June 2, 2023

What are we seeking? Psychological conditioning. True Meditation. Egocentrism. Psychological time

Let’s talk to you today about that encounter with Truth or Happiness. This represents an encounter with God. God is Truth. God is Happiness. Now, there are some things here that need to be seen. The first of these is the idea, the belief, and the concept “God.” That’s not Truth or Happiness, it’s just a concept. So, let’s explore with you the Truth, the happiness of God, free from an idea, belief, or concept.

Let’s talk to you about this important matter of the search. In fact, what are we seeking? What are we looking for? The idea, concept, and belief of Happiness, Truth, or God is an imagination on our part because it’s a concept. Let’s talk to you about this Real encounter with God, this Real encounter with Truth and Happiness. Is this processed through seeking, a search? What is implied? We have some things within this search; one of them is the issue of choice. We make choices of methods, systems, or practices that we need to apply to have this encounter, so we have a choice: religion, spiritual practice, the certain exercise within this model of spirituality that we choose, and, naturally, this will be chosen due to a background we already bring inside. This background is our own psychological conditioning and will determine our choices regarding this search. This search now implies a choice, that choice is linked to that background of personal conditioning, that particular background of conditioning. Then, we are still within a project that thought itself idealizes about Truth, God, or Happiness. Thus, that can't be real, that’s one aspect of the search.

What we have been saying in these meetings is that the Truth “God” or Happiness is not revealed in the search, but rather in an encounter. This encounter is an acknowledgment of Reality. God, Happiness, or Truth is a Reality present. So, this movement of choice in the search based on this background of conditioning, concepts, and beliefs that we have, can’t approach us to this Reality.

Another important factor here, in addition to choice, is exactly the effort factor. We have as a principle the idea that we need to make an effort: the effort to achieve, to get there. If we have some human goal, we apply all our energy towards that goal and use the systems, the methods we know, available through an effort to accomplish this. Here, we have been saying that if we deal with God, Truth, and Happiness, it doesn’t require effort because it’s Something that is verified as being the Truth already present. This Truth present is innate in all of us. This whole model of effort for execution, for carrying it out, is something that also presupposes the presence of another factor within this process that doesn’t fit, which is the time factor. So, we have one more thing present within the effort: the time factor. We have within this search, these three completely meaningless things, then this whole model of seeking or searching for the Truth, Happiness, and God is always based on this choice, this effort, and this notion of time.

Here we work with Something that is not part of time. Naturally, it can’t be within the effort to be achieved, let alone within a choice of principles we choose to accomplish This. So, we have to pay attention to that. The Truth of the Reality of our Being is the Reality of God and this is innate. It’s not because of effort, not because of choice, and not even in time that it takes place. Here on our channel, we work with you for the end of choice, effort, and time. The quality of mind we know, what we call “mind” is something present within that time – here I refer to the egoic mind.

Our whole pattern of inner restlessness, dissatisfaction, desire, and fear is something present because of this mind, which is the result of time. The mind that is the result of time is this egoic mind. I invite you to discover a mind free from this model that is this egoic mind – the mind that is the result of time, of all this background of experiences, remembrances, memories, and conditioning, that we have cultivated throughout this entire life story we have. This has placed us within this condition of personal, egoic identity, because of this egoic mind. It’s this mind itself that is present, because of its dissatisfaction, its restlessness, desires, and fears, within this search.

The Truth of God is the Truth of Happiness, so Truth is God and God is Happiness, but it’s not part of a belief, a concept, not Something achieved by choice, by effort, or by time. An entirely new mind – I could call it a “divine mind” –, a deeply religious heart turned towards Truth, is a mind free from this model, which is the model of psychological time. The psychological time is the one that affirms within you the illusion of identity present, here and now. That identity is “the one” you believe you are now. You did it yesterday, you are doing it today, and you will do it tomorrow. This “I,” which is “this one” within this doing, is an idea you have and formulate about yourself, about who you are. “I was this yesterday, I am this today and I will be this tomorrow”: we are dealing with an idea, a belief, a concept, one more formulation of thought.

