November 27, 2024

Learning about Self-Awareness | What is Mindfulness? | Spiritual intelligence Awakening

After all, what do we really need for a comprehension of life? And why do we need this comprehension of life? Because we are in life for this comprehension; without it, our psychological condition will determine the quality of life alienated from this intelligent vision, this free, enlightened vision, this truth about life, and this will inevitably mean, as it has already been demonstrated and is being demonstrated in the lives of the majority of humanity, as life in suffering, with problems.

Thus, we are living in ignorance, and to live in ignorance is to live alienated from the Truth, from the beauty of life. We weren't taught, shown, when we were a child, this possibility of a Real Life, of a happy, free, loving life, full of beauty, where an indescribable quality of life is present, because all the contact we've had with life until today, since childhood, is the contact of the ordinary life, common to all because of this consciousness we have, which is the consciousness common to all.

Let's open this up a little here with you, about the truth of this consciousness, which is the consciousness common to all. When you're born in a certain country, you learn everything from that culture: cultural thinking, behavior, social tradition, family tradition.

So, we receive various forms of teaching; these various formations we receive from childhood, from the earliest age to adulthood, what we have present in all of this are ways of thinking that are given to us. This is what we have shown you here as the element that grounds this complicated, disoriented life, alienated from Divine Life, alienated from Real Life, which is this psychological conditioning.

We are educated for life within a mental conditioning. This conditioning, as we have already seen, is known in psychology. Our psychological model of feeling, thinking and acting is all, in principle, based on this. So our conditioning is human, and this has given us a particular consciousness of a conditioned human culture.

Thus, what we call consciousness is a way of dealing with experiences based on the model of thought that has been given to us socially, politically, philosophically and religiously. This is how we are functioning, this is how we have been functioning. In addition to all this conditioning, we have a form of programmed action, of reaction and of conditioning of the “I.”

What is this “I”? It's this feeling-thought of being someone, how we've been brought up to feel this way, to live this way, to see ourselves this way. So, we're seeing ourselves this way, feeling this way and living this way. This is our personal consciousness. Which, in reality, is not a real individual consciousness, but the consciousness of humanity. We think, feel and act like the world around us.

The comprehension of the truth about oneself requires learning about Self-Awareness. It is this learning about ourselves that brings us closer to becoming aware of all that has been put to us here. Notice, all of this has been put into words, but it's not that simple because we can't just stay in another confident belief about it. We need to have a direct awareness of what has been put here, and this occurs as you learn about yourself.

So, learning about learning about yourself – we know nothing about it. We are formed, educated in the world for secular life, for life in the world. Secular life, life in the world is studying in childhood, growing up studying, acquiring an education, a profession, a professional occupation, earning money with it, starting a family and maintaining the continuity of life in this social structure, this human structure, this structure in the world. Earning money, having a nice house, a nice car, raising children, then grandchildren, old age, illness and death, or death before old age: this is life as we know it, this is the life of humanity and culture proposal for us.

Here we are with you investigating the nature of the Truth about who we are, seeing with clarity this conditioned, programmed model, structured for millennia, something that has been offered to us or sold to us and that we are receiving for free or buying, and living just like those who arrived here before us, in ignorance. Here, I am referring to ignorance about the Truth of Life, the Totality, the beauty of Life, the uniqueness of Life, where we have present something we don't know. The truth about this is that we don't even have a reference to what we're talking about here.

Here, for example, when I use expressions like the “Presence of Love,” the “Presence of Happiness,” the “Presence of Freedom, of Peace, of the Awareness of God,” our brains, because of the conditioning we receive from culture, interpret all of this and put it into the same old form. Expressions like love, peace, happiness, God, are all linked to human cultural standards. However, here we are saying something else, making use of expressions that we know, that are within the known of thought, but we are pointing to something beyond thought, beyond the known.

When we use the expression “God,” we are pointing to Something unnameable, indescribable. Happiness: we don't know what that is. We don't know Love, we don't know Peace. Human beings have been on the planet for millennia – our human structure of existence as human beings. Note, thousands of years and we've never known the Truth about Peace, we've never had Peace.

