January 18, 2025

Experience of God | The Real Consciousness and True Happiness | The observer and the observed

It may seem that the answer to the question “how to find the Truth?” lies in this encounter with Truth. The answer to “how to find Happiness?” lies in an encounter with Happiness. And the answer to “how to find God?” is in that encounter with God. But how are we going to investigate this here? Here we want to investigate this with you, we want to put it very clearly. Do these questions have a basis for a psychological, philosophical or religious answer?

In my view, the only way we can answer these questions is by the encounter with the Truth that you are. The Truth that you are is the Truth being realized. I didn't say found, I said realized. The Truth that You are is Happiness being realized. This Truth that is You is God being realized.

So, we're going to work through this with you over the next few minutes. First, we're going to discover a few things here. The first is that we always use the expression “how”: how to win, how to get rid of, how to achieve, how to discover, and here: how to find. Notice that this “how” presupposes someone in an execution, someone accomplishing, someone in a doing. What is the nature of this someone? Could it be that if we find this person's nature, we will have the answer to Truth, Happiness and God?

This approach that we have together here in this channel through Self-Awareness, through the investigation of the nature of the thinker, of the experiencer, of the one who also observes and, from within himself, sees; the awareness of this “I,” of this “person” who is in this seeing, in this feeling, in this perceiving, the understanding of this “I” is the understanding of Truth, it is the understanding of Happiness, it is the understanding of God.

The question is: what is this experiencer? What is this observer? What is this “I”? Is there really a separation between the observer and what is being seen there? Is there a real separation between the experiencer and the experience? Let's start from here.

Life is happening right now, as it shows itself, as it presents itself. Is there a separation between the one experiencing life and Life? For us, there is. Just as for us there is a separation between a thought and you, so there is this “I,” which is you, who is the thinker, and the thought; there is this “I,” which is you, the observer, and this thing being seen. So, there is separation. There's this “I,” which is you, this “I,” this “me,” and this experience. So, there's the experience and you, there's the thing you see and you, there's thought present there and you.

What is the truth about this? Is there really separation? Have you ever noticed that when there is no thought, there is no thinker? When nothing is being seen, where has the observer gone? If, for example, you close your eyes now, nothing will be seen. Where did the observer go? If you close your eyes now and a mental image appears, there is a thought present, and in that thought, of course, the presence of the thinker, the presence also of that observer who sees the image on that mental screen. But if there is no image, if there is no thought, is there a thinker? Is there an observer of that screen?

So, understand what we're getting at. There is no Truth of this “I,” which is the observer, of this “I,” which is the thinker. The presence of that thinker is the presence of that thought. The presence of that observer is the presence of the image or the thing being observed. Otherwise, there is no observer.

So, our job here is to discover the Truth about Truth, the Truth about God, the Truth about Happiness. And what is the nature of this one “Thing” that we call Truth, Happiness and God? Note that the expressions, the words “Truth,” “Happiness” and “God” do not express the very Reality of the Thing. The word “happiness” does not express what Happiness is. Each person has an image, an idea, a belief, and a concept of what happiness is. It's very clear that this concept, this image, this idea is still part of thought, and if it's part of thought, there's the presence of the thinker behind that thought, so it can't be Real.

Notice how easy it is to discover that nobody knows this thing. We're looking for something or asking for something we don't know what it is. Nobody knows what Happiness is. Our experience of the world, which is the experience of the experiencer, is the experience of what one knows. So, what we call happiness is some form of sensation, some form of pleasure, some image that thought has projected, that the thinker is projecting. That's what we call happiness. We don't know what Happiness is, but we are on this project, this search, and this quest.

It's the same with Truth. The psychological definition, the philosophical definition or the religious definition of the word “truth” is just a verbal expression. It's just another concept within what we know, because it's within that model of thought, and thought is what is already known, it's what the thinker projects as part of itself. That's very simple. All thought is just a projection of the thinker, but the thinker is not separate from thought. So, in fact, the thinker is thought itself. You see? So, what you idealize as being true is a thought, it's a belief, it's a concept, it's an imagination. And what about God? The same thing.

You can only have an idea of what thought fabricates, what the thinker fabricates. It may sound very strange for you to hear this, but the idea of God is not God. Is it so strange that we can clearly see that the word “God” is not the Truth of That which is Sacred, of That which is Indescribable? We call God, but it's an image that thought constructs. So, this search of ours for Truth, this search of ours for Happiness, this search of ours for God is a projection of the “I” itself, of the ego itself, of the person who is projecting an ideal, an image, an imagination. Are you with me?

