Generally, we have a way of approaching any subject either by creating a much greater complication than the subject represents or by oversimplifying it. So, there is this general tendency in us: either we complicate it or we simplify it. So, there is an exaggerated simplification or exaggerated complication.
Here, with you, today we are going to discuss some subjects that involve the beauty of this encounter with Self-awareness, this encounter with the truth about who you are, about who we are. So, this requires a new way of approaching it from each one of us. We cannot continue to complicate this subject, nor oversimplify it. I say this because some people write saying, "It seems so simple to me." And why, in fact, is it not so simple? While others say, "But what you say is very complicated."
So, you see, for some this is very simple and for others it is very complicated. What is it that is really creating this differentiation? What creates this difference is our way of approaching things, and we don't have a true way of approaching these subjects, because we are too used to looking at them from a background of knowledge and experience that we bring, something that we already have within us, and naturally this makes it difficult to have a new approach. And here we need to have a new approach.
It is only possible to delve deeper into a subject like this when we have a different approach to it, and this approach requires from each of us, right from the start, a silent mind, a mind with a certain stillness for this approach. You can never understand someone or understand something without a minimum of silence. If you want to pay attention to something, the brain needs to be quiet, which, in general, we don't achieve easily.
So, we put ourselves in this way: we want to understand, but there is this internal restlessness within us that makes this silence impossible, which is the silence that facilitates the deepening of that subject, and that is what we need here. We need to discover in this encounter what it means learning about ourselves.
Our topic here with you is learning about Self-awareness. We don't have this awareness of learning; we don't learn how to learn. We may have some ease in learning certain things in life, and it's interesting to mention this here. Everything that we have, in truth, a certain ease to learn, observe it yourself and you will realize, there is an interest within you, a deep interest. So, there is this internal fervor, this internal love, this internal passion for that subject.
So, notice, it doesn't get complicated, or no matter how complicated it may seem to you at first, this is not taken into consideration, because of this fervor, this love, this passion for that. So, it becomes simple when you learn with ease, no matter how difficult it may have seemed to be at first.
Here in these meetings, we are, with you, investigating the most important subject in life. And what is the most important subject in life? It is life, the comprehension of the totality of life; and this comprehension is something that is present when what we are discussing here with you is present, which is the vision of yourself.
There is no such thing as a true separation between you and life. Life is you; you are life. Everything that is present in you today is what is present in life, in this life of yours. Here, the lack of the understanding of "your life" is the lack of the understanding of life as it is happening at this moment to you.
We have some beliefs; in fact, we have many forms of beliefs. Here, to put it more specifically, we have, in relation to life, some basic beliefs that we need to get rid of. One main belief is the idea of ??separation, where you feel like someone in life, you see life as something for you. As long as this psychological condition persists, which is in reality illusory, various forms of conflicts will continue to be present within your relationship with life.
I want to address this subject of relationships here with you. This is one of the subjects that we need to have a real approach to, a true approach, a meaningful and deep approach. Here, when we touch on this issue of Self-awareness, we are basically touching on the importance of understanding how you function in the context of relationships, the truth about relationships.
Some want to approach this from a philosophical point of view, from a philosophical perspective, others from a psychological perspective. So, we have several ways of approaching this. We have the religious perspective, the psychological perspective and, for example, the philosophical perspective, as in the case of Stoicism - this Stoic view of relationships. But here we are with you, delving deeper into this from a perspective of what is happening here, in all of us.
Our relationships are not real when they are fixed to patterns that thought constructs. Let us clarify this for you here. The way we approach others is basically the way we approach ourselves. What is the truth of this approach we have about who we are? The truth is that we do not know the truth about ourselves; we have an approach based on what thought has been constructed, on what thought is showing us, presenting to us.
So, this approach is the approach of thought. This is the approach we have to ourselves. So, naturally, any approach you have with others, on this same basis of approach, will not be a true approach; we will have a mistaken approach, because we will have the presence of a separation in which the curtain of separation is thought.
So, there are several things here that we need to study when we study ourselves. One of them - and we have a playlist here on the channel - is about thought. This curtain of separation, of division, prevents us from a real relationship with what we really are. Our relationship with ourselves is mistaken, and so is our relationship with others.
