September 18, 2022

Psychological unhappiness. The Real True Realization. Advaita: Non-Duality. Flourishing of Kundalini

Hello guys! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel.

The subject is Inner Realization. The expression “Inner Realization” is interesting. Here, I want to tell you a few things about it.

What you envision as Inner Realization is still an outer pursuit in disguise. You can't be searching for something or looking for something you don't know about. You have an idea, you have a belief, you have an image in your head of what you will find in your inner search, in your Inner Realization, in this Internal Realization; you idealize an image.

People, for example, are in search of God. They need to realize that what they are idealizing is inside their mind, about God. So, they can only be looking for an idea, produced by themselves.

Idealizing God, imagining Him, going in search of Him, is not real work. So, if you idealize God within yourself and believe that by having this Inner Realization you will have this God Realization, you are under an illusion.

Reality goes beyond what thought can produce or idealize. If your quest or search is for Reality, you need to go beyond the mind and therefore beyond idea. This is possible – this quest, this search – when the very idea of a search disappears.

I want to invite you to carry out a work on yourself. In that work itself, yes, it is possible to become aware of this mysterious, nameless, formless Thing, which is outside of time, which is outside the mind, which is outside any human imagination. I mean the Truth of God, not the idea, concept, belief, image or imagination about God.

So, the invitation within these meetings is for work in this direction. That work is present when the quest is gone. It's not about the search, it's about the work. That's what we need: direct work. This direct work really constitutes the true search, because it is no longer an idealized search, it is no longer a belief, it is no longer a work done by imagination, but a direct work done by observing what is present here and now. God is that Reality in this instant, in this present moment!

Another important point is that the image of Him outside, idealized in Heaven or outside, in nature, in the world, in the other, this is part of the thought and therefore it is just a belief. The idea of God on the inside is also just a belief. The Reality of the Divine, of that Mystery which is the Unknown, is the Reality present here and now; it is neither outside nor inside, nor is it a Reality that is in that inside and that outside.

Note that “inside and outside” is always in the perspective of thought. It is thought that idealizes what is outside, it is thought that idealizes what is inside, while this Divine Reality - which we can call God, Consciousness, Presence, Supreme Being or the Void, the Nothing or the Whole, no matter the name – this Reality is beyond thought.

So, our work, our meeting here, is to get closer to that, and I want to show you how this happens, how it is possible to get closer to the Divine Truth, to the Truth of God, to have contact with this Thing.

Just direct contact with it... and not contact in the sense that someone is contacting it, but in the sense that when this contact is present, the sense of “me,” of this “I,” of this “ego,” of this “person” and therefore of this “seeker” disappears. So, in that contact, Love, Peace, Freedom, Happiness is revealed. Some call this Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Awakening, the Awakening of this Divine Power, this Divine Presence, which is the Flourishing of Kundalini.

In speech, we are always dealing with words, with expressions, but none of these expressions portray the Reality, the Reality of this Silence, this Happiness, the Real Realization. The word “realization” ... we use it here, but it is not a matter of an achievement, of an execution, of a doing, of something being done, of something being accomplished, but rather it is a matter of something being verified.

The approach to this is born of the science of learning about yourself, looking inside yourself. Learning about yourself is the Art of Self-knowledge. Only the Self-knowledge can show you the psychological complexity that is life based on the condition of a conditioned mind, a mind stuck to patterns of culture, society, education, learning, the world.

The process here, for that Real Realization, for that True Vision of Divine Truth, which is Spiritual Enlightenment, is in psychological deconditioning. This psychological deconditioning is the breaking of these thought patterns within you.

When looking at someone, the first thing thought does is to take a picture of that person, so that it can later recognize it. This is automatic, all the time.

We are always creating, in the brain, photographs, pictures, ideas, images so that, in this “I,” in this “ego,” we feel safe in the next contact with that person, with that given thing, with that given situation.

This mechanism of image formation, of psychological structure formation, has been following us since childhood; this generated a programming within us. There is an illusory entity present wanting to feel safe within this program, within this conditioning, within this process.

