January 16, 2025

Paths of Wisdom | The psychological conditioning | Ego-free action | How to do the right thing?

The Truth of Wisdom. Some call it “paths of wisdom” … There is no such thing as “paths of wisdom.” The Truth of Wisdom lies in the Revelation of Self-Awareness. There is only one direct path to Wisdom, and that direct path lies in understanding the Truth about who we are. Studying oneself is the basis for the Awakening of Intelligence, and that’s what also leads to an ego-free action. If there is no ego-free action, because there is no Intelligence, no knowledge, however deep, broad or significant, could represent the Truth of Wisdom.

I want to study this issue of action with you today. What is this ego-free action? Notice that life is a movement, and as a movement, the only thing present in life is the presence of action; wherever you look, you will notice movement. There is the particular movement of atoms and stars, there is the movement of the Universe, there is the movement of thoughts, of emotions, of perceptions, of sensations, there is the movement of physical action, of emotional, sentimental action. Everything is movement. Life is action, life is movement.

I want to investigate with you whether it is possible, in this life, to live a life free from this sense that is the “I,” the ego. All our action based on this center, which is the ego, is an action born out of past conditioning, a movement of thought, which is something from the past. Notice how simple this is. First, experience happens in life. It becomes an experience because it can be remembered. It is remembered because it has been recorded. This record is a reminder, it's a memory, it's an impression stored in the brain. It carries the idea of an experiencer who went through it. When we face new experiences, these new experiences are seen from the standpoint of these old experiences, from these memories of past experiences.

Our actions are taking place based on knowledge, experience, memory, and recollection, on the presence of an experiencer. That experiencer is the “I.” Notice how interesting it is to investigate the question of ego-free action. Every action is an experiencing here and now. Right now, listening is an action, speaking is an action. In this fraction of a second, there is only experiencing. At this very moment, there is no presence of psychological time, of time created by memory, created by recollection, by thought. So, what we have now, here, is the experience of this instant, but the brain registers it, so a few seconds later, it has the remembrance. This remembrance is the past, which is memory, which is the record of experiencing. So, it's no longer experiencing, now it's just an experience for an experiencer.

So, our actions are always coming from a background of past experiences. When I meet you, I have a facial recognition, I have an auditory recognition of the timbre of your voice, but beyond this recognition, which is a simple brain recognition, I have an image of who you are; this image of who you are is already a projection of that “I,” of that ego, of that experiencer.

So, what we do in life is, when we go through experiences, record those experiences and turn them into something from this collection that is this center, this particular egocentric storehouse of memories. So, this is at the service of the experiencer, which is the ego. So, my contact with you is not a simple contact, it's a contact based on an image I make of who you are, based on a past that has no reality here, at this moment.

This past is the ego's psychological past. It's very simple, it's something you can observe. You compliment me and I like you. This “I” that likes you is the experiencer, it's the ego, it's the one that is registering a recollection, a memory of pleasure and is cultivating this memory. In this next meeting with you, I'll be in front of a friend or someone I like. Who is that seeing this friend? Who is it that is liking you? It's the presence of the ego.

So, our actions in life are on this level. So, I have friends, I have enemies, I appreciate and hug friends, I despise and turn away, or I violently attack enemies. So, our actions are conflicting actions because they are born from the ego, they are born from that memory. See how simple it is.

What is the Truth of an ego-free action? An action free from the ego requires the presence of an Attention of Full Consciousness in this moment, in this instant, so that there is no further record. So, the Truth of the Revelation of Self-Awareness is what truly brings you closer to life within true Wisdom. So, there is only one direct path to Wisdom. So, it's not a matter of “paths of wisdom,” but the only one direct path to Wisdom. The Truth of Wisdom lies in Self-Awareness, in observing this movement of registration.

