February 4, 2025

Learn about Self-Awareness. Self-Awarenessand Mindfulness. Self-image: psychology.

Here we hope that we can truly, in this meeting, indeed, have an encounter. Notice that, in an encounter, a main element within an encounter is Sharing. Whenever you meet someone, what lies behind this intention of the meeting is, naturally, a sharing. And here we are sharing together. There is a sharing of something that is present here. But this sharing becomes impossible when we do not meet.

Here we have a topic that we have worked on a lot with you: the beauty of this Learning, the truth of Learning. And this Learning requires exactly this encounter. There is a difference between learning and having learned. When, for example, you make use of knowledge, the use of this knowledge is due to something that was learned. So, what differentiates an encounter of revelation from wisdom?

Here, our topic is the Awakening of Intelligence, of this Spiritual Intelligence. What differentiates this Awakening of Spiritual Intelligence from the search or the formation of knowledge-a meeting with knowledge that is learned, has been learned, and is now known and mastered-from the science of learning? Here, learning is the verb in action; it is a continuous act, here, at this moment. It is in this learning that the possibility of this flourishing of intelligence resides. I refer to Divine Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence.

Here, with you, we are discovering how to bring an end to this psychological condition of disorder, which is the condition of the "I." Notice, the sense of "I" in us is the sense of psychological continuity. Just as the expression of learned knowledge, the more it is expressed, the more it reinforces memory. Notice, let us calmly put this here for you. Let us see the difference between this learning, in this moment, in this continuous act, and this "I learned," this learning as we know it. While this learning, as we know it, resides in acquired knowledge, this learning, at this moment, is something different because in this continuous act there is an understanding, moment by moment, of life as it is happening. This is what forms the Sage; this is what forms the new, the unexpected, the Unknown, which is this Presence of Divine Reality, of this Being, something that we are in our Real Nature.

Simplifying all this, you, in your Real Nature, are the nature of Truth, of this learning, moment by moment, in this contact with life, in this instant. In this contact with life, in this instant, this learning exists. And in this learning resides the Science of Truth, the Vision of Wisdom.

And this is what we are working on here with you, on this channel, when we propose to you the perception of this Divine Intelligence that you carry in your Real Nature, that you carry in your Being, which is different from this model of "I learned," which requires an accumulation of knowledge. Notice this: for practical purposes in life, the knowledge that is learned is fundamental. You need knowledge in various areas of life. Technical, professional knowledge is functional. It allows you to work in a profession, in an occupation, in a job. So, this is essential, this is fundamental! In this sense, learned knowledge, the knowledge that is acquired, is necessary.

Now, we have a type of knowledge that we acquire that is completely useless. And this is what I want to address here with you. We do not need this kind of knowledge that is learned, stored, and memorized. This is because this quality of knowledge gives life to this sense of "ego-identity." This life is the artificial life of an isolationist, separatist "center" that keeps us within life in a state of ignorance rather than Wisdom. It seems that now it begins to become clear to you.

The psychological condition of being someone is something we have learned. I will give you an example: you learned to feel hurt, offended, diminished, rejected, nullified by others because of the words they direct at you. And how did you learn this? You learned this by constructing an image, which is the image you have of yourself. This is how we build this "ego-identity." It is something present due to culture, learning, and training. Within this context of our relationships, we have learned to feel important and unimportant; to live in self-esteem and to suffer from low self-esteem. So, we have learned to live nurturing this sense of "I," of this "person" we are. This is something learned. Not only have we learned, but we also cultivate this learning and reinforce it.

So, there is this continuous movement in this psychological sense of "being someone," of identity formation, of identity sustenance. This identity is a fictitious identity, an illusory identity, an illusory center of existence where this "self-image" is affirmed, which is the image you have of who "you are." When someone compliments you, this reaches this "self-image," and it feels good, validated, valued, glorified, important, and proud of itself. Then, a compliment fills you. It fills this "self-image" with satisfaction and pleasure! So, when a compliment reaches you, it makes you, who is this "self-image," feel very good about the other person. So, you like them. This is the cultivation of the "self-image."

