GC: Hello, everyone! We are here for another videocast. Once again, Master Gualberto is here with us. Thank you, Master, for being here.
Today, I am going to read an excerpt from Joel Goldsmith's book called "Beyond Words and Thoughts." In an excerpt from this book, Master, Joel makes the following comment: "The moment he begins to learn and to know, he begins to be." In this excerpt, Joel comments on learning. Can the Master share his vision on what real learning is?
MG: Gilson, here we come across, in your question, the most important question in life. This question is directly linked to the revelation of Life itself. You see, we underestimate this issue of learning; we fail to understand the importance, the beauty, the truth about learning, but it is learning that reveals Life. When, for example, you ask "who am I?", this is a question that only has a real answer through true learning, and this learning about what this "I," this "me," this "person," represents is to have an approach of the Vision of Life as It Is. So, let's calmly explain this here.
We have two ways of learning. The first is the one we know: we learn by listening, reading, performing a task. See, these are the ways that we have to learn. So, this learning, this form of learning as we know it, is based on knowledge, practice, execution and, naturally, experience. What we generally understand by learning, in life, is acquiring knowledge, storing information, executing it, making it practical and, thus, acquiring experience. So, learning, for us, consists of having experience based on the knowledge learned. So, it is knowledge that has been learned.
Here, we are pointing to the awareness of learning, and this learning. notice, the verb here is active at this instant, at this moment. It is not about this "learning" as we know it, it is about this new learning, because this concerns Life, this truth about this sense of the "I" present in this instant, in this moment. So, what is the truth about real learning? In this real learning, you are, at this moment, becoming aware of what is present here. That's all! You become aware of what is present; you do not store it, you do not accumulate it, you do not take it to memory. It does not become, now, part of your knowledge, of your experience.
This learning is the real way to get closer to Life in this instant, and this is the only way to become aware of the very Reality of this Mystery, which is the Mystery of Life, which is the Awareness of Reality about That which is You. This is what reveals the Truth of God! So, learning is getting closer, at this moment, to what is happening in you at this moment, because you are the very portal to this Revelation of Reality, which is God. When we have this principle of the comprehension of who we are, at this moment, we can go beyond this psychological condition of conditioning in which we, in the ego, find ourselves. And this only becomes possible when you are learning, moment by moment; becoming aware, at every instant, of your reactions.
The Awakening of Wisdom is, in reality, Gilson, the Awakening of Intelligence. Here, I refer to this Divine Intelligence, not to the intelligence that we acquire when we learn something and, through practice, are able to do it with agility, with mastery, with capacity. In general, we call someone intelligent who is able to perform extremely complicated tasks, but these tasks that are extremely complicated are complicated until you have real mastery over them. The moment you have got them, they stop being complicated. So, we consider this ability to learn and perform as intelligent. Our intelligence, the intelligence that we know, is the intelligence of knowledge and experience.
Here, the very presence of Intelligence is Intelligence in action. It is not based on learned knowledge, nor on practice, nor on acquired experience. Looking at this moment, becoming aware of your reactions, whether they are thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, whatever appears at this moment as a way of perceiving... just becoming aware of this. This reveals to you the truth about this sense of someone present, which is the "I." Therefore, this is the real way of learning. It is being present without being confused by the illusion of an element present within this moment, in this experience. Looking at this moment without the sense of someone present who evaluates, compares, has this acceptance or rejection, who agrees or disagrees; looking at this moment without placing a present element that comes from the past to do these things is to be in this real internal disposition to learn.
So, what is the truth of learning? It is being open to Life, to That which Life is, without the sense of someone present. When this happens, moment to moment, in this instant, there is an approach of the Vision of Reality, of Divine Reality. The basis for Self-awareness is this learning, and the basis for this encounter with the Reality of Life, which is Divine Reality, is Meditation.
Thus, we have this learning, which is, in reality, bringing Attention to this moment, an Attention that does not make choices; that does not agree or disagree with what arises, with what appears; that does not evaluate, does not compare, does not bring any element from the past to reject or accept.