What is the Truth of Truth, the Truth of Happiness, the Truth of God? The Nature of Truth is the Nature of Happiness, which is the Nature of God, but this is outside of thought, so this is Something outside the known. If it's Something outside the known, because it's outside thought, it can't be recognized. Anything you find is not the Thing, because you can recognize it.

Notice how delicate this subject is here, because people want an experience, an experience with Truth, an experience of Happiness, an experience of God, but this experience presupposes the presence of someone to live the experience, to recognize the experience, to describe the experience. Who is that someone? The experiencer. But what the experiencer can do is only verify what he already recognizes, so that can't be the Truth.

It may sound very strange, but it's something that you can simply become aware of very clearly. Every experience becomes just a remembrance, a memory, so it is something that is already part of the past, it can be recognized by the past because it is part of the past. So, whatever your experience, however broad, deep and meaningful it may be, it won't be the Real Truth, the Real Happiness and the Reality of God.

So, the first thing here is for us to clear this ground, to get rid of this belief, this illusion of being able, as a “person,” as a “someone,” as a separate entity, this “I” being the thinker, the observer, the experiencer, to experience the Reality of Truth, Happiness, or God. This is the Real way we have of approaching Reality.

Therefore, the Reality of Truth, the Reality of Happiness, the Reality of God is That which is present when the experiencer, the observer, the thinker, the “I,” the “person” is not. The “person,” the experiencer, the “I,” the observer is the past. The Reality of God is That which is outside the known, the recognizable and therefore outside time, that past, and that ideation of the future. The Reality of this Being, which is God, which is Nameless, Indescribable, that we call God, is the Reality of Real Happiness, of Real Truth, but This is Something here and now when the “I” is not, when the experiencer is not, when the thinker is not. Are we together?

The recognition of the illusion, the awareness of the vision of the illusion, the realization of the vision of this illusory condition of being – let's put it this way – the verification of what is false, something beyond a mere recognition – here we are talking about a realization of the false, this sense of an “I” with its imagination – the end of this model of separate identity, which is the “I,” which sees itself separate from life, which sees itself separate from the world, which sees itself separate from Truth, which sees itself separate from God, and which is therefore in search of these things – the “I” lives in this search... When it tires of searching for its so-called “material” things in the world, it turns to the search for so-called “Truth,” “Happiness,” and “God.”

So, first we look for Happiness out there, the Truth in things, and the God of the ego, of the mind, is in the world, in its achievements, in its search for fulfillment, satisfaction, and pleasure. Until the moment comes when he gets tired and now he himself begins to project a Truth, a Happiness, and a God that he idealizes. Thus, we're all under the same illusion.

When there is the realization of the Reality of this illusion, the realization of the Reality of this illusion, that is the end of this illusion. Then, at that moment, something new opens up, something new is present, and it is no longer a recognition of this so-called “Truth,” “Happiness,” or “God.” It is the realization of That which is Indescribable, Unnamable. The Reality of Happiness is not the happiness that thought imagines, that the “I” has projected. The Reality of Truth is not that which is conceivable by thought itself, which can be described psychologically, philosophically, or religiously. Wherever there is any description, thought is present, and that is an illusion.

Truth cannot be described. It is not an encounter with something recognizable, created by thought. The Reality of God is the Reality of this Being. The Sages have said that this Being, which is the Nature of each one of us, is the Real Consciousness and True Happiness. That Being is Truth, Happiness. This Being is That which is God. So, the realization of Reality is here and now.

The work in this direction consists of emptying all this content of this “I,” this ego, this sense of experiencer and observer. Then, there is an end to this sense of separation between the observer and the thing observed, between the thinker and its thought, there is an end to this illusion. All that disappears. The end for this experiencer and its experience. This is the end of this encounter between this “I” and God, of what is known and limited, a creation of thought itself. It is the end for this “I.” So, it's not this limited “I,” the illusion of an identity called “I,” “me” having the encounter with God. Here it's about this Reality of this Indescribable Being that is present. The Real approach to this requires a true vision of Self-Awareness.

Here on the channel, we have two playlists, one on the Truth of Self-Awareness, the other on approaching the True Meditation in a practical way. Getting closer to yourself requires emptying yourself of all the illusory content of a present identity. This is the end of ignorance, the Awakening of Truth, Happiness, and God, which is the Reality of this Being that we are.

So, that's our subject here on the channel. It is possible, yes, in this life to Realize That which is You. That is the end of all suffering, the end of all illusion, the realization of Divine Reality. For this purpose, we have meetings here online at weekends. We have the link to our WhatsApp group here in the video description. You can join our group, find out about these meetings and come and join us. We also have face-to-face meetings. We also have retreats where we work on this with you.

So, if this makes sense to you, please give us your “like,” subscribe to the channel and add the comment “Yes, it makes sense,” OK? So, here's the invitation. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

November, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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