September 6, 2022

The cause of unhappiness | The Self-observation and Meditation | The psychological conditioning

Hello guys! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel.

I want to invite you not to watch the game, but to participate!

Life requires you to turn to It, to participate. And here, when I say “participate,” it’s not within this old model you’ve been participating. Your way of perceiving Life, of interacting with Life, based on your conclusions, your opinions, your beliefs, your desires, your fears... this has been the way of interacting with Life, of participating in Life, to take part in Life. This is a form linked to this sense of an "I" present, here and now, within this experience.

Whatever is happening right now, this sense of "I," which is a sense of illusion, an illusory sense of existing… and that’s the common model of everyone. Human beings live within this model of psychological conditioning, of a psychological pattern in which they believe to exist as a separate identity, being able and needing to interact with Life, based on these principles of internal conditioning, conclusions, opinions, beliefs...

This way of playing the game is the cause of misery, the cause of unhappiness, the cause of human suffering. I want to invite you to understand what it's really like to play the game. And here, to play the game is to abandon the sense of an identity, it’s the exact opposite of that.

Welcoming Life as It is, seeing oneself within the context of Life as being Life itself, and not separating from It – This is the way I would call playing the game, and not just watching it. This model of just watching is a model of an identity believing that it can do, perform, intervene, and interfere. Deep down, this shows up as frustration since Life keeps on being as It is. And all you do, when you separate yourself from life, all you do is to separate yourself from this experience as being an identity, as being "someone" within it.

So, actually, you're not playing the game, you're isolating yourself, trying to mold, trying to fix, trying to adjust Life, idealizing “someone” present capable of changing things.

I want to invite you to put yourself within this new condition, to put yourself within the game, which means: the game is present, and this sense of “someone” is not there; Life is what It is, and there’s no "you."

When does this happen? When this sense of inner duality, when this belief, when this idea, when this suggestion of thought, of feeling, of emotion, this proposition that there is "someone" present here, disappears.

Our work here, our meetings, aims to show you this: that this sense of "me" is not real, this sense of identity present in controlling, doing, thinking, feeling, acting, this is not real.

In that old model, which is the model of most people, which is the model of the ego identity… the majority of people live within this condition, within this model, within this ancient and old structure of unhappiness; there is no Love, there is no Peace, there is no Freedom, there is no Intelligence, there is no direct Understanding of Life; there is no direct relationship with Life as It is because there is always this element, the "I" element. This element is the cause of suffering, the one that carries envy, carries jealousy, carries anxiety, worry, the one that carries desire, this narrow and limited condition, which is the psychological condition, this psychological condition stuck to this world model.

Self-realization, or this contact with the Truth of your own Being, is to be in Life, to be with Life as It is, to see yourself within that context without this illusion of “someone” present. It puts you perceiving everything around you without that duality, without that separation.

To look at people, look at yourself, look at what is around you, relating to family and work, to everything that Life is, with everything that Life represents, without the illusion of identity present in this instant, at this moment, in this experience, this is playing the game, this is understanding yourself within this context.

Life as It is, is Love, Happiness, Peace, Freedom! To be within this condition is to be beyond suffering. This becomes possible when you discover how to learn about yourself. Learning about yourself doesn't mean accumulating more information, more knowledge, and more experiences than what you already have. Learning about yourself means discovering your fears and your desires; discovering in yourself the position of selfishness, arrogance, presumption, and vanity; to discover! And, here, discovering is just verifying, it’s not criticizing this behavior in yourself, it’s not judging this behavior within yourself, it’s not diminishing yourself, it’s not mistreating yourself because of this behavior.

The vision of this is the vision of a pattern, the psychological conditioning; the observation of this, in a direct way, without judgment, without comparison, without self-criticism, without self-evaluation, just observation, can break this condition, can break this pattern. And when this pattern is broken by the self-observation… And that’s the basis of the True Meditation.

Meditation is this science of looking inside yourself and learning from yourself, here and now. It's not sitting in one position, breathing in a certain way and going along with a song, and watching thought… that’s not the meditation we're talking about here. We’re dealing with what I call the True Meditation, which will work to break that ancient and old pattern, what will actually put you in the game.

You, in the game, are the absence of this "me," this "I." You, in the game, are Life happening around you as It is. And in this Freedom of being Consciousness, there’s only this Consciousness. This Consciousness is Life, this Life is You.

There is no longer this sense of this "me," this "I," this "you" that you believe to be. Therefore, there’s no room for unhappiness, for all this confusion that is this ancient and old structure of the egoic mind, since the Truth of your Being is revealed in the Understanding of the Truth that Life is what It is, here and now. This element, which is the element of thought, with which you mistake yourself, with which you identify, in which you feel a prisoner, disappeared.

