September 2, 2022

Spiritual Awakening. Psychological Suffering. Illusion of psychological Duality. The Self-knowledge

Hello guys! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel.

Let me talk to you about ending psychological duality. Of course, this is a very important subject, because we are talking to you about the end of suffering. This is due to Spiritual Awakening.

So, there are three subjects, well… very basic here within our meetings: the Spiritual Awakening, the end of all psychological suffering and this issue of the illusion of psychological duality.

We need to approach this by learning. It is necessary to discover what it is to learn, and here I am referring to learning about ourselves. There is something people want to discover for themselves; it is a matter of developing the person, the person they believe they are.

So, they want to work on the issue of personal development for themselves, and here I want to emphasize the importance of learning about yourself not in this sense, in the sense of personal development, but in the sense of Self-knowledge.

It is necessary to learn about yourself. This learning about yourself will give you the Self-knowledge. This Self-knowledge is the Vision of Truth about who You are. Because, notice something here with me, there is Truth about who You are and there is belief about who you are. Therefore, there is a Truth about yourself and there is an idea about yourself. Based on this idea, life is happening, in the midst of all this internal confusion, in the midst of all this psychological confusion that the human being lives.

This psychological confusion, this inner disorder, is present because of this psychological duality, which is basically an illusion.

What is this psychological duality? It is the belief, the idea of existing as an entity separate from experience. We have never investigated this issue, for example, of fear. Fear is a state of unhappiness; fear is part of this presence of psychological unhappiness in the human being, and we never investigate this question, we never ask ourselves if it is possible to live without fear.

Here I refer to this fear created by thought; the fear, basically, of a human being. Human beings are afraid of life. Life has its presentation, it has its way, and the human being is in fear, he is in fear, he lives in fear.

Psychologically, you are afraid. These are all psychological fears. The fear you have of your wife, children, boss, employee.... The fear you have of people talking bad about you, the concern you have with what they think about you, what they say about you, it is always fear. Fear is something common to all and is a psychological condition that we never investigate. We never ask ourselves if it is possible to live without this fear.

As I said just now, that fear is within this context of unhappiness, which is basically suffering, and that fear is grounded in this psychological duality: me and the other. And, here, the other is “someone’s talk about me,” it is “the memory that something that happened to me in the past can happen again.” This “other” is “the image I make of myself, and I don't want someone else to touch this image, talking, talking about myself.” That “me” is the image. They are present forms of fear.

There are different forms of fear present in each of us. Anxiety, with all its expressions, is the presence of fear; the sense of loneliness is the presence of fear; guilt is the presence of fear. Note that fear is a very important factor within this context of human unhappiness. The question is: is it possible to go beyond this condition of suffering called fear? In these meetings, we are investigating this, telling you that this Spiritual Awakening, this Spiritual Enlightenment, is the end of fear, and it all starts when you start to learn, to learn about yourself.

It is not learning to develop as a person, because the structure of this “person” – what we call a “person” is this set of images, remembrances, memories, recollections, that you have about yourself...

This “person”, no matter how much something is added to him, no matter how much he expands, no matter how much he evolves, he will remain psychologically trapped in this issue of suffering, because this psychological duality is inherent in this non-Consciousness, this non-Presence of Truth about who You truly are.

Therefore, learning about yourself means becoming aware of this psychological condition of suffering, the psychological condition of the duality. This is Self-knowledge. The Self-knowledge puts you in a proximity to the Truth of your Being, through Meditation. And what is Meditation? It is the contact with the Truth about who You are, something that happens in this instant, in this present moment, once you are paying attention to yourself, once you become aware of yourself here and now, of this whole process that sustains this psychological duality. Therefore, learning about yourself means becoming aware of the Truth about who You are. This clears the ground for the Flourishing of your Natural State of Pure Consciousness, of Pure Consciousness, which is Meditation. Why so? Because there will be a change, a transformation in the mind.

The condition of the mind of the human being, in that psychological duality, in that psychological suffering, is the condition of the egoic mind – I have called it the dualistic mind or the separatist mind. A change is needed in this whole structure in the body and mind. So, a new mind is needed, a mind that knows Silence, knows the absence of psychological disorder, a peaceful mind, a serene mind, a mind that is the perfect space for the Flourishing of that Intelligence, which is Consciousness.

So, a change in mind is needed, a new mind is needed. And here, when I say a change in mind, I am referring only to that Space, which was previously occupied by this psychological condition of conflict, and now it is completely empty, a completely empty Space for this Perception, for this Sensitivity of Intelligence.