See, Gilson, this is the real way to get closer to the truth of this "I." Once the illusion of this false identity is discarded, due to the presence of this learning, which requires the presence of this Attention, we have the Revelation of Self-awareness. This Revelation reveals That which is beyond the "I," beyond a present identity to maintain its continuity, beyond this illusory identity, this false identity. Therefore, the great truth about learning is that, in it, this sense of "I," of the ego, is unlearned and something new takes over this space. This something new is the Divine Reality, it is the Reality of this moment, it is the Reality of God. We need to discover what it is to learn, what it is to learn about Life, what it is to learn about ourselves, what it is to learn about this moment.
GC: We have a question from a subscriber here on the channel. Maria makes the following comment and asks: "Master, how do we know what comes from God or what comes from the ego?"
MG: Gilson, this question is a very common one. We want to have discernment, notice, from the viewpoint of the thinker, this "I," this "me," about what is a real action, what is an illusory action. She talks here about an action of the ego or an action of God. But, notice, this present element to discern one thing from another, who is it? Who is this thinker? Who is this one who can discern? You see, we need a new action. Real action does not arise from this illusory center which is the "I," which is the ego. Now, any personal, private attempt by this "I," this thinker, this "me," to discern real action from unreal action, that is still within the movement of the ego itself.
Here, to have a real approach of action, of real action, requires the end of this illusion of a present identity. So, I would say to you: don't think about what real action is, investigate the nature of this action that is happening in this moment from this "I," this "me," which is the action that is born out of thought, out of the premeditation of the thinker, something that comes from the past. Here, the very comprehension of this quality of action is the end of it. And when this action ends, the Truth of an action is present, which is the action that is in line with Life. So, we cannot discern what is a real action based on thought, based on the criteria of the egoic mind itself, but we can discard this egoic mind through self-observation, and then a new action will be present, and this action is certainly not someone's action. But this idea of ??a formula for knowing what is and what is not is still something that comes from this movement of the "I" itself.
Religious people have sought to do the will of God. If they understood the Truth about the will of God through the intellect. but through the intellect what you can have are rules, ordinances, commandments, attempts to get it right. But who is this element in this action? It is still the ego. Here, it is a matter of abandoning the sense of "I," the sense of the ego. Then, a new quality of action arises, but there is no way to capture it in the intellect, since the conditioned intellect itself is part of the "I," of the ego itself. Is that clear?
Thus, Gilson, a real approach to the Truth of ego-free action is only possible when the sense of this egocentric action is no longer present. Thus, the real form of approaching action, in line with this Divine Reality, is something that is present when the illusion of this ego-identity is no longer involved in it. The real form of this approach is in the discarding of this action that is born out of the thinker, that is born out of the determination of thought, within relationships, in this contact with the other, in this contact with life, in this contact with situations. As long as the movement of the thinker, which is the movement of thought itself, is present, every action will be an action that is born out of this illusory center, this false "I," and, therefore, will be an egocentric action. The real approach of this is through self-investigation, through self-observation. That is why we need the basis, which is Self-awareness.
GC: Master, we have another question from another subscriber here on the channel, José Ribeiro. He makes the following comment and asks: "Master, is Enlightenment, then, for the ego? So, enlightenment is the ego discovering that it never existed, that it is not alive, that it is not a person and, therefore, in an encounter with itself, it will never come back? Because it is not about someone alive requesting something. Clarify this, please."
MG: Notice, Gilson, this statement that our friend José makes here. See, it is just an intellectual statement. Here, it is not about having, once again, a mere intellectual understanding of this subject. We are very biased, Gilson, when we listen to a speech and draw conclusions from it. It is very typical of our intellect, of this conditioned model of intellect that we have, of seeking security from knowledge. Knowledge can give us words, it can give us conclusions, but it cannot give us the Vision of Reality. We need to go beyond the intellect, beyond words, beyond conclusions.
When you ask this question here and ask for clarification, we have two things to tell you. The first is: abandon conclusions about what Enlightenment is. Work towards this awareness of the truth about yourself. As for this Realization, or Enlightenment, or whatever name we want to give it, this is not something that happens to someone. It is something that happens when that person's sense dissolves, but we cannot just hear this and then draw a conclusion, because we are still only in the realm of ideas.