Within this model of internal dissatisfaction of life centered on this illusory “I,” we are within this project idealized by thought itself that we could find the Truth by searching. Here, this “finding” is not a search, it’s an acknowledgment that’s present here and now, at this moment, because only at this moment is this new mind free from this entanglement that is the psychological time, free from this confusion the egoic mind is. Here, I refer to this new mind, a mind capable of silently perceiving whatever is appearing here and now, becoming aware of every movement of this “I,” which is based on the past, on remembrances, memories, which sustains this time that is the psychological time, the time of identity present, this “me.” Looking at this in that silence, without getting entangled with it, is possible when the mind is silent, still, just watching the movement of thought, the movement of remembrances, memories, and recollections arising.

When the mind is in that silence, the mind is in a whole new quality, able to observe the movement, to become aware of that movement, which is the movement of the “I,” then we are already in direct contact with the end of the search. See the beauty of it, and it’s a matter of perception, Real perception. It’s not perception with effort, with an interest in achieving something. It’s perception without any model of interest, a silent perception, a silent mind, which hasn’t been obliged to be silent. The very attention on the movement of the egoic mind, on this mental restlessness, reveals this mind in silence, which is the perception born out of this attention. In this attention, there’s that perception; in that perception, we have the mind in silence; then, the search ends.

We're talking to you about the end of the search. The end of the search is the end of the effort, the end of the idea of the Realization of God, Enlightenment, and Awakening within time. So, we have the end of choice, effort, and time here and now, when the mind is psychologically free from all that movement, which is the movement thought has been cultivating all this time in our particular story – the particular story of this body-mind, if you are thirty, forty, fifty, sixty years old – or this whole history, which is human history. Thus, we are before this silence, this new mind, this mind free from the “I” and, therefore, free from the search.

When we deal with self-observation on the channel, about the Truth of Self-Awareness, it’s not in the sense people use the word “self-awareness” out there. It’s not this “I” being known, improved, perfected, straightened out, corrected; this “I” acquiring new virtues and abandoning old vices, self-improvement. It’s not about self-improvement, about personal development for this “I” through self-knowledge. Here, Self-Awareness is the acknowledgment of the Truth that this “I,” this illusory identity, doesn’t sustain itself in this self-observation. In this self-observation, there is true Self-awareness, so we come closer to that contact with Reality, with the perception of Reality that I’ve just called “encounter” – the encounter with Reality – which is an acknowledgment here and now, of What is beyond time. That’s why we don’t place the search as a real factor for Realization, but rather the acknowledgment as a real factor for this Realization. The real factor for this Realization is the acknowledgment, here and now, of that which is beyond the mind, beyond the “I,” beyond the ego, beyond this sense of an identity present. That’s the Reality of your Being, the Reality of God.

A true approach to Truth is the true approach to Happiness when God takes His place in that body-mind. The direct approach to this is, of course, through Self-Awareness, through the True Meditation here and now. There’s no more searching, so we are before the Reality of your Being. This is Love, Peace, and Happiness. That’s the end of this dissatisfaction, suffering, this emotional disorder, all forms of psychological suffering, because the sense of “I,” the illusion of separateness is no longer there. Yes, I mean that separateness between you, here and now, and the Reality of God. This Reality of God is the only Truth here and now, there’s no such “I.” Thus, all this dissatisfaction, suffering, and fear, disappeared, because it was rooted in the illusion – in the illusion of an identity that separates itself from life by making choices, rejecting, resisting, fighting, seeking in its egocentrism to do something its own way. There’s no more of that. When the sense of “I” is not present, there’s no more choice, no more time, effort, contradiction, conflict, and no more suffering. This is what some people call the “Awakening of Consciousness,” the “Awakening of God,” the Truth of the Revelation of your Being. Ok?

This is our subject here within the channel. If this is something that makes sense to you, leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel – indeed! I want to remind you: we have online meetings – you can also participate in these meetings – face-to-face meetings and also retreats, where we work with you.

Here’s the invitation and see you soon. Ok? Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

May, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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