January 23, 2025

The Truth of Self-Awareness and ego-free action | Spiritual Awakening | The True Meditation

It's very natural for people to be looking for an action that doesn't produce suffering for them. So, it's quite natural for us to seek action with Truth. Then, there's the question: how to act with wisdom? Or: how to do the right thing?

Notice what we're going to work on with you here in the next few minutes. This quality of action requires a vision of the Truth about you. So, the relationship between the Truth of Self-Awareness and ego-free action is very close. Only this action, which is natural action – and we're going to work with you here and show you what this action is, the Truth of natural action, of action free from this sense of “I”, this personal sense, this egocentrism – is the only Real action, it's the only action that doesn't produce conflict, that doesn't produce suffering.

So, we're going to investigate this matter of action with you over the next few minutes. First, we have to ask: what is action? What is the truth about action? Where does it come from? Where does it proceed from? Look at yourself and you'll realize that your action is born of an idea, it's born of thought, it's born of an internal impulse of movement of thought, of movement of feeling and emotion. So, all our actions originate from this movement, which is the movement of the idea, which is the movement of thought. We only know this quality of action, this type of action. It is precisely this action that is producing in our lives some form of conflict, some form of disorder and, therefore, of suffering.

So, here on the channel we are working with you, inviting you to a free life. As life consists of actions – note that in life everything is action, from the movement of atoms to the movement of the stars, when you look at everything around you and when you also look inside yourself, into your head, you realize that everything is movement and, naturally, everything is action, life consists of actions – so there is a relationship between everything, and this relationship is within this movement; this movement is action. So, life consists of actions, actions taking place, actions happening. That's life.

Here it's interesting to realize that at every moment you are being challenged to a quality of action. The point is how we respond to that moment; the point is how we respond to that action being requested by life. So, life has this challenge, the challenge of movement, the challenge of action, and we are part of this, we are within this context.

So, every moment, every minute, every second, we are expressing some kind of action. The gestures here are actions, speech is action, this listening is action, every way of doing is action. So, there's this question from people: “How to do the right thing?” And why is that? Basically, we're in the process of doing something at every moment, that's the movement of life. So, there's the challenge and there's the answer. What kind of response are we giving to life at this moment in order to meet this challenge? The quality of this response is action. This action, with this quality of response, is naturally determining our life. So, let's look at this with you, let's investigate this with you.

There is always this action in us, the action of the idea, whether it is accompanied by feeling, emotion or thought itself. The motivation for action is born in that instant when it is driven by this “I,” by this “person,” by this sense of “someone,” which is how we feel in life – this is exactly how we feel in the world. When this action is driven by this “I,” it is the action of separation, it is the action of division and, therefore, it is the action of conflict. Let's clarify this. There is this “I” present, the motivation, the goal and the purpose, and then the action, then there is this division; there is a gap between this “I” and this action. So, our actions are premeditated by thought, premeditated by idea, something that is coming from the past. So, notice what an important thing we have here to investigate.

We have life happening right now and we have this element, which is the “I,” the ego, the “person” as we see ourselves. Notice that everything you have about the “person” you are, with whom you identify, with whom you confuse yourself, is this “person” that comes from the past. Every reference you have about yourself comes from the past: it's your memories, recollections, opinions, conclusions, and beliefs. So, these purposes present in us can only be coming from this reference that is the “I.”

So, our actions proceed, are born from the past. So, we are always trying to adjust this instant, this moment, this challenge of the present moment, to an action that comes from motivation, intention, the purpose of the past. So, there is no Real action present; that action is the action of division and, therefore, it is the action that will unfailingly produce some disorder, some level of conflict and, therefore, suffering in our lives. Not just in your personal life, but in the people around you; the result of this action will produce in them, too, some disorder, some complication, some form of suffering. Our action, therefore, is an inappropriate action.