It is impossible to have a true relationship when there is a wall, when there is a curtain. It is like when you go to the window and see the window, but there is a curtain there. If you do not open the window, there will be no relation of vision, of visual contact with the outside. So, you have the window, you have the window glass and you have the curtain. If you do not open the curtain, if you do not open the window, you will not have real contact with vision. At least this curtain needs to disappear from your field of vision, because it is the impediment.
In this contact with yourself, you do not know yourself, because you have about yourself what your thought says about you; you have about the other what your thought says about the other. Therefore, it is essential to discover the truth about thought. How do we get closer to this truth about thought? By becoming aware of what it represents.
Our difficulty here lies in the fact that thought is constantly occupying this field, it is constantly being this curtain that prevents us from being aware of what is happening, including with ourselves. This way, contact with others becomes impossible.
What we have considered as contacts in our relationships are rather contacts where this model of thought is present; and thought distorts reality, it prevents the truth of what is present in relationships. Thus, what is present in these relationships is division. And if we have division, there is no awareness, there is no comprehension, there is no truth.
Every thought you have about yourself is this curtain that prevents you from being aware of the reality about you, just as every thought you have about others, this is the curtain that prevents you from seeing the reality of who the other is.
Life requires this learning, moment by moment. Thus, this contact with life, which is contact with oneself, is the contact of learning; it is only when, in life, Freedom becomes possible and, naturally, the presence of Happiness, the presence of Love in relations, because it is the basis of this relation in life, with life. Once there is awareness of non-separation, because there is no longer this curtain, which is the curtain of thought, there is the presence of this communion with us, because there is no thought, there is our communion with the other, because there is no thought.
So, we need to discover what life is without thought. And what is basically thought? What is the truth about thought? Thought is a construct of memory, of remembrance, of recollection, of idea. When we deal with thought, we are not dealing with reality, we are dealing with the symbol, with the image, with the idea about that.
Notice how simple this is. When you remember your house, you do not have your house, you have an image, an idea, a picture, just as when you remember someone, you do not have him or her, you have an image, a picture, a thought. Thus, we are dealing with life through thought. All of our relations, all of our relationships, everything that we relate to through thought is nothing more than an image that thought is constructing and establishing as being true within these relations.
So, learning about Self-awareness is becoming aware of how you function in this contact with life as it happens. And part of what happens in life is the presence of thought, part of life is this very movement of life in relations. Thus, without understanding thought, without understanding relations, we have a conflicting, distressing, disorderly, confusing life.
Therefore, the basis for the Divine Reality, for the Reality of God, in life, is the awareness of his Grace, is the awareness of his Presence, and this present Reality is the Reality of the Truth about You in your Real Nature. A direct understanding of the truth about yourself is the elimination of this pattern of thinking as we know it, to approach life and, therefore, relations without this curtain. Then, we have contact with the reality of this moment, which is life as it happens, where the Truth of this new approach to this moment, this present moment, this living is present.
This contact is what I have called experiencing moment to moment. It is not about an experience you have, but about experiencing that moment, in that relation; in this relation where the absence of this separation is present and, therefore, Communion is present, Love is present, Freedom is present. What makes all of this possible as a basis is the vision of the Truth about who we are, which is this Divine awareness, which is this awareness of the Reality of Love, Peace, Happiness, which is the Nature of God.
Some have called it Self-Realization or God-Realization, it is the awareness of the Truth of your Divine Nature revealing itself due to the vision of Self-awareness, of understanding, of the elimination of this sense of "I," because of the truth about Self-awareness. Therefore, Real Self-awareness is nothing other than the elimination of this separation, this duality, where there is the Truth of That which is beyond the mind; therefore, beyond thought, beyond what we have been living for a long time in our lives, in this illusion of separation.
In these meetings here on the weekends we are working on this with you. Saturday and Sunday, we are together delving into this subject here. I want to leave you an invitation here: there is our WhatsApp link in the video description for you to participate in these online meetings on weekends. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. If this is something that makes some sense to you, leave a "like" here, subscribe to the channel and leave a comment here: "Yes, that makes sense." OK? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and see you soon!
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