So, when we refer here to the end of suffering, we are referring to the end of ego identity, of this sense of separation created by the psychological duality, sustained by this mistaken, unconscious principle of the mind in its movement. Therefore, learning about yourself, understanding the Truth about who You are, is the arising of a new Space, free from dualistic mind.

A little more about this dualistic mind: what is this dualistic mind, basically? It is this unconsciousness; it is this separation idealized by a construction of thought. When fear, for example, is present, there is the idea of “someone” in that fear. When anxiety is present, there is “someone” within that anxiety. So, there is this “someone” and the fear; there is this “someone” and anxiety. No matter what form the fear has taken or is taking at that moment, it is always the illusion of “someone” within that experience, and that is duality. This is the psychological duality, this is the duality of psychological suffering, this is the condition of the egoic mind - the illusion of "I" in this experience, an "I" in this relationship.

Fear is always related to something. It is “someone” within a relationship with that given thing. So, there is this split, there is this separation, there is this duality, and that is being supported by a belief, by a psychological conditioning, something that you carry from childhood. You have been holding this image of being a “somebody” when you are offended, when you are hurt, when you are depreciated, when people speak bad of this “you,” this “me.”

You never come into direct contact with the experience of this pain, this suffering called “fear;” there is always the idea of “someone” to get rid of that, to get away from that experience, to get rid of that condition, because it is painful.

All this movement is already a movement of psychological conditioning. Since childhood, we are always trying not to be hurt, not to be offended, not to be mistreated, not to be rejected. There is always this search to be accepted, to be loved, to be praised. It is always the idea of “someone” to gain something or to get rid of something, and there is this effort.

In that effort, that sense of duality predominates, it prevails. We don't get in touch with the experience here and now, with what happens. There is always this sense of “I” to defend oneself, to protect oneself, or to win, or to acquire something.

So, it sustains that psychological sense of duality and therefore it sustains suffering.

Self-realization, Enlightenment, Awakening is the end of the ego, it is the end of this sense of ego identity, of identity in the experience, of ego identity present here. There is no identity, there is no “I.”

Life is happening as It is. The thought arises, that thought brings an image, an image of something unpleasant that happened to you yesterday. Happened to whom? To that "me." That's the belief. The fact is that something happened yesterday, it left a remembrance, a memory, a recording in this mechanism, in this organism, and when that thought arises, it is always being strengthened by this illusion – the illusion that I am present, always present. “I could have done something about that” or “I can do something about this, so that something like that doesn't happen to me again in the future.”

So, there is always the fear, the sense of a present “I” always trying to adjust, to protect itself, to sustain itself. When we talk about Spiritual Awakening here, we are talking about the end of the illusion of this “me,” this “I,” this ego. Therefore, this attention to this movement of thought, when it arises and it is seen simply for what it is, that is, a remembrance, a memory, it becomes very clear that there is no “someone” here and now to still feed it, sustain it.

But the psychological conditioning in you doesn't work like that; it needs to sustain this, because this sense of ego needs to exist, it needs to be “somebody,” it needs to carry this pleasure of hurt, this pleasure of building a defense,

this pleasure of building a form of attack, revenge, retaliation. So, the ego lives within this self-protection, and the ego is basically this duality created by memory, created by stories, created by these remembrances.

This always projects this “me,” this ego, this “I” in time. Here I have called it psychological time; it is this condition: “I am here, but I lived something in the past and I can live something in the future. I am somebody.” There is no such “someone”!

So that's the illusion about who you are. The discarding of this illusion is Spiritual Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening, and it is the end of suffering, which represents the end of fear in all its many and diverse forms.

There are several names for the same thing. Basically, everything is fear, and that fear is based on this psychological sense of separateness between you and Life, between you and Reality.

Our meetings aim to show you that the Reality of your Being is Pure Consciousness, but what you believe to be, with which you identify yourself all the time, has no reality.

This identification, all the time, with this condition, is the egoic state of insanity, of psychological confusion, of psychological suffering, it is not the Truth of your Being.

Your Being is Love, Peace and Happiness. This is the Divine Truth Nature of your Being, of your Being as this Divine Reality. OK?

This is the subject of our channel. If this touches your interest to deepen this, leave your "like," subscribe to the channel and let's work on it together. Remembering that we have online meetings and also face-to-face meetings. OK?

Until the next meeting.

August, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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