Thought has produced a prison. This element of thought needs to be seen. We need thought, indeed, for very practical purposes in life. If, for example, I ask you what your address is, you go to that database, you go into memory, and you give me your address. Thought is useful on this level, on the level of remembrance, of memory, to give me the address, to show me the address. You need thought to be able to remember where you live. The memory of your name, the memory of a story linked to that body, to that mind… in this sense, thought is something useful.

However, thought is occupying a different place. It, for example, says that you are not a good person or you are a wonderful person. This thought is a belief, it's an image that thought formulates about who you are.

You mistake yourself for this thought. By trusting this thought, you put yourself in a position of isolation, you separate yourself from Life as It is, you exit the game, and you isolate yourself.

Life as It is, is the great game, and when there isn’t this sense of “me,” when there isn’t this image, this belief about who you are, you are playing the game. When there is this belief, this self-image, you are out of the game, isolated, trying to protect yourself, trying to cover yourself.

Then, when someone badmouths you, they are simply badmouthing that image, the image they have of you, and hurting, injuring, and upsetting this image you have of yourself. And when you believe in that image, you are as isolated as this offended “person” as the one who offended you.

This is how we have lived our lives. We are in a relationship with people based on these beliefs. So, Life is what It is, and people are isolated, segregated, separated, and stuck in these petty, oppressive, mediocre patterns of beliefs, of thoughts.

Thus, these thoughts are useless. Self-image is a useless thought. The idea of being “someone” in this experience of Life as It happens, as It is, is a useless thought. This sense of "I" that separates you from the experience as it happens is a misconception, an error, a mistake.

When there is a feeling here and now, there is a feeling – this is the game. When there's the idea of "someone" in that feeling, to react to it, agreeing or disagreeing, that's being out of the game, being separate, being isolated. This sense of isolation, of egoic segregation, puts you in that state of unhappiness, of separation between you and Existence, between you and Life; you in your being and Life.

Our work together is to show you that you can Realize the Truth about who You are, and therefore, being in the game; and therefore, being the game; and therefore, understanding that there is no you and the game. Game, here, is another word for Life; game, here, is another word for your Being; the game, Life and You, in your Natural State of Being, is the same Reality.

To live in this way is to be in Reality, to enjoy Reality, to be aware of God's Truth.

When there is no longer this separation, there is only Life, there is only the game, there is only God. This is the end of suffering, this is the end of states of unhappiness, all of them produced by this ego identity, by this illusory identity, produced by this image that thought formulates about who you are. Therefore, this is the end of the self-image, this is the end of the illusion of separation.

This becomes possible when there’s this attention to the movement of the mind, when this pattern of psychological conditioning breaks down, when this ancient and old, cultural, social, collective, and naturally, neurotic, disturbed, unhappy mind disappears.

I want to invite you to a new mind, a mind in Freedom. This mind in Freedom is the perfect Space for this Presence, for this nameless Thing, for this timeless Reality, which is Life. When there is this Reality of Life as It is, this nameless Thing is present, this Thing outside of time is present, Love is present.

Then, there is this Intelligence, this Sensitivity and Intelligence present, when the mind in Freedom is present.

Therefore, this new mind, this mind free from all this weight, from all this content of culture, civilization, history. Here, I refer to all this knowledge accumulated over these centuries, over all human history. I'm not talking about technological knowledge, scientific knowledge. Here, I refer to that knowledge on which the story of this false identity is based, this duality, this sense of separateness, which has been the basis of envy, jealousy, fear, desires, all psychological confusion, all unhappiness, all misery, of all human suffering. The end of this, some people call it Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Enlightenment, the Vision of the Truth of your Being, the Vision of the Truth of your Essential Nature, of your Divine Nature.

So, that's the subject we're dealing with you. That’s why I want to say to you again: it’s important to assume being in the game, being the game, experiencing the game, abandoning this sense of isolationism, separation, segregation, and duality, within this principle of mind stuck to this model of psychological conditioning. Meditation gives you that, the True Meditation gives you that, the Self-knowledge gives you that.

Here on our channel, we talk to you about the True Meditation and the importance of Self-knowledge. This brings about a change in that organism, in that mechanism – the Awakening of this Divine Power, this Divine Presence, which some people call Kundalini.

Then, this is our work together here on the channel: to take on Life, live Life, be in the game, Realize the Truth, Happiness, the Freedom of your Being, this mind in Freedom, this new way of Being, of living; this Real form. Ok?

If this makes sense to you, leave your "like," subscribe to the channel, and let's work on it together!

Ok? Thanks for the meeting.

August, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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