February 11, 2025

Joel Goldsmith | The Master speaks | What is Self-awareness? | Master Gualberto

GC: Hello, everyone! We are here for another videocast. Once again, Master Gualberto is here with us. Thank you, Master, for being here.

Today, I will read an excerpt from Joel Goldsmith's book called "The Master speaks." In an excerpt from this book, Joel Goldsmith makes the following comment: "For this purpose it becomes necessary that we begin with the knowledge that we are not our feet, legs or torso, but that we are a state of consciousness appearing to the world as a body." In this excerpt, Joel Goldsmith comments on knowing ourselves, also called "self-awareness." Can the Master share his vision of what self-awareness is?

MG: Gilson, the great truth about Self-awareness is that there is no such thing as this "I" to be known. What, in general, people call "self-awareness" is the movement of recognizing thought itself and how this memory-reaction mechanism is working. You see, this memory-reaction, this psychological conditioning, is exactly this "I." The "I" is nothing other than this: a movement of memory-reaction, a set of evaluations, beliefs, opinions, concepts, memories, recollections of experiences. This gives us the illusion of a present identity, responding to life, relating to life as a separate element of life. Basically, this is the "I."

Thought has constructed, through ideas, which are sets of thoughts, systems to deal with this movement, which is the movement of present conditioning - in other words, to deal with the ego, with the "I" itself -, and thought has called this "tool of self-awareness," but the great truth about Self-awareness is that there is no such thing as someone present in life, separate from it, being the experiencer of it. The notion that thought has constructed in us, that this movement of thought has constructed in us, that this "I" has, that this ego has, is that we are, in life, being the experiencers of it. This is an illusion! The only Reality present is Life as It happens.

This movement that we call "I" is only the movement of this consciousness, as consciousness is acting in this body-mind, but this consciousness is still part of this movement, which is the very movement of reaction of memory, of thought. Here, we have to approach the awareness of Self-awareness, and the awareness of Self-knowledge will show us that there is no such thing as someone present to know oneself. Investigation of the nature of the "I," of this "me," of this ego, of this person, the investigation of this is the end of this psychological condition of existence, of illusory existence, separate from life, being, from life, the experiencer of it.

That's what we are proposing here for you: to become aware that there is no such thing as someone to be aware of anything, anything. The truth of this is Awakening, the truth of this is the end of illusion, it is the end of this idea of ??someone present in this dream, in this dream of existence, in this dream of separation, in this dream of duality. This requires a life dedicated to the Comprehension of Life. This requires this listening, this perceiving, this becoming aware of what is present here, without putting this element that we had just mentioned a moment ago, which is just a movement of memory, of reaction, something that comes from the past, within this. The importance of these meetings is that here, in them, we are becoming aware of this.

When This flourishes, when the Clarity of This is present, there is the presence of Intelligence. See, it is not someone in intelligence, it is not someone intelligent, it is the Awareness of Life as It happens. This is Intelligence! So, it is about the expression of Intelligence itself in this body and mind, but it is not someone intelligent. There is great confusion about this Natural State, and that is what I have been calling it for a long time. Here, it is not about a special state, something extraordinary. Yes, we are faced with something quite unusual, in the sense that what is common to all of us is something simple to be recognized by the model of thought itself, which recognizes everything that is part of it, and this matter is not part of thought. In this sense, this Natural State is something, yes, exceptional, unusual. It is about your Divine State, your State of Pure Intelligence.

This is what some call Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening. Therefore, the truth of Self-knowledge is the awareness that there is a Reality present beyond the "I"... beyond the "I," this psychological model of existence, of a present identity moving in this idea of ??being the owner of the body, the lord of the mind, acting in life. There is no such thing! This relationship with life based on this belief, this "belief-feeling-thought," has placed us in a position of separation between Life as it happens and this element that approaches It. So, this element is the experiencer and "life" is the experience. This division is arbitrary, it is mistaken. This division is a fantasy, something that thought has produced.

It is interesting that this is said here. We trust in this, believe in this and live this because of this state of ignorance of the Truth about ourselves, which means that we are only maintaining a dream condition, a dreamlike condition of existence. That is why it is called "Awakening," because it is the end of this dreamlike state of sleep, of dream that humanity has been living for millennia. The Flourishing of your True Nature is the Awareness of Awakening from this dreamlike state, from this state of dream, of sleep, of unconsciousness. It is within this condition that we are seeing the world as it is, life as it is: confusion, disorder, suffering, problems, conflicts. Human beings have established their lives within this format, within this pattern. This is because they lack this Awareness of Truth, which is the Awareness of your Being, which is the Awareness of God. So, we are here to, in this life, go beyond this condition, go beyond this dream. We are here for Awakening.

GC: Master, within this theme of Self-Awareness, we have a question from a subscriber here on the channel, Lígia. She asks the following question: "Good evening, Master. Thank you. Does the projection of the conscious astral body facilitate Real Self-Awareness?"

MG: Gilson, we are still faced with a condition of perception of separation and duality. When you dream, you do not dream in your physical body. When you dream, you are using a subtle body in the dream, and you are also having an experience of the world. So, there is someone present, separate from the world, having a body, having thoughts and being conscious. This is the condition of the dream state that we have at night. This so-called "astral projection" ... What is the basic difference? There is the presence of a body, there is the presence of a world, there is the presence of this feeling of "I" and this consciousness of perceiving the world as something separate from this "I." You see, we are within the same principle of separation, of duality.

So, in the waking state, which is ours, in the dream state, which is the one at night, and in this so-called state of astral projection, in these three states the principle of duality of this "I" and the non-"I," of this self-consciousness is always present. Your question is whether this helps. The state of the psychological condition of duality is something to be investigated at this moment. Wherever there is this psychological condition of duality, there will be separation, and in this separation, the psychological condition of disorder, confusion, conflict, and suffering is established.

