January 9, 2025

Action free from reaction | The True Religious Life | What is thought? | The art of living free

We are talking to you about the art of living, the art of living free from conflict, contradiction, fear and suffering. This requires a quality of action that people are generally unaware of. Realize that our actions determine what our life has been or is at this moment. So, what our life has been and what our life is now, is something that has been determined by actions taken by each of us. We need to discover a quality of action that is truly free from this burden, contradiction, fear, every form of conflict and therefore no longer produces suffering either for ourselves or for others. In my opinion, this is the real way to have a Religious Life – I have called it the true Religious Life. It is a Life free from this sense of the “I” present, this “person,” this particular and personal movement of the ego in relationships.

So, what is a free action? What is this new way of thinking, feeling and acting? This requires each of us to approach this study of how we work. Our actions are determined by our thoughts. That's how we work. We have a thought, thought is present charged with a certain feeling or emotion, and this thought is naturally a form of sensation and this drives us to actions, drives us to a model of behavior in life.

So, we have to figure out a few things here. The first question is: what is thought? We are always here dealing with you and deepening these fundamental questions, these Real questions, which are life questions. What is thought? What is to think? What is to act? Our thoughts are shaping these actions of ours, yet these actions of ours are not free actions, because there is no Real thinking behind these actions. We can't have an Understanding of the Truth in our actions, of Freedom in our actions, of Intelligence in our actions without this Thinking. The Real Thinking is what will determine this action now, happening here. So, let's distinguish what Real Thinking is from this model, which is the conditioned, programmed model of feeling and thinking as we know, as we have lived.

Real Life happens in that instant. Life in illusion is that which, in that instant, has a representation of memory, has a representation of the past, in this format of conditioned thinking, of an internal conditioning model, of psychological conditioning that we bring with us. The human being acts without Real Thinking, without True Thinking, so there is the model of this old thinking, in this pattern of programmed thinking, of conditioned thinking, and therefore, an impulsive action, directed by the ego.

What is this ego if not the illusion of a present identity taking actions? What is this ego if not conditioning, this reactive memory programming that arises in this instant on the basis of thought? This reactive memory based on this thought is in this action model. Realize that we need to investigate, deepen and understand all of this.

“Why do I not succeed in my actions?” Because these actions are born out of that “I,” that egoic model, that “person” you see yourself. There's no way to act in a Real way, there's no new way of living, because all this action is a reaction that comes from the past, that comes from programming calculated by thought. Thought that is already conditioned, already programmed. So, human beings don't know what free action is, they don't know what it's like to act without this background, without this “I,” without this ego. So, we always have a reactive action, a reactive movement, because it's something that comes from memory, it's something that is born out of thought, it's something that is born out of planning that is already calculated, out of conditioned thought.

Look at your actions in your relationships with others, look at your actions in your relationship yourself. An action related to yourself based on thought is an action calculated by thought, which is based on an image you make of who you are. Notice that this type of action is always producing suffering to you. The action you carry out in contact with the other based on thought is a reactive action, which is born from this background that is the ego, which is born from this illusory center that is the “I.” This action in the relationship with the other is an action that produces suffering. Is there a quality of action free from this model of thinking? The answer is yes. Yes, action free from this thought model is possible. This action is born from True Thinking.

Here, when we use the expression “Thinking,” we are not talking about a present entity, which is the “I,” which already has a conditioned thinking model present in it, and which is always expressing itself in speaking, feeling and acting. Here, Thinking is what is present when there is absence of this thinker, of this “I,” of this programmed, calculated thought model, which is the result of past experiences that this ego, this “I,” this experiencer has cultivated within itself.

When we look at the world, we see the mess the world is in, [when we look] at people's lives, we see the mess they are in. They are in this mess because of this pattern of egoic behavior, this action that is not free. So, what we know as action is not an action, it's a reactivity, it's an activity of this illusory center, it's an egocentric activity. So, our behavior, which is born from this background of memory, which are the calculations that thought makes in order to make those decisions, these actions are reactive, they are mere reactivities of this illusory center that is the ego. This is happening because there is no Truth of Thinking.

