February 13, 2025

What is Meditation? Learning about Self-Awareness. Advaita, Non-Duality. Practical Meditation.

Here, in this work, our emphasis is on discovery, on clear vision, on the realization of Real Life. Real Life is the life where Love, Peace, Joy, Freedom, and Happiness are present. It is that the reality of this represents the truth free from this distressing, conflicting movement that the sense of "I" establishes when it is present. When there is this freedom, which is remaining free from the psychological movement of this "I," this "ego," we have the Truth about Freedom. Real Freedom is not the freedom to come and go; it is not the freedom to do what we want to do or to obtain what we want to obtain. Real Freedom is the presence of Truth in the absence of the "ego," in the absence of the "I." And that is what we are exploring, investigating, and showing you how this becomes possible in this life. A life free from the "ego" is something that, in thought, is simply impossible to approach imaginatively. Because this is something beyond thought, beyond everything thought can produce, project, or idealize. You, in your natural Divine state, in your natural state of Being, are this state free from time and space. In this model of space, where this separation is present - we are going to touch on this here with you. We have a vision from the observer about everything: about any subject you speak of, touch upon, or address, it is always from a perspective; it is the perspective of someone who sees, from this element that is separate from that. So, we are seeing the world, life, ourselves, all experiences, from an observer who sees himself as an element separate from that.