The basis for this Realization is Self-Awareness. No mental state where duality is present - ??naturally, because it is a state of the mind itself - can be of help, of assistance. So, it does not matter what psychological condition or mental state a person is in. In this "sense of person," there is this principle of duality, of separation. This is what needs to be investigated, to become aware of the reality of what you are here and now.

We have created these divisions, which are divisions that do not proceed. We are dealing with the same movement of consciousness of the "I": waking, dreaming, deep sleep, astral or spiritual world, or access to other planes. If there is an element present, separate and apart, if this experience is the experience for the experiencer, duality is present, illusion is present. Breaking with this is the end of duality, it is the end of this experience for the experiencer, it is the end of this condition of the past, of experience to be remembered. The remembered experience, the recalled experience, is the movement that declares the presence of this record of the experiencer. Wherever there is a record, there will be this element that records. So, there will always be this separation: the one who records and that which one records.

We have to abandon all this, leave behind all types of so-called "spiritual" searches or experiences so-called "spiritual," because in these experiences the element of experience is always present. Wherever there are experiences, there will be the element of experience. This element of experience is separate from experience; what it has of experience is the record of sensation, of pleasure, of recognition, of experience, of memory. The Reality of Awakening is the end of experience, the end of the experiencer, of the world where there is an element present in it, separate and apart from it. We are faced with something indescribable, something outside of the known, something that is no longer within this process of duality, of separation.

The Reality of this Being is the Divine Reality. This Reality is not subject to experiences. So, when you have experiences, you are there and experience is there too. So, separation is present, duality is present. Naturally, the record remains, and this record is memory, due to the presence of separation, due to the presence of this duality. All of this is still within this dream. Each and every spiritual experience is within the dream. People talk about the expansion of consciousness... No matter how much this consciousness expands, no matter how broad, extensive and extraordinary this experience of expansion of consciousness is, this expansion of consciousness requires the presence of a center. So, there is the center and there is expansion. This expansion from a center is still a movement where there is a separation between this present element and this experience of expansion.

Wherever there is a center, there will be a space around that center, and however much that space changes and expands, it will still be a space for that center. So, there is the center and there is the space. We are facing something that some classify as an "experience of expansion of consciousness" or "spiritual experience." Yes, spiritual experience, experience of expansion of consciousness, but wherever there is experience, there is not the Reality beyond the known, we are still within the known, within that which the mind identifies, recognizes and perceives, and if that consciousness does that, that is still part of that consciousness. That is not what we are dealing with when we talk here to you about this awareness of what is beyond experience and the experiencer, beyond the center and the periphery. It is something that is beyond this center and this space that it creates.

GC: Master, we have another question from another subscriber, José. He makes the following comment, asking: "Master, who is Enlightenment for, after all?"

MG: Gilson, there is no such thing as Enlightenment. Reality is the end of the dream, it is simply the end of the dream! It is not the end of the dream for someone, it is just the end of the dream! The end of the dream of someone. You see, it is different. It is the end of the dream, of this dream of someone. Someone is the presence of the dream; when the dream ends, this "someone" of the dream also ends. We have the Reality of the Vision of That which is beyond the known present, but there is no someone in it. It is the Awareness of Real Life as It Is. And here, when I say, "as It Is," I mean Real Life. Not this life as we know it. Life as we know it is the life of someone who knows life. So, life as it is, for someone, is the dream.

So, it is not about Enlightenment for someone, it is about the end of the illusion of someone for Enlightenment. Expressions like "Spiritual Awakening," "Spiritual Enlightenment," "God-Realization," are just expressions! They speak absolutely nothing about the Truth. There are no words that can describe That which is outside of what can be described. All the words we use are always pointing to something that thought identifies, classifies, specifies, points to, names. The Awareness of Truth is Truth as It is, but It is not something that thought can reach, that it can point to or describe, or about which it can clarify anything.

Thus, the Awareness of Reality is unnamable, it is indescribable. Intellect cannot reach it, thought cannot reach it, the mind cannot reach it. So, for whom is Enlightenment? There is no such thing as "someone" and there is no such thing as Enlightenment. Once the Clarity of this is present, it is only the Clarity of this present, it is the Reality of this present. There is not a someone. This is Divine Reality, something outside of anything that thought can elaborate, clarify, explain, specify and name.

Here, in these meetings, we are becoming aware of this, but it is paradoxical, because the awareness of this is something that reveals itself when someone is not there. So, the great truth is that this awareness is possible, but no one can be present in this awareness. When Truth is present, no one remains. When Reality shows itself, no one remains to see this Reality, nor anyone to show this Reality.

This is beyond thought, beyond intellect, beyond the "I."

GC: Thank you, Master. Our time has come to an end. Thank you for another videocast.

And, for those of you who are following the videocast until the end, I would like to extend an invitation. If you have a real and sincere desire to understand these truths, to truly know yourself, I invite you to participate in the meetings that Master Gualberto provides. These meetings are much deeper than these videos here on YouTube, because, in these meetings, in addition to Master Gualberto answering our questions directly, he shares this State of Presence in which He lives and, in this sharing, we end up taking a ride on this Silence in which the Master lives, in this Presence, in this Power, and this helps us a lot in this Self-awareness, in the understanding of what is beyond intellectual understanding. So, here is the invitation.

In the first comment, pinned, there is the WhatsApp link to be able to participate in these meetings. In addition, please give a "like" to the video and subscribe to the channel, if you are not already subscribed, and also leave a comment here, bringing questions for us to bring to the next videocasts.

And, once again, Master, thank you for the videocast.

December, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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