We are here talking to you, working with you on the question of the action free from the ego. This quality of action requires an inner movement of expressing Intelligence. So, we're going to work on this with you today. We're going to investigate what this Intelligence is that makes possible the quality of action free from all the suffering and problems that the presence of the ego represents. So, our meeting here is to go deeper into this.
Notice that our actions happen all the time. From morning until night, we are in the movement of action. This speaking right now is action, this listening here is action. The movement of thought within each of us is a movement of action, gestures are actions. At every moment we are practicing a certain action, so at some level of our lives action is present. It's always like this: at a family level, at a professional level, at an intellectual level.
All this physical movement of doing something, of occupying oneself with something, all this requires the presence of actions. The problem arises when our actions are actions born from a movement in us that is not this movement of Intelligence. So, first of all, I want to touch on this question of the Truth about Intelligence. For us, intelligence, in general, is the ability, capacity and knowledge to manage certain things. So, we measure intelligence based on perception, ability, capacity and knowledge. In general, for us this is intelligence. Now, take a closer look at this question of intelligence as we understand it, see if this intelligence is really keeping us free of confusion.
All this ability, capacity, knowledge and perception to deal with technical matters, with functional matters in life is something fundamental, something important, but here we are talking about something much bigger when we talk about this Action in life. We're not talking about a specialized action, not a technical action, not a specific action such as driving a car or engaging in some professional activity. We are talking about this Action in the Totality of Life.
My contact with you, your contact with your family, with people, your contact with the very thoughts that arise within you, with the feelings that arise, with the emotional responses that arise, all of this is the movement of action, and here this Action requires a vision of oneself, an understanding of oneself. See how interesting all this is. In order to get to know a particular profession, we have to study it; the more we study, the more we learn, the more we specialize, the greater our efficiency.
The question is: How could we dispense with the understanding or the vision, the study of who we are? Because we have neglected this, or because we are unaware of its importance, our life has turned out to be a disoriented life, where there is all this psychological disorder in this action, in the relationship with the other, with ourselves. So, look at how complex this matter of action is and how much we need to investigate it.
We can't attend to Action in life without this presence of Intelligence. Here, this Intelligence awakens as you discover how to study yourself. So, the ability, the capacity, the expertise to deal with certain matters in life naturally requires knowledge, learning, and experience. Now, with regard to this Truth of What we are, in this contact with the other, with ourselves, the vision of approaching “knowing oneself,” “studying oneself,” this Truth of Self-awareness... This Self-awareness is what makes it possible to understand how the mind works, how the human mind works, how these thoughts in us work, how our emotions occur, our feelings occur within a relationship with life.
Thus, the vision of the Totality of Life requires an understanding of ourselves for a free action. We don't have an action free from the illusion of the “I,” from this complexity that is the ego. We don't have an action free from this sense of separation, from this egoic identity. So, our action, our movement in life is a movement of suffering, it's a movement of disorder, it's a movement of confusion.
Here we are offering you a new vision, a new understanding, a new way of thinking, acting and feeling. This requires the presence of the Awakening of this Intelligence. This Intelligence is That which is present when the “I” is not, when the ego is not. So, this Intelligence itself is this Action. Notice the difference between calculated action, planned action, action idealized by thought, which, therefore, places an agent, an author of actions present in this experience of action. See the difference between that and this Action of Intelligence, an Action that is not programmed, not idealized, not projected by an intention, by a motivation of an egoic order, of that order of the “I,” of the “person.” This quality of action is unknown, but it is the only Real action in life, because it is the Action of Intelligence. So, we have to understand this here.
When we go through experiences, we acquire knowledge and memories about that experience. When we encounter similar situations, we make use of this knowledge, this learning, this experience, and we act. In this way, our action is a calculated action, present because of prior knowledge. We have action that arises from the past, this action has the presence of an experiencer behind it, while the action free from the ego, free of the “I” is not a calculated, planned action, which arises from a previous experience, which arises from the past. It is that action which here, in this instant, represents Presence. This quality of action is the Action of Love.
We have tried, through ideological systems, studies of human behavior, elaboration of political vision, social behavior changing, we have sought through this – in our life, in our relationship with others, in our human relationships – harmony, complicity, mutual cooperation, and peace in our relationships. And yet we realize that this ego overrides all of this.
The movement of the self-centered, self-interested “I” within envy, greed, selfishness and particular positions is overriding that quality of action that we simply idealize – religiously, politically, and philosophically. See: none of this has worked, because the ego overrides it, our egoic behavior overrides it. So, we are always destroying, boycotting the Truth of Peace in our relationships, with family, with friends, with people around us, with ourselves, because what is still present is the ego, this sense of being “someone” present in this model of behaving, thinking and feeling in a cultural way.