Thus, in regard to contact with people, objects, situations, and also knowledge, it is always the idea of "someone who knows," "someone who sees," "someone who feels." So, we have present here this separation; in this separation, we have a space: this is the space of duality, of this "I" and the "other thing." Here, we have been exploring with you how to break free from this psychological condition of absence of freedom. This absence of freedom is the absence of freedom because it is the absence of the Truth of this space Free from Duality. The space we have, the space we know, is the space of this "I" and the "not-I." See how important it is to have a Real approach to this subject. Because here, we must always, constantly, touch upon with you the importance of Self-Awareness and this learning about Self-Awareness. This learning about it is having a look at life without "the one who sees," without "the one who observes," without "the one who separates himself," as an element who "feels this way," "particularly this way," "especially this way," within life, within experience. So, the end of this "element" is the end of the "I," the end of the "ego," the end of the "observer," the end of this "element" present that separates itself. Here, we have not separated the reality of the revelation of this new space without the "I," without the "ego," from the very science that reveals God, which is the Science of Meditation. So, these are playlists that we have here: what is meditation? We have returned again, and again, and again. We need to learn, in life, to unlearn this duality pattern, this "ego-identity" pattern. Our formation has been the formation of the structure of the "I." This is our mental conditioning; it is our psychological conditioning. Our psychological formation is the formation of an "identity present" all the time: speaking, thinking, feeling, acting; dealing with subjects, having knowledge - and speaking about it - dealing with people, with situations. This condition of existence is the condition of isolationism, of separatism of this identity that sees itself apart and separate from life itself. This is the absence of your natural State of Being, which is this space without the "I," without the "ego." This, in life, as it happens here and now, moment by moment, is the very Truth about Meditation. Meditation is not what people say it is. Meditation is the Reality of the Science, of the absence of "someone" present in life, in experience. This represents the truth of experiencing, because, if there is no experiencer, there is no experience either - what we have present is experiencing. If there is no "someone" in life, what we have present is Life itself. The presence of Life itself, in the absence of "someone," is the Divine Reality, is the Reality of God. So, what is meditation? It is the presence of this mystery! That is what we have called here the Real Silence. Human beings seek this; they are seeking happiness, seeking peace, seeking love, but they are doing so in this mistaken movement, which is the movement of "someone" in search, of the "person" in search. Thus, there is this "doing," this "seeking," this "searching." We place here the element of time for this to be realized. Thus, we enter various forms of mistakes, of delusions; one of them is the notion of "achieving," of "obtaining," of "realizing." Notice that these verbs are always linked to a proposal of the future; this future, we do not realize, is an imagination of thought. Because there is no such thing as the Realization of the Truth of God, of Freedom, or of Enlightenment, whatever you want to call it, in the future. There is no such thing as the future. It is thought that has created the idea of the future. Notice that life is what is here at this moment; but we have an idea that tomorrow will be different. This idea is a projection of thought about tomorrow, something that is happening now, here. This projection, this imagination, is now, here. There is no reality to this future in this imagination, or in this projection. The reality is only thought! Therefore, there is no such thing as the future, now. This future of thought is not real. We could put it another way: the reality of the future is now because this instant reveals the truth of what is. But we remain in this idealism, this futurism, this "becoming," this "should be," or "could be," or "might be." That is how we are orienting our lives, and have oriented our lives, since yesterday, from this so-called "psychological past," because that is what we also imagine about what was. Thought projects what was as being the past and projects what will be as being the future. Notice that we are always inside a game, which is the game of thought! We are like a small fly that has fallen into the web, the web of imagination; and this web of imagination has its threads, and these threads, which build this web of imagination, are thought. Can we break away from this? For the science of life, now, here, free from the past and free from the future? Notice the importance of this, the implication of this proposal being presented to you! Becoming aware that life, at this moment, revealing itself as it is - free from the past that thought constructs, and from the thought about the future that this structure of this "egoic identity" has established - a life like this, is a life free from suffering! You have, for example, no form of fear, no form of fear. Notice, our fears are innumerable. But it is simply impossible to have any form of fear now, here, when thought is not present. It only takes a thought about what might happen that is bad for "me" - see, this "me" is an imagination of "someone," of "someone" who "is present." Only when thought arises does the idea of "someone" present arise, which is the "me." And when thought arises, it creates an unpleasant, bad future for this "me"; then, fear arises. It is fascinating to have a direct understanding of Reality, of this game that thought plays, of all this game it has set up. Thought places you in time, in the past or the future; and the idea of "you" in the present. See, it is thought creating this game. The reference of "you" in the present is the memory of "something," of "someone," of some event, of some situation. And this memory of "someone" is an image; this memory of an event is something that happened in the past, or something that might happen in the future. That is how this "someone," thought, is imagining in the present. Without thought, notice, there is no "someone," there is no "I." If I ask you something, you give me an answer. At the moment you give me the answer, what we have present, at that instant, is a response of the brain due to a memory that the brain has. So, this is the answer. I ask your name, and the brain brings that answer; and, at that moment, speech happens, and you tell me your name. But what do we have here, at that instant? See how we have to investigate all this. What we have here, at that instant, is just a movement of brain memory and a brain bringing a statement of a name. But, along with that, an illusion arises: it is the illusion that there is "someone" in this process. You say: "I." See, there is no "I"; there is only the name, the memory, the remembrance, all this brain mechanism to say the name. This "I" is what thought imagines about you. What is the truth about you? You do not know. All you have about yourself is what thought says about this "I." Therefore, this "I" is this "element" that is here in the present, which is an illusion; coming from the past, which is an illusion; going into the future, which is an illusion. An approach to the truth about Self-Awareness, this learning about Self-Awareness, is to discard from life, from this body-mind, the illusion of this "I." Then, you, in your Real Nature, are present. However, you, in your Real Nature, are not in time; you are not "someone" who has a story. Because a story - we have just seen this - a story is only a record of memory, something that comes from thought, which is within this structure of brain memory and brain response, while the Truth about you is unknown. Here together, in this learning about Self-Awareness, having a clear, real vision of what meditation is, we have present the Reality of this Self, of this Divine Real Nature of each one of us. When people ask: what is enlightenment? What is spiritual awakening? It is the science that there is no "someone" to become enlightened, "someone" for Spiritual Awakening. Spiritual Awakening or Spiritual Enlightenment is the Nature of Truth! We use these expressions, but we are still dealing with words that represent absolutely nothing. Because the great truth about all this is that, when this is present, there is nothing to be said about it. The Nature of God is the Nature of the unknown, and this Nature of God is you when "you" are not. This "you," that "you" know about "yourself," is not. Thus, there is also great confusion in people's minds with this expression Self-Awareness, because they believe in a tool to improve themselves as people, to become better people. To, as people, achieve goals, dreams, and personal accomplishments; developing themselves, having self-development. Whereas the Reality of Self-Awareness is precisely the end of the illusion of "someone" to be known. It is the discarding of the illusion of this "ego-identity." Regarding the truth of meditation, it is the science of this Self, now. It is not about a distant place, in a room, with legs crossed, breathing in a certain way, the recitation of a mantra, soft music playing in the background. That is not meditation! That is meditation practice, as people practice. They could practice this, in this way, for another two hundred years, or three hundred years, and they would never understand what we are presenting here. Because here we are presenting to you the end of the illusion of the sense of "I," of the "ego." This is the science of Real Meditation. It is the blossoming of your Real Nature. The presence of the Truth of Meditation, as we need to understand this art in life, is the Truth of your Self free from the "I." Thus, where there is Real meditation, there is no meditator. The presence of meditation is now, talking to someone, driving your car, working, within an intellectual or physical activity, while you talk to a person, while you watch TV, while you walk, while you have lunch, or have your snack, there does not need to be "someone" there; only the science of life, life in expression. Life in expression, without "someone" present, is meditation. It is in living; it is moment by moment, a life free from the "ego," which naturally represents a life free from time - past, present, and future - because it is a life free from thought. Here I refer to that thought which gives structure to this illusory identity, which is "special," which sees itself in this "specialness" of "being someone" moving within this idea of time and space. What we have is the Reality of Life. What we have is the Truth of Being. The beauty of this life is the beauty of Happiness, of Completeness, it is the beauty of Bliss, of your natural state of Beatitude, of Completeness, of Abundance of Love. Abundance, yes, Abundance of Peace, Abundance of Happiness. You, in your Natural State, in your Divine State, are the one who looks free from this notion of "someone" in the looking; you are the one who listens without this notion of "someone" in the listening; you are the one who feels without this illusory idea of "someone" in the feeling. That is why we are here with you, showing you what life in non-duality is. Advaita is the vision of non-duality. It is an expression in Sanskrit for the first without the second. The first without the second is the Divine Reality. The only Reality in life is Life. This Life is God, this is Advaita. Here, we are working this with you, discovering this science of meditation. Practical Meditation is different from the practice of meditation. Here, it is about Practical Meditation. All the time, we are working this with you here in these meetings. Showing you how to become aware of meditation in practice. It is not about practicing meditation, but about the science, the vision of life, here and now, where Meditation, in Practice, is happening. These meetings of ours here are online meetings that take place on weekends. Saturday and Sunday, we are together, in this contact with silence, in this contact with this approach to self-enquiry, self-investigation, meditation, we are working with you. You have here in the video description our WhatsApp link to participate in these online weekend meetings. In addition to these meetings, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. If what you just heard is something that makes some sense to you, here is an invitation. Go ahead and leave your like, subscribe to the channel, and leave a comment here: "yes, it makes sense." Ok? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time.

December, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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