September 3, 2022

How to go beyond suffering? | Kundalini Awakening | The Psychological duality and Self-knowledge

Hello everyone, welcome to another meeting here on our channel.

We're going to talk to you about this inner order, this psychological order. The importance and value of this Perception of Reality, which is something that only occurs when there is order, psychological order, internal order.

We need to go beyond the psychological duality, to go beyond psychological suffering. And this is a subject we need to delve into here. We must have a real understanding of this, about this, and therefore, we need to learn about this. And here, when I refer to learning about this, it’s not learning in the intellectual sense, in the verbal sense, in the theoretical sense, but rather in the experiential sense. When I mean learning, it is learning about ourselves, learning about ourselves, learning about who we are.

After all, how do you function? That's the question. Notice that all this psychological state of contradiction, conflict, disorder, fear, suffering, within us, this is present from childhood. And, in fact, we never apply ourselves to this Understanding; we never come to this Awakening of the Truth of our own Being.

We have always mistaken ourselves for what thought says. We don't realize it. This has been happening for a long time. We never notice that this movement of thought, within all this confusion it causes within us, occurs in an uncontrolled, automatic, mechanical way… we feel the effects of it, but we never investigate it. I want to propose this to you: a work on yourself, for the end of this confusion.

This Self-discovery necessarily passes through the Self-knowledge. It’s necessary Self-knowledge. No matter how successful you are in this moment, in the world, or no matter how much more successful you have already been or still intend to be in your life, or even working for it, this has no relevance, with regard to this Completeness, to this Happiness, to this Love, to this Peace of Being. Fame, success, professional fulfillment, affective, emotional fulfillment, none of these represent the Truth about who You are, and therefore, none of these represent the Real Happiness. And all you really seek in life is that Happiness.

Therefore, the Self-knowledge gives you the Awakening of this Consciousness - some people call it Spiritual Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening. The Recognition of your own Being requires a new mind, not this ancient and old mind, disordered, conflicted, within patterns of envy, ambition, desires, fears… All this is disorder, and even if in many aspects of your life some accomplishments are already present, as long as the Inner Realization is not present, none of these external achievements will represent Happiness for you; that's what we're saying.

There needs to be a new mind and a new heart. This contact is the contact with Life, the contact with the Divine Reality, the contact with the Reality of your Being. This is where Love, Happiness, Peace, and Freedom reside; this is the Completeness of being who you were born to be.

So, this is our subject here within our channel. We are addressing Spiritual Awakening, the Flourishing of your Divine Nature, the Contact with the Reality You are. A change in the body and mind is necessary, and here, on the channel, we have been talking about it. In these online and in-person meetings, we have also talked about this.

There is no real human Realization without this Divine Realization. This Divine Realization is the True Realization possible to the human being. So, this change in the body and mind, a new mind and a new biological structure for that Divine Power, that Divine Grace, this Divine Presence or Intelligence to really be there taking its place. And that sense of egoic life, of dualistic life, of life in separation, where there is you and life, you and God, that disappears. This is the end of suffering; this is the end of fear.

Thus, this work of learning about yourself is what makes possible the Awakening of this Divine Power, this Divine Realization, which some call Spiritual Enlightenment, as I’ve just said. I have called Natural State - you simply being what you were born to be.

Ramana Maharshi shared this during his lifetime, during his years in that physical form, there, in Arunachala, southern India… the famous Sage of Arunachala. And here, we are sharing with you this same Reality, the Reality of your Being. Ramana lived on that mountain and people came to hear the Truth from him, the Truth that they were looking for, that they were seeking.

This speech comes to you now as this proposal too, if you are the one who is looking for this Truth, the Truth of your Being. There comes a time in your life when you realize this is not outside. You have already accomplished everything you wanted to accomplish and, for some of you, it is already clear that you don't need to accomplish anything. Their condition of desire is very, very little, because they have already realized that the Revelation of the Truth is within a work in themselves, which is Real Love, Real Happiness, the Real Peace.

So, this meeting here, this meeting with you, is to tell you that. The end to this confusion is possible, the end to this fear is possible, the end to suffering is possible, the end to this illusion of this sense of “me” living a separate life and therefore within this condition, is possible. It is possible a whole new mind, a whole new heart; it is possible to live in Compassion, in Love, in Freedom; it is possible to be aware of God, here and now.

To be Aware of God implies Oneness, complete Oneness with Life. It’s evident that in this Oneness with Life, as there is no sense of psychological duality, which is this “I” and this experience, this “I” and the world, this “I” and the other, this “I” protecting itself from being defamed, slandered, rejected, not loved, not accepted, that "I" and that experience… As there is no such "I," there is no illusion of such experience touching that "me." That’s the end of the egoic sense, the end of the sense of separateness. This is possible when there is Presence, when there is Consciousness, when there is Meditation, when your Being reveals itself.

The art of Meditation - as I’ve been discussing here on our channel, we have a playlist about Meditation - is this approach to yourself, without mistaking yourself for what thought says, what feeling says, what emotion says, even for what the sensation in the body says; without mistaking yourself for the body itself and its experience. This is the end of the duality between “me” and the body, “me” and the mind, “me” and the world, “me” and God… This Oneness, this Natural State of Being, of absence of the psychological duality. In India, they call it Samadhi - You in your Natural State. This change in the body and mind – here, on our channel, I have also been talking about this… It’s a change in the body and mind that makes this possible, it’s Kundalini Awakening, it’s the Awakening of Consciousness.

Kundalini is that Energy present, it is that Consciousness present. A work on the mind and body is required. Self-observation, which is the basis of Meditation, puts this Energy, which was wasted before for this antagonism, for this conflict, for the psychological duality; this Energy that was occupied before with this whole process, now, this same Energy becomes available for an entirely new process to start happening in the body and in the mind, which is the Kundalini Awakening, which is the Awakening of this Consciousness.

You are in this life only to Realize This, the Awakening of your Being, in this body and in this mind. This is Enlightenment, Awakening, Realization of God or the Natural State. Here on our channel, we have a playlist on this subject: “Kundalini Awakening.” Another playlist is about Meditation, about the True Meditation. And we have other playlists here, all dealing with this subject, deepening this subject with you, the subject of this change.

The mind has to go through this change. A new mind is needed, a mind where there is Space, where there is Silence, where there is Stillness. Not this confused, troubled, chattering, full of thoughts mind, but rather an entirely new mind. Then, something entirely new happens, and that something is the Awakening of the Truth about who You are, and this is the end of psychological disorder, the end of confusion, the end of suffering, and here is the Realization of your Being.

If this is something that makes sense to you, leave your “like,” and subscribe to the channel… Reminder: we have online meetings and also in-person meetings… and you can be part of it.

Ok? Thanks for the meeting and see you on our next video.

August, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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