This is the cultivation of this form of learning that maintains and sustains this sense of separation-separation from the other, separation from life. This psychological condition within us is a condition of alienation from Real Life, which is life free from the "ego," life free from the "I," because this is situated precisely in the "I."

So, we see this as something positive, but in reality, we are facing a very delicate situation that is feeding this sense of the "ego," fostering this principle of duality, of separation, and therefore, of suffering. Because not everyone praises you, not everyone gives you pleasure, satisfaction, and egoic fulfillment. Some also defame, criticize, censure, and insult you. When you hear this or become aware of it, it hurts the "self-image."

So, when you are touched by flattery, you feel happy, but when you are touched by criticism, you feel bad, upset, angry, and outraged. We are giving you an example here of the kind of learning we have received within this world context that sustains this continuity of this false identity, which is the identity of the "self-image," of this "me."

What is the truth about you? Not what someone else thinks about you, or what you think about yourself. Not what you have learned from culture about who you are, or what you believe culture declares about who you are.

What culture tells you about yourself is what we carry within us due to conditioning received from culture-political, philosophical, religious culture, and this culture of others' opinions. This has given us the formation of a "self-image." So, this form of learning is not the Truth of understanding yourself. It is the falsification of the Truth about you.

We need a new way of learning. We need to learn about Self-Awareness, which is precisely becoming aware of this background of psychological conditioning we carry, this format of learning we have received from human history, human culture, human values, which has given shape to this sense of the "ego." See how important this is for your life! Anxiety, depression, anguish, fear, worry, rejection-all this, and much more, is sustained precisely in this "self-image," in this idea of "being someone," in this image that thought has built about who you are.

Because, notice, all of this is a construction of thought.

Here we are working on this with you: the end of this psychological conditioning and, therefore, the end of this quality of thought, the end of this "self-image." So, you need knowledge that is acquired and that gives you a professional, functional, technical formation. But you do not need the "self-image"; you do not need the psychological model of existence that humanity knows.

This psychological complexity of "being someone" in life is sustaining, feeding, and continuing every kind of suffering, every kind of problem, every kind of confusion in our lives. Because these "our lives," this is not the Reality of Life; it is the reality of the "particular life" of this illusory identity.

Thus, we are here looking at the beauty of this learning about Self-Awareness. This learning about Self-Awareness requires this vision of Self-Awareness in Full Attention. When someone compliments or criticizes you, it touches this "self-image." When, at this moment, you discover the beauty of what Full Attention is-at that moment, just listening and paying attention to what life is showing here and now, at this moment-this breaks with the conditioning of learning in inattention. This learning in inattention sustains the continuity of the image, of the "self-image." Notice how simple this is.

When listening to me, you either agree or disagree. This proves that this Listening does not contain this attention. When there is this attention, within this attention, there is Listening. And in this listening, there is no "you" to agree or disagree.

This is an example of what this attention is in this Listening. Listening to what the other says is not agreeing or disagreeing. Listening to what the other says is just listening. In this Listening, a new energy is present. This energy allows you to learn. Just learn and not reinforce knowledge you already have by agreeing or disagreeing; and not accumulate new knowledge from what the other says, in this old and traditional learning, learning, acquiring, accumulating knowledge.

So, notice the beauty of this encounter with this Listening, which allows you to learn without accumulating. When there is this Listening, what the other says becomes clear, but there is no accumulation. There is no record! There is only an understanding of what the other says.

See, it is not about agreeing or disagreeing; it is not about storing what the other says, turning it into knowledge for this "self-image." In this Listening, we have the presence of this attention to this moment. And, in this Listening, in the presence of this attention to this moment, there is Understanding. In this Understanding, we have Learning. Do you see the difference? This does not give shape to the "I." This discards the sense of an identity, which carries a self-image, which carries self-importance, which lives in this liking or disliking of what it hears.

So, we have now presented this directly to you. We have just presented this very directly to you. What is essentially this learning about Self-Awareness? It is being in this attention to this moment, without valuing this "self-image," which is a structure created and sustained in you by thought.

This "self-image," psychology touches on this but does not delve into it as we are presenting it here. We are working with you on ending this "self-image." In general, people value this "self-image." When they speak of "self-image" in psychology, in general, they are valuing this "self-image," giving it training to better deal with life's situations.