So, the illusion of a present identity, which is nothing more than this search for psychological security in the relationship with that person, with that situation, or with that... with that object or with what emerged, this has been the basis for the formation of these images within us.

This is the process of psychological conditioning – the sense of a present identity recognizing the world around itself. There is a world around it and a sensor, an identity, an “I” to recognize that; it is the attempt to seek psychological security, something present in that body, in that mind. This has been incorporated into this psycho-physical structure; it gives you that feeling of being somebody in the world.

So, you are the center of your experience or your experiences – that “you,” that “me,” is the ego. So, there is this condition of egocentrism. The psychological condition of conditioning is one of pure egocentrism – the “I” as the center of its own experience, making its choices by liking some things and not liking other things, wanting some things and not wanting other things, always feeling like the one that is in control, that carries this freedom of choice to do, to think, to feel...

This condition is the condition for this ego identity, which is a psychological condition of profound ignorance and therefore of great, great suffering, because implicit in this condition is non-intelligence, a relationship with the world of complete psychological insanity.

Therefore, your relationship with your husband, with your wife, with your children, with your family, with the world... this condition of yours is the condition where you are the central figure, around which everything has to revolve in order for you to feel well. This condition is a condition of implicit violence, of implicit fear – the presence of fear is implicit in this “me,” in this “I,” in this “ego.” Maybe you ask “why do I suffer?”, “why do I have this particular condition already diagnosed by specialists?” This condition… no matter what the name is. Today we have hundreds… no, we have thousands of pathologies already named; these are thousands of representations of psychological unhappiness, all with a label, all of them already have a name, all of them already carry a name: jealousy… jealousy, envy, craving for more, desire, OCD… There are different names, there are different labels for these thousands of forms of psychological disorder or psychological unhappiness. This condition is present because of this center that separates itself and lives in an isolated, segregated, separate way.

Your relationship is always the relationship of waiting, expecting, searching, fulfilling and, perhaps, you ask: “Why am I diagnosed with this condition?” What I’ve been saying is that this is not natural; it is common! Your Natural State is Consciousness. A work of Recognition of the Truth about who You are is the breaking of this psychological condition. This is born of Self-knowledge.

The Self-knowledge brings you closer to a vision of yourself, and then you realize this sense of separateness, of duality. This is put in Indian scriptures, in the Vedas, as Advaita or Non-Duality. Your Natural State of Pure Consciousness, of Consciousness free of this mental consciousness, is of non-separation between you and Life, between you and God, between you and the other. So, there is no longer this center; and if there is no longer this center, there can be no more diagnoses, no more pathologies, none of these names.

This is the end for the “me,” for the “I,” for the ego. This constitutes the True Divine Realization, it is the complete Realization of God; this is the Real Inner Realization. But it is not internal, it is the Realization of Life, as a whole, in Spiritual Enlightenment, in Spiritual Awakening.

The approach, through Self-knowledge, shows you that this sense of separateness between you and the other, between you and life, between you and your experience, is not real; there is no "your experience." Thought is an appearance in that Consciousness; the feeling, the sensation, the other, the life, everything is a Single One Present Reality, without this center, without this “me,” without this “I.” This is what Spiritual Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening represents. And it is natural that this body and mind go through a process of change so that this Natural State settles down, so that this Truth of your Being settles there. This change operates because of the Awakening of this Divine Power, which in Yoga is called Kundalini. Here, on our channel, we've been talking a lot about it to you, for you. You can search our playlist here and investigate this. This is the subject we are dealing with.

If that makes sense to you, if Real Happiness, True Peace, True Love, Real Realization, that goes beyond this illusion of “inner and outer,” of “internal and external,” the Real Realization… if that makes sense to you, leave your "like," subscribe to the channel...

Reminding you: we also have online and face-to-face meetings, including retreats. If that makes sense to you, here's the invitation. OK? Until the next meeting and see you next time.

August, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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