I've said a lot here about the psychological conditioning. What is it basically? It's this mechanism of registration, of memory, giving us the illusion of this center. So, we're living in the ego, in the “I,” in this identity that is a set of recollections, memories, and remembrances, resulted from past experiences. There is no encounter with life now. When life presents itself now, that encounter is this old model of the past trying to adjust this instant, this moment the way it wants. This explains the disorder, confusion, and suffering in our relationships. We are always separate, divided. These images divide us, this approach based on the past separates us. So, these actions are conflicting actions, they are actions in disorder. We don't know what an ego-free action is.

Here the invitation is to understand the Truth about who we are, then to see all the mechanisms that are sustaining the conditioning – this inner conditioning that we carry. The ability to look, to observe, and to become aware of this mechanism is to break this mechanism, to get rid of this mechanism, to go beyond this mechanism. Only then can life, here and now, truly be found without this element of the past, without this “I” in this encounter with life, with the other, with whatever is appearing here. So, this action of life is a new action – thinking, feeling, acting, speaking, and listening.

What is the quality of ego-free action? It is the very action of life. Life is nothing other than an extraordinary challenge of expression, of action. Everything is this action happening. There is no direct response to this moment. At that moment, the psychological past is intervening, it's interfering.

When you look at a sunrise, it's never the same sunrise. A sunset is unique, the presence of the moon is always a moon present at that moment. Life is what happens here, in a new way. We don't have the same sunset, the same sunrise. We don't have the same moon, the same sunset, the same sunrise. We don't have the same person. When we meet the other, there is no such thing as “me and him,” only the thought in this sense of an “I” present within the experience, which is the experience of the ego, which is constructing this illusion. This is the time that thought has been constructed, that its conditioning has been appropriated to maintain itself as a mechanism of reaction, of action that always comes from the past. This is how our actions are constituted in this psychological time, which is the time of the ego. They are not actions here and now. They are reactions.

Look at the mess our lives have become in our relationship with ourselves, with others, with the world, because we are not in that freshness, that new thing, that newness of being Consciousness, Freedom, and Happiness. You see, This is the nature of What we truly are when the illusion of what we believe we are, what we seem to be, what we show ourselves to be, what we want to be is no longer present.

So, the presence of the Divine Reality is the presence of the Reality of God, this is the Reality of this Being that we are in this action, which is not a mere response of the past, a mere reaction of memory, of this experiencer. Is it possible to have a response for this moment free from the ego?

When we have the presence of this Attention on this movement that is the past, this psychological past, of registering, remembering, recalling, of conditioning the mind, this Attention eliminates this condition, so there is a break with this ancient and old movement, which is the movement of the ego. So, it's very important to have an approach to life without the ego.

People have questions like: “How to be calm?”, “How to act under pressure?” or “How to do the right thing?” Their intention is Happiness, it's Peace, it's Harmony, it's the presence of Intelligence in action. However, this is not possible in the ego. When the ego isn't there, a new action is present that doesn't have that gap between remembrance, desire, and action. So, there is the plan, the intention, the motivation and the action, that's how the ego appears within the movement of action creating confusion.

When the Truth of action is present, we have this Truth of this Being, which is Intelligence. That is action. There is no gap. Then, we have the presence of Wisdom. So, the Truth of Wisdom in Action is the presence of Divine Reality. This action is the ego-free action. So, we're exploring this here with you, investigating this here with you, delving into this here with you. We have a playlist here about this Truth of Self-Awareness in ego-free action, the presence of Self-Awareness, Self-Awareness and the ego-free action.

So that's our work here with you. We're going deeper into this here on the channel, we're going deeper into this in online meetings on the weekends. You can find our WhatsApp link in the video description to take part in these online meetings on weekends. We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats.

If this is something that makes sense to you, if the Awakening of Wisdom, if the Truth of a life in Love, Compassion, with full awareness of the Reality of God, if this makes sense to you, please leave your like and subscribe to the channel, ok? And let's work on this together. Thanks for meeting me and see you next time!

November, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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