We know that what prevails in this culture is ambition, envy, control, self-interest, acquisition, possession, and all kinds of egocentric patterns of action and behavior, so no matter how well-designed our human relations programs are to live in peace with each other, it hasn't worked. So, we live in the ego making agreements, but we don't have the Truth of Peace, the Truth of Love, the Truth of Happiness in ourselves. And naturally, if this isn't present here, our relationship with the world is one of self-centeredness, of seeking out “my” projections, “my” desires. So, the ego is present, illusion is present. So, the action that comes from this past, that is born from this background of program, of human culture, of psychological conditioning, of behavioral conditioning, is creating confusion.
We have to investigate together here the nature of the Action of Intelligence, of the action free from the ego. We have to work together on the Truth of the Revelation of Self-Awareness, which expresses itself in a very natural way in this action free from the ego. That’s when we have the real opportunity to attend to Life. The response that Life demands from each of us for action is what really happens.
At every moment we are being asked by Life, by Existence, to take a given action, but this action... either it is born from this egoic state and is therefore an activity of the “I” itself, an egocentric activity, or it is born from this new space, which is the space of Real Consciousness, of Intelligence, expressing, in this action, Compassion in our relationships, Peace in our relationships, Happiness being shared. Therefore, a life where the Truth of action free of suffering is present, is the Truth of a Life where we have the Presence of God, the Presence of Divine Reality.
So, notice how important all this is, to have an approximation of the Truth about who we are through Self-Awareness in order to Awaken this Intelligence. I've been telling you a lot about this: Real Intelligence is not that which expresses itself in a mathematical way, in a musical way, in a perfect sense of space, it's not the so-called “emotional intelligence.” Real Intelligence is Integral Intelligence, the Intelligence of Being-Consciousness-Bliss in this Action here and now, free from the ego.
So, our approach to these meetings is for this study of ourselves, for this understanding of the Truth about who we are. Thus, we are faced with the possibility of Spiritual Awakening, and I always emphasize when I use the expression “spiritual” here that we use this expression in a slightly different way. It's not about this so-called “spirituality” as we know, where there are rituals, mystical practices, ceremonies, where there are dogmatic doctrines from Sacred Books being taught and practiced. The Truth of Spirituality, True Spirituality lies in the Awakening of this Real Being. This is the end of this psychosomatic being we know, this “person” with his thoughts, feelings and emotions expressing themselves in ego-centered action.
The Truth of Spirituality, True Spirituality is the awareness of your Being. Thus, Spiritual Awakening is the Awakening of this Divine Life. If That Awakens, the sense of “I,” of the ego disappears – some call this Spiritual Enlightenment, the Awakening of Consciousness. True Spirituality is living in God. Living in God is not “someone” living in God, it is God being the only Reality present in the experience. So, this so-called “human experience” is actually now the experiencing of Divine Reality. There is a difference between being in this experiencing and living experiences. Humanly we can be living experiences or we can, in the Reality of this Being that we are, be in this Divine experiencing, in this contact with Life now without the element of separation, without the element of division.
So our focus here, our work here consists of discovering the art of Being this Consciousness, which is Happiness, which is Intelligence, Real Intelligence, the awareness of Being, which is Wisdom. So, when there is Real Intelligence, we have the presence of Wisdom. Our emphasis is on the Awakening of Wisdom, which requires Self-Awareness, which requires the presence of the awareness of the art of Meditation.
We don't know what Meditation is, we haven't discovered the beauty of Meditation. Meditation is what is present when there is this vision of what is here in this instant – whatever is arising – and in this moment, that element, which is the “I,” the ego doesn't enter. So, there's no separation, no division. So, we have the presence of the art of Meditation. So, we need to find out what Meditation is. You can have everything in your life, but if there isn't this perfume of Presence, which is this art of Being Consciousness, which is present when Meditation is present, if there isn't this presence of Meditation, if there isn't this art of Being this Consciousness, no matter what you've already achieved in your life, there's something that's being neglected, that's not being realized.
It's important to say this to you. You were born to Realize God, you were born to Realize Love, Compassion, the action free from the ego. This is Real Life, True and Abundant Divine Life. If That is present, everything is present. If This is not present, no matter what is apparently present, internally, psychologically, in your heart there will always be this emptiness, this absence, these unresolved internal issues, this or that form of restlessness and worry, because there will be fear; the fear of not being able to sustain all that you believe you have acquired, the fear of not being able to achieve what you still project as something you believe you need in order to be happy, to complete yourself, to fulfill yourself.
So, we live in this “I,” in this ego, in this projection of supposed egoic needs. This happens until the end of our days, unless this Realization is present, this Truth of this Being is present, and therefore this Life in this Action now, here, not calculated, not planned, not idealized by thought.
That's the subject we're dealing with here. We have face-to-face meetings and we have online meetings. We are working with you on the Truth of the Revelation of What we Are. So, these meetings take place on weekends. We have weekend meetings; you can find our WhatsApp link here in the description of the video to go deeper into this. We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats. So, here's an invitation for you to get closer to this work, okay? If this is something that makes sense to you, please give us a like and subscribe to our channel. And see you!
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