Love is something strange. What we have in relationships, in the best possible way, when we enter into agreements, is mutual satisfaction, it's pleasure, it's acceptance, it's the exchange of pleasant feelings, pleasant emotions, physical sensations, such as sexual pleasure, and other forms of contact in human relationships. Notice, this is what we call love. But when this is shaken in any way, a feeling of anger, contrariness, or rebellion arises.

We live as human creatures within this consciousness of the “I,” this consciousness of the person, because that's how we see ourselves: as a person, as someone present in life. This consciousness is a consciousness that lives in disorder, in confusion, in various complications, in various sufferings. So, it is present in the human being within this structure, which is the structure of ignorance, where we have this life, which is the life we know, we have fear, anger, envy, jealousy, possession, attachment, desire.

Notice, what is desire? When there is dissatisfaction, when there is projection onto an ideal of pleasure, something that thought creates, this search for that pleasure or satisfaction in that kind of fulfillment, that’s desire. This has created all kinds of confusion in the world because these desires in the human being, in this consciousness that we know, which is the consciousness of the “I,” of the ego, are contradictory. This is just one example.

You desire something, more intellectually, note, at the level of feeling, emotion and the search for sensation, the desire is present, but at the intellectual level it's clear to you that it will produce confusion in life and yet the desire is present here, this craving, this search for fulfillment, for the satisfaction of desire. Then, our desires are contradictory, there is a contradiction between feeling, thinking and action.

So, human beings have lived on the planet for millennia, but they don't know Love, they don't know Peace, they don't know Freedom. I'm referring, as has been said, to Real Freedom, Real Peace, Real Love, Real Happiness, the Real Truth of God. We have organized religions, many of them: what is the truth of a truly Religious Life, of a Divine Life?

This Life we're talking about here, the Real Life, is the Divine Life, it's the Life of God, it's the true Religious Life, but in it we have the absence of the ego, the absence of the “I” and, therefore, the absence of all these disputes, all these conflicts. We live in confusion, in different divergences, including different beliefs, different doctrines, different opinions, so there are religious conflicts, as well as political conflicts, conflicts between families, conflicts between cities, nations, all of this is present in this confusion.

Here we are focusing with you on the beauty of this encounter with an Attention on oneself, an Attention on these reactions and on what is happening in the world. One of the topics discussed here involves this issue of Spiritual Intelligence Awakening and learning about Self-Awareness. These are two playlists, and we have a third playlist here that also involves this subject, which is the importance of Full Attention. Becoming aware of your reactions, so aware of everything that is happening in the world. Just look, observe, and it becomes clear, you can see the truth of it all.

The interesting thing is that in this Real Mindfulness, the Truth of Mindfulness, about what Mindfulness is, when that becomes clear, your way of looking, of listening, of feeling, of experiencing the present moment is something outside the “I,” outside the ego. People use the expression, but they don't understand what it is to be attentive without judging, comparing, evaluating, without being involved in this pattern of conditioning and egocentric behavior.

This beauty of looking free of the past brings you this clarity, it brings you this Intelligence, it brings you this real vision of life, the presence of this look at this moment, at whatever is arising at this moment, without putting that element, which is the “I,” that element that comes from the past to judge, compare, reject or mistake yourself by accepting, submitting, getting into the game. Here we are talking about a look free of this background. The presence of this look, notice, doesn't require any effort, it requires exactly having a free approach, right from the start, to any and all experiences at that moment, whether external or internal.

To go deeper into this subject of what Mindfulness is, we have this playlist here. We are working with you here on the Awakening of a new Consciousness and, therefore, of the Real vision of Life, no longer this life of the ego, this life of the “I,” this life of human conditioning, but this Divine Life. You were born to Realize God in this life, this is what some call the Spiritual Awakening or Spiritual Enlightenment.

Thus, we're working on these issues with you in this channel. We have online meetings on weekends. On Saturdays and Sundays, we're working together, investigating all of this. You can find our WhatsApp link in the video description to participate in these online meetings on weekends. And you who have been watching these videos, this is a direct way for us to support the channel, so please subscribe. For those of you who are here for the first time, just subscribe to the channel and say in the comments: “Yes, that makes sense” Ok? Thanks for meeting us. See you next time!

August, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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