June 19, 2023

Satsang | Identified with thoughts | Your world is mental | Master Gualberto

The mind has created a world in which you see yourself quite real. This world that the mind has produced does not match reality. All you are living in this world – this particular world – is not real, yet it continues to be sustained, continues to persist, continues to be the only thing that is, in fact, real to you. These encounters appear within this world of yours to doubt the reality of it. You need to investigate the validity of speech like this, the significance of a speech like this. What meaning does it have? What is it pointing to? What, in fact, is it saying to you?

Your tears, your pain, your sorrows, your worries, all that causes you suffering and conflict, are in this world that the mind has created. The reality of life, the world as it is, the reality present in all this is that it is all one big illusion. Your world is an illusion, your life is an illusion, all the suffering present within this existential conflict that you live and experience is an illusion. It is not an illusion because you don't feel it, it is an illusion because you, as a “somebody”, are not real.

This story for this character that you believe yourself to be, in this world that you believe exists, is just a fantasy. What makes you suffer is what makes you personal, and what makes you personal is to be busy with thoughts, with stories with an ending that you don't want. So, it’s a circle, a vicious circle. The mind creates the world, story takes place in that world created by thought, and you feel existentially frustrated. You are nothing but an idea within this imaginary world. You are identifying with the body, you are identifying with thoughts arising, you wish a reality outside of what is real: life as it is, as it presents itself. That is your world, that is the mental world, that is the world that the mind has produced.

What makes it all complicated is that you believe you can get out of this situation, and this situation for you is just the conflicting situation of living, that’s what you want to escape from. But this “you” that wants to escape from this conflicting existence is the illusion producing even more conflict. You can't go beyond your world. Your world is a production of yours, of this “you” that you believe yourself to be. What, in fact, you can do is to stop building it. Do you understand that? You can stop building; you can stop shaping this world of yours.

The question is, “Who are you?” It is the question you always ask in the face of that which causes you adversity, causes you annoyance, nuisance, and conflict – “I want to know who you are so I can get rid of you.” But that is the wrong question. Wanting to get rid of the world by knowing what’s going on with it, that’s all a big game of the mind itself. You want to get rid of people, you want to get rid of situations, you want to get rid of what makes you suffer, but you never investigate who is this “I” that suffers. So, the correct question, the real question is, “Who am I?” This answers what this world that the mind has produced is. That is the real way we stop building.

Your interest is in changing the world, in changing the circumstances and situations. You want to change relationships, you want to change cars, you want to change houses, you want to change cities, you want to change internal states, you want to sustain a joy that doesn't disappear with the pain of the loss of someone, of the removal of something you value so much, but you never question: “Who am I? What is the reality of this world in which this ‘I’ is living?” You never question whether that world is real. And I'm telling you: your world is mental. Your ‘I’ is mental within that world, and your life is based on that. None of this is real.

So, my proposal to you is: stop building the world! If you stop immediately, if you become quiet – being quiet means Meditation –, no more trusting, no more giving credence, no more sustaining any idea grounded in this basic idea “I am here, I am somebody, I am this person, I am in this body and the world is outside.” If that ends, the world ends, the illusion of being somebody ends. Then, Reality – which is what happens, which is what shows itself, which is life without you, without this illusion, without this construct – reveals itself as Love, Freedom, and Wisdom. Being is this Consciousness. It is in this Awareness that life as it is shows itself as pure Bliss, as pure Freedom, as pure Happiness. Your task is to stop, to be still, to relax into your Being, to build nothing more, to desire nothing more, to do nothing more. That’s it.

December, 2015
Campos do Jordão-SP, Brazil
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