So, when we have the question “how to act with Wisdom?”, acting with Wisdom requires action that is free of the “I,” of the ego. This quality of action is not the action that comes from idea, that comes from an impulse, a motivation, a purpose linked to self-centeredness, self-interest. This action is an action that is born free of this matter of purpose, this self-interest, this self-centeredness. This quality of action is action free from the motivation of this illusory center, which is the “I,” the ego.

So, when we talk about a free action, a Real action, a natural action, we are talking about an action free from the illusion of this illusory center that is the ego. Is there any possibility of living our lives free from this center and, therefore, a life that is not personal, self-centered, in a Real, natural and true action? Then, we have a “to do the right thing.” It's not the right thing because the “I” has decided to do the convenient thing, to let go and give up the wrong thing. It's not about an intention to do the right thing or to act with Wisdom. It's about understanding what Life itself is in its own movement of action; a harmonious action, a free action. There is, then, a natural, real, true flow. This quality of action is born from Intelligence.

So, there is no gap between idea and action; the gap is the purpose, the goal, the intention, the centered motivation of the “I,” of the ego. The Truth of life is the action free from the “I.” So, it's not a personal life moving within a correct action, within an action with Wisdom; it's Life itself in this intelligent movement, free from the “I.” Then, action is not separate from Life itself. This Intelligence, Action and Life are the same thing.

Here on this channel, we are working with you on the vision of the Truth of understanding this movement, which is the movement of the “I,” which comes from the past with its ideas, opinions, judgments, evaluations, this sense of the “I” that is always trying to adjust to this instant, to this present moment, but always with self-centeredness, self-interest, self-centered motivation as its principle. An approach to the Truth of Self-Awareness makes you realize that this movement in you is not Real, not natural. It is precisely this internal movement of unconsciousness, of psychological conditioning that makes you feel that you are the person you believe yourself to be and moving in this egocentric action, in this egocentric activity, producing suffering to yourself, producing suffering to others.

The investigation of the nature of the “I” is Self-Awareness. The discarding of the illusion of this illusory center is the end of this mistaken quality of action. So, the Truth of Self-Awareness is the action of Freedom. So, when there is Self-Awareness, which is the understanding of this illusory center that is the ego, it is possible to become free from this activity of the “I,” this action of the “I,” then we have the ego-free action. Therefore, when there is Self-Awareness, we come closer to the Truth, to Divine Reality, to that Being, to that Beauty of Pure Consciousness, of True Consciousness that we bring. When there is this understanding of the Truth about who we are, it is the expression of Love, it is the expression of Compassion, this Intelligence is present, this natural flow with the moment, the awareness of the Reality of God, the awareness of the Reality of this Being, of this Divine Reality that we bring.

Getting closer to yourself reveals to you the art of Being-Consciousness-Bliss. So, together with this, we have here the presence of the revelation of what Meditation is; it is the presence of Meditation, of True Meditation. I use the expression “True Meditation,” not “meditation” as people use that word out there, trying to approach it through various techniques or practices. The Truth of Meditation, Real Meditation has, as its principle, the vision of Self-Awareness. So, when there is Self-Awareness, we have the presence of this True Meditation; in it reveals this Being, this Consciousness, this Happiness.

Real Consciousness, Real Happiness, the Truth of this Being – some call it Spiritual Awakening –, Spiritual Awakening is the awareness of the Revelation of this Being that we are here and now, in this action where what is present is no longer this illusory center, it is no longer this false “I,” this false identity, it is no longer this sense of the experiencer, of the thinker, of the one who moves based on his experiences and intentions of thoughts, as this thinker does. There is Something present now and that Something present is the awareness of the Truth of that Being, of that Divine Reality.

So, our approach here is to have this vision together, this understanding, a direct revelation of the Truth about you. So, that's our subject here. We have online meetings on weekends, where we are working on this with you. You can find our WhatsApp link to take part in these meetings here in the video description. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats, where we are deepening this with you, becoming aware of this Truth for this Realization, which is the Realization of God. Okay? If this makes sense to you, please give us your “like,” subscribe to the channel and leave the comment: “Yes, it makes sense.” OK? See you then! Thanks for meeting us and see you next time!

December, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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