s both biological and psychological conditioning in us and we can undo it.

And True Meditation is the way, through Self-awareness, to approach this possibility.

Are you with me?

To learn the art of looking at yourself here and now, not when you're sitting in a room with soft music or repeating a mantra, breathing a certain way in a quiet place. No, no, no.

I want to invite you to True Meditation here and now. You're at the grocery, at the supermarket, at a street market, driving your car, going to work, dealing with the kids, watching television. Why would that separate you from your Natural State of Consciousness that is already here and now? This is the moment of Meditation. This is the time to be in touch with the Reality of Consciousness that never separates from this instant, this present moment.

This is True Meditation. Figure out how to work it here and now, moment by moment. It doesn't matter what the body and the mind (the intellect) are busy doing while you remain in that space of disidentification of this character, this “me,” this “I.”

So, discovering Meditation — join this channel and check out this playlist — not separating yourself from the instant of the present moment, so you can have access to What You Are, this Christ Consciousness, this “Conscious Union with God,” according to Joel Goldsmith, for this life free from the ego; and when the ego is not present, this Presence that remains is the Presence of Consciousness, the Presence of Christ.

Are you with me?

Our work, our proposal here for you is for this Abundant Life, this Real Life of Love, Peace, Happiness, Completeness, of God Realization in this Life.

See this: The Realization of your Being is God Realization. Ok?

Does it make sense to you? — As I always ask at the end of each video.

If it makes sense, leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel. I want to remind you: we have online, face-to-face meetings and also retreats where we are working on this with those who approach.

If that makes sense to you, see you next meeting. Ok?

Thanks for the meeting and see you!

February, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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