September 25, 2022

Real Kundalini Awakening. Self-inquiry and Atma Vichara. The psychological condition of conditioning

Hey guys! The question is: who are you?

Welcome to another meeting here on our channel. Let´s work on this together!

I will repeat the question: who are you? Well, I want to reveal something to you about that. I want to reveal to you that you are Consciousness. This Consciousness is your True Identity, but you are unaware of it. It's not enough for you to listen and believe and also keep on repeating “I've already learned that I am Consciousness. I've read it somewhere, I've heard it in a speech, I've heard it in a video.”

I want to invite you to recognize the Truth of what is here and now. It is the recognition of what is, that opens the door to the Revelation of evident, evidential Truth. So, it's not a theory, it's an realization.

Is this significant? Yeah! Is this important? Very! And why? Because that is the definitive end for unhappiness, for every form of internal contradiction, for all dissatisfaction, for all frustration, for all fear, for all suffering.

The Recognition of Truth about who you are... the Revelation of this brings you what the Sages, in India, call “Kundalini Awakening.” You bring this Divine Potential in yourself, this Divine Presence, this Divine Reality. This is Consciousness, this is your Being.

However, you are living within these parameters of the egoic mind, within this dimension of conditioned consciousness, of programmed, shaped, conditioned mind.

To live within this programming is to be unaware of your True Nature, to your True Identity.

When you start to turn to self-inquiry – and self-inquiry, here, is what Ramana had as a proposal for Awakening, so that this condition of sleep, of unconsciousness, disappears; of unconsciousness about who you are, unconsciousness about the Reality of your Being...

Ramana prescribed self-inquiry, what he called Atma Vichara. The question “who am I?” … that is the answer to who you are. Nobody can give you that answer, you can verify it for yourself, and you need to verify it for yourself.

This occurs when this programming, the psychological condition of mental, egoic conditioning, vanishes, disappears. So, self-inquiry is this approach – “who am I?”

You are not the body, you are not the mind… these thoughts, feelings, these emotions attached to this body, to this mind, this is not the Reality of who you are. You are always in the past or you are always in the future. There is always something incomplete in the past, and the proof that this is incomplete is that memory still keeps coming back here, at this instant, asking for an end to this continuity; that memory keeps coming back…

So, you, in the past, are always incomplete, unresolved, unfinished.

The past does not die, it is always present here with you. And you are always in the future. You are never in this Freedom of being what you are here and now. Here and now, you are Consciousness. Consciousness is your Real State of Being, where there is no separation, where there is no duality between you and what is present now.

There is not you and something present here separate from your Essential Nature, but you are not aware of it, because you always see yourself in the mind, as an entity in separateness, in duality. Let me give you an example of this: when a thought arises, it is a thought, and you see yourself as an entity separate from the thought. The illusion is that you are producing that thought, thinking that thought, and so that you could do whatever you want with it, which in fact is not true.

When the thought arises, it is not invited by you, it just appears. Also, you cannot get rid of it because you want to get rid of it. So, it is very clear that this is not your production nor is it your volition. It is not under your will to get rid of thought when it arises. It's it coming up, it's not you producing it, but there's the illusion that you're thinking. This goes for a feeling too – the illusion is that you are feeling. The fact is that feeling arose, just as thought arose. It wasn't completed, it wasn't finished. This always comes from the past, it's always coming from memory to this body-mind. It is always this illusion of this “I” placing itself in the past, or here and now, or in the future – here is the illusion of the sense of the ego, of the ego identity.

This ego identity carries its egocentrism, its mode of operation, its way of dealing with life. So, human being is egocentric, he lives in this illusion of the sense of a present “I,” separating himself from the experience and trying to adjust it, correct it, set it right, mold it, get rid of it or hold on to it too. The fact is that experience – be it a thought, a feeling, an emotion or a visual, sensory perception – is something that happens here and now, without an identity present. But there is this illusion of “someone” present to whom these things are happening, or for whom these things are happening. This is completely false! There is no such thing as “for whom” or “for whom” – “to whom” things happen or “for whom” things happen –, things just happen! It's Life as It Is! But there is the sense of separateness, the sense of ego-identity, the sense of "I." Is that clear?

Understand this! This is essential for ending the ego illusion and for God´s Realization! Some call this God’s Realization as Self-realization, Spiritual Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening. This process takes place because of something fundamental that we want to address here with you in the next few minutes, that we are going to have together here. This is called “Kundalini Awakening.” Kundalini is that Divine Power which is Awakening, which eliminates the illusion of time… When Kundalini Awakens – I mean the Real Kundalini Awakening… Nowadays, people talk a lot about Kundalini, and people say “look, my Kundalini awakened,” or “when my Kundalini awakened” ... and there are so many stories about this so-called Kundalini that has awakened or when awakened.

Here, I refer to the Real Awakening of this Consciousness, which the Sages also call Kundalini. That is the end of that sense of separation between you and Life – when there is the Real Kundalini Awakening. Divine Intelligence has taken over the body and mind. This is Spiritual Enlightenment, this is the end of the sense of the ego, of this “me,” of this “I.” So, it is not a mystical, esoteric experience… seeing lights, having sensations, having some perceptions, some contacts with other worlds or a heat that has arisen. What can be reported as an experience is still part of time.

We are talking about something that puts an end to the experiencer and his experience; we are talking about the Kundalini Awakening, which is the end of the experiencer with his experience. Life is what It is, without this “me,” this “I,” without this ego, without this experiencer.

So, Kundalini is not for a person. Kundalini or the Kundalini Awakening is the end of the illusion of that “me,” that “someone;” it is the end of the illusion of this “to whom” this has appeared or this “why” this is happening. This “I” is not present when there is Spiritual Awakening, when there is Kundalini Awakening. Then, that Energy goes up in the body, goes to the brain, goes down and settles in the Heart. I refer to Spiritual Enlightenment, to God´s Realization, to the Awakening of Consciousness. That is the Real Kundalini Awakening, the Real Awakening of your Being, of your Divine Nature, of your Real Nature; it is the end of this psychological conditioning.

The egoic mind has this superficial part, which the human being has access more easily, which are the superficial memories, what you usually have more contact with, but we also have these memories more secret, more hidden, more occult, more reserved.

So, some call these “unconscious” memories, but all this is part of that same egoic mind, whether these memories are closer, of which we are aware… whether consciously or unconsciously, memories are the basis of this “me,” this "I;" whether they are on the surface or in the depth, they are the structure of this ego identity.

And the Kundalini Awakening, the Awakening of that Consciousness, is the end for this memory, for this egoic programming, for this sense of “I” present here and now, in this experience.

So, Life remains as it is, the beauty of Life as It is. The thought that remains is that impersonal, objective, practical thought; it is the remembrance, it is the memory, such as, for example, your home address or some technical, functional, very objective, very impersonal memory, but no longer this self-image, what makes you feel diminished, humiliated, rejected … All this weight of being “someone” within that identity, sustained by this illusory memory, falls, it breaks, it disappears.

So, this is the end, this is the end of the illusion of the sense of the ego, of the “me,” of the “I,” this is the end of the sense of separateness. When there is this Realization, when there is this Recognition of the Reality that you are, which is the Reality of your Being, there is an end to suffering, an end to this illusion, an end to this ego identity – this is the Real Kundalini Awakening.

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Reminder: we have face-to-face meetings and also online meetings. OK?

Until the next meeting.

August, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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