Here, what is necessary for a Real approach to this work is to discover how to look at all of this, how to become aware of how you function here and now, in this moment. Do not idealize, do not imagine, do not draw conclusions, do not think about Enlightenment, because, in fact, Enlightenment is not for anyone. The Reality of Awakening is possible, but it is not the Awakening of someone, it is not the Awakening for someone. The Reality of Enlightenment is possible, but it is not the Enlightenment for someone, it is not the Enlightenment of someone. So, this is the first thing. The second thing is when you say: "Clarify this." All clarity on this subject arises from the Natural State itself. This Natural State is called "Enlightenment" for a reason, because it is, yes, a state of clarity, of clarity, of vision, of light. So, if there is this vision, there is this clarity, there is naturally all comprehension, but this arises from the State itself, it does not arise from the intellect.
This entire basis here, of speech, of talk, is just a basis. With this basis, but going beyond it, yes, this Realization is possible; but, with this basis, positioning yourself on this basis, supporting yourself on this basis, we remain stagnant. The vast majority of people spend many years of their lives reading books, studying, listening to lectures, but they are grounded in a basis. This basis is the basis of knowledge, it is the basis of learning. As was said a little while ago: there is a difference between what you have learned and the reality of what is, at this moment, revealing itself in this learning. In general, we are living with what we have learned.
This is how our actions, our speeches, our decision-making, our achievements, all this knowledge, experience, this so-called "intelligence" present in us. All of it has, in principle, this formation that we acquired, something that came from the past. It is expressing itself here, at this moment, but it is something that is being born from this past, from everything that we have acquired at some point, being expressed at this moment, manifesting itself at this moment. All this action is the action of the "I." So, we can simply be grounded in this basis, which is the basis of knowledge, and remain stuck there for another five hundred years.
The awareness of the Revelation of Truth, the awareness of Awakening, is the absence of the "I," it is the absence of the ego. It is not something that the intellect reaches, achieves, or can know. Truth is beyond this so-called "knowledge" that we know and this so-called "ignorance" that we also know. Our work in life, Gilson, consists of becoming aware directly. It is direct experience, direct observation, direct perception, something possible in this learning moment by moment. The sense of "I," of the ego, in us, is an element that is always in its dynamism, changing. This element in us, which comes from the past, has this dynamism of this change, but it is a change of continuity in time itself.
We need to be alert, to have this approach to look moment to moment, so that we become aware of what is happening to us within this process of conditioned mind, of mental conditioning. So, yes, this learning about this process of expression of the "I" occurs. And, in this learning, we discard this identity; simply by observing, without reacting. Only in this look, moment to moment. So, the real way of this learning is, in reality, as I have said, an unlearning about this old condition of continuity of this ego-identity.
Here, in these meetings, we are showing you how this becomes possible. And this becomes possible when you discover what it means listening, what it means looking, what it means perceiving, what it means feeling, what it means living without the past, without this element present in each one of us that, when it appears, appears making choices, making resolutions, appears in this like or dislike, wanting to alter, change, impose thoughts, impose feelings, impose ideas, beliefs, emotions. over this moment, on what is shown here. Looking at these reactions is the discarding of these reactions, so that something new can be present, something outside the mind, something outside the "I." This is what we are proposing here, for you, in these meetings. Something possible in this life, for this life, because it is the only life, it is the Only Reality, where everything is already present.
GC: Thank you, Master! Our time has come to an end. Thank you for this videocast. And for those of you who are following the videocast until the end and have a sincere yearning to comprehend these truths, to truly have a comprehension beyond intellectual understanding, we invite you to come to the meetings that Master Gualberto provides. There are weekend meetings, there are online weekend meetings, there are in-person meetings, including multi-day retreats. In these meetings, the Master answers our questions directly, live, and much more than that. Because the Master already lives in this so-called "Awakened" state of Consciousness, He shares a Presence, a Power and Grace that help us greatly in this comprehension. We end up taking a ride on this energy of the Master's presence and this really makes it much easier for us to get to know ourselves, to be able to observe the crazy movement of our thoughts. So, here's the invitation. In the first pinned comment, there's the WhatsApp link to participate in these meetings. And, Master, once again, thank you.
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