In other words, in another way, they are only fostering even more the formation and consolidation of this "self-image." So, people are greatly concerned, in a mistaken way, with changing this "self-image," improving this "self-image," perfecting this "self-image."

And here we are telling you that the realization of the Truth about you is what is present when there is an end to this "self-image." This is the discarding of the "self-image." Something possible when we bring to this moment this attention to our reactions, to any thought, feeling, emotion, or sensation that appears here, in this instant; when, for example, in the example we just gave, you are criticized or you are complimented.

So, notice the value of this, understand the value of this for your life, and if, at the end of this "particular life," of this sense of the "ego," which lives within this position of "up and down," as on a seesaw, it is either well or poorly. These internal psychological states, in this "ego-identity," are conflicting states because of this duality. Because we are either well or unwell, either fulfilled or empty. Feeling validated or invalidated; appreciated or depreciated; loved or hated; accepted or rejected.

What are we doing here together? We are breaking with this pattern of "egoic identity." We are understanding the truth about Self-Awareness.

So, we are exploring this here with you. We have the possibility, in this life, of realizing the Truth of what we are, going beyond this "self-image." This requires learning about Self-Awareness. So, the truth of Self-Awareness is something that is closely related to the presence of this Full Attention. And here this Full Attention is not the full attention of a technique, a method, a tool for the self-improvement of the "I"; it is the science of reality revealed in this instant when the "I" is not present, when the "ego" is not present.

So, approaching yourself is awakening in this life. This awakening is the discarding of this sense of the "ego," this sense of the "self-image."

Here we are discovering together how, in this life, to have, in this existence, the flourishing of the truth about who we are, the awakening of this Spiritual Intelligence, of this Divine Intelligence. This is what we are working on with you here. Realizing this in this life is becoming aware that there is a present reality. And this reality is not the reality of the "person"; it is the reality of God.

Human beings have lived on planet Earth for many years. We have been here for millennia. And we still have not become aware of Reality, that there is something present beyond the known; there is something present beyond this notion we have of time and space; there is something present, and this something is the Divine Reality.

Human beings have always been curious, and in their dissatisfaction, they have always sought to discover if there really is something beyond all this. The Sages who have appeared in this scenario, in this dream of existence, have told us about this Reality. But the human intellect came and organized the words of the Sages, and thus we created organized religions.

But notice, the purpose in life is to become aware of divine life. In this sense, the purpose in life is to become aware of Reality, yes, of the reality of God. But this is not something within the realm of the intellect. The intellect cannot grasp the real meaning of this, of this Divine Reality, which is the Reality of God.

So, contact with the Truth of this Being, this Real Being, beyond this "self-image," beyond this "egoic sense," is indeed contact with the Truth of God. In this sense, we have the presence of Real Divine Life, of true religious life. Thus, we have the presence of this realization of God, which some call Spiritual Awakening or Spiritual Enlightenment.

Here on the channel, we have a playlist about what Full Attention is. Another playlist about Self-Awareness and Full Attention, where we are exploring this topic with you. So, becoming aware of this, realizing this in this life, is having the revelation of Self-Awareness, the importance of Self-Awareness, of this learning about Self-Awareness.

Here, we are telling you that you, in your Divine Nature, are beyond the "self-image," beyond this egoic sense. And, therefore, beyond this duality, this psychological condition, where all kinds of suffering we know exist within this conditioning, in this old learning, which is the learning of this "ego-identity." Breaking with this is the science of a new learning. Breaking with this is breaking with thought as we know it, for something that is beyond the mind, which is the Divine Truth, which is the Truth of God.

So, here on the channel, we are dedicated to this Spiritual Awakening, this Divine Realization, this Awakening of God's Intelligence. We have meetings here on Saturdays, working on this with you, Saturday and Sunday; weekends together!

You have the link to our WhatsApp group in the video description to participate in these online meetings on weekends. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and retreats. If what you have just heard is something that makes some sense to you, here is an invitation: leave your like, subscribe to the channel, and leave a comment: "Yes, this makes sense!" All right? And we'll see each other! Thanks for the meeting and until next time.

November, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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