The point here is that you can't act in a Real way – and here I use the expression Real in the sense of acting in Love, acting in True Consciousness, in Real Consciousness, acting free from this center that is the ego – it's not possible to act in this way until you understand how you work. So, as long as we don't understand how we work, as long as we don't realize that our actions are coming from a background that has already been programmed, calculated, from a conditioned thought model and, therefore, this action is a reactive action, as long as we don't become aware of how we work, our actions will always produce problems and confusion.

Every form of disorder present in this particular life, which is the life of the person, is something present because there is no Understanding, no Intelligence, because there is no Self-Awareness, no Understanding of the Truth about who we are. The result of this is a thought pattern generating problems, that is contradictory, violent, aggressive, full of desires and fears: these are the actions of the ego. Becoming aware of the Truth of yourself, learning to look at this movement, which is the movement of the “I,” of the “person,” of the ego present here, when you become aware of the movement of this “me,” of this thinker with this conditioned thought pattern, it becomes very clear that there is no Truth in action because of the absence, there is no Freedom in action because of the absence of Real Thinking, Real Feeling. Without this Real Feeling, without this Real Thinking, there is no Real Acting.

I want to put it here again. The word “Real” for this Thinking, Feeling and Acting, for this word I want to give the synonym of Love. An action in Love, Acting in Love, a thought that expresses the awareness of Truth, of Understanding, of Intelligence and, therefore, of Love. Here on this channel, we've been working with you to put an end to the illusion of the ego, of this false center. We say false center, we say ego illusion because the entity that you believe you are, that you show yourself to be or that you appear to be is not Real. You might ask: “So, what is it here that behaves in this format, which is called I, me, ego?” It's conditioning, it's a form that has already been programmed, conditioned, within an action that has been repeated like this for thousands and thousands of years in humanity, and for some decades in a particular way for this “person” as you see yourself. But there is no entity present or that entity is just this conditioning.

Can we get rid of this illusion? Can we get rid of this “I,” this ego and therefore this conditioning? This becomes possible when you approach and examine yourself, when you study all this inner movement, this so-called “consciousness” present. This human consciousness in us contains this conditioned mind in us, this thinker that is nothing other than conditioned thought itself, which separates itself to calculate, to analyze, to agree and to take actions; actions determined by thought itself. So, this thinker, this “I” is nothing other than thought itself. All this can be seen if it is observed. So, studying oneself is the basis for Liberation from this “I” and, therefore, for the Vision of what correct Thinking is.

Notice that correct Thinking doesn't need thoughts. This correct Thinking is that which, in this instant, doesn't need this element, which is the element of calculated, planned, conditioned thought in order to take an action. So, in this Real Thinking there is a Presence of Intelligence, of Vision, of Perception of what is Real, of what is present here in Love for an Action, for a Real Action, for a true Action, for a correct Action. So, I would say that the right thinking is the absence of conditioned thinking. This right thinking in this Real Thinking dispenses with this pattern of thinking as we know it. So, the Vision of Truth, of Life, of the art of living requires this Real Thinking, the true Thinking, the correct Thinking, the correct Feeling. This brings about this correct Action, this correct Activity. It is not reactivity, it is Action, it is Acting free of the “I.”

So, notice what we're dealing with you here on the channel. This art of Being, this art of living, this art of correct Action requires a Free brain, a Free mind, an entirely Free heart. The Awakening of your Real Nature, your True Nature, which is the Nature of God, is the Revelation of this true Thinking, Feeling and Acting in life. It is the Presence of this art, the art of Life. The Beauty of Life consists of Being what you essentially and truly are. This requires a Real approach to Yourself through Self-Awareness and True Meditation.

Here on the channel, we have two playlists exploring this in depth with you. Then, we have online meetings here on weekends, you can find the WhatsApp link here in the video description to take part in these meetings, to investigate the Truth about all of this. We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats. So, if this is something that makes sense to you, please leave a “like,” subscribe to the channel and say “Yes, it makes sense” in the comments. OK? And we'll see you. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

October, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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