September 30, 2022

The Real Kundalini Awakening is the Awakening of Consciousness | Self-awareness | The egocentrism

Hello guys! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel. Before we get into this issue of Kundalini Awakening, which is the subject we are dealing with today – I mean the Real Kundalini Awakening – before that, we have to make something clear to ourselves.

First, we need to understand how we have been functioning, how the mind works, how this movement of the mind is present in each of us.

After all who are we? Who are you? What is this "I?" When we refer to ourselves as “I” – “I didn’t go yesterday,” “Today I will go,” “I am just like that” – when we use the expression “I,” when we use this pronoun, we are referring to what, exactly?

The “I” is a set of memories, of remembrances. What you have about yourself is an idea: the idea of being, of being somebody. A person is that person because of a name, a story, a biography. When you refer to yourself, you use the pronoun “I” linked to this idea of a present identity.

This identity is nothing more than a set of remembrances, a set of memories, a set of recollections. So, you have a name and you have a story.

When we refer here to the importance of Kundalini Awakening, we are referring to the importance of the Awakening of Consciousness.

Consciousness is something different from this “I” you believe you are, this “person” you believe you are, it is something completely different from this set of remembrances, memories, recollections, images that this “person” you believe you are has.

So, what is Kundalini? Kundalini is this Presence, this Being, this Consciousness. Kundalini represents your True Divine Nature. It is this Power that you carry in this body, which, upon Awakening, completely discards the illusion of ego identity.

The human being lives in an egocentric way, the human being is egocentric, he lives within a model, within a pattern of egocentrism. This is based on the illusion of this identity called “me.” This “I” is a fraud, this “I” is an illusion, this “I” is not real.

The Realization of the Truth about who you are is the Awakening of this Presence, this Consciousness. Another word for this Consciousness is Kundalini. So, when we refer to the Awakening of this Divine Power within us, of this Divine Shakti – this is an Indian expression for that Power – we are referring to the Awakening of this Consciousness, which is Kundalini.

Now, there's something important here, for you to understand what we're going to put here, right now. As you are confusing yourself with the image that you have of yourself, with the memory that you carry of yourself, with this set of remembrances, this Energy, which is Consciousness, is externalized, turned to the element of memory, to the element of thought, which is basically time.

We have been talking to you here, on the channel, and also in face-to-face meetings and online meetings… We have these three formats of meetings here, within this work: this meeting – these videos, we have online meetings and we have face-to-face meetings. And what we have been dealing with here is that you are Consciousness.

Your Nature is not the egoic nature. Your life should not be centered on this sense of separateness, and yet that is what we have – the sense of an ego identity present within this experience of living. This is something that has become common, it is not something natural.

The access to yourself through Self-awareness places you in direct contact with this egocentrism, with this model of egoic identity, of identity separate from the Whole, from Life, from Existence, and this contact completely transforms this condition, because it makes that Energy, which before was being wasted for that egoic mind, for that egoic life, now available for the Awakening of this Presence, which is the Presence of your Being, which is the Presence of Kundalini.

So, the Real Kundalini Awakening is the Awakening of this Consciousness, which is your Real Nature, which is your Divine Nature… it is the end of egocentrism, it is the end of the sense of separateness, that sense of duality so common within this model of the egoic mind.

And what is this egoic mind? It's the programmed mind, it's the organized mind, it's the conditioned mind, it's the mind within the old pattern of thinking common to all.

In that feeling of being “somebody,” there is this psychological conditioning of being a person who, internally, is always seeing himself as an entity separate from life, and that is the cause of fear, it is the cause of psychological disorder, psychological suffering, of envy, of avidity, of jealousy, of everything that represents this movement in which the ego, this “me,” this “I” is always wanting the world to revolve around itself so that it feels full, complete, happy, fulfilled.

That is the model of egocentrism, that is the model of ego identity, and as long as it remains, that Energy is always in that disposition of contradiction, conflict, suffering and fear.

So, there is this sense of dissatisfaction, which tries to fulfill itself in desires, in external achievements, in this ancient and old model. When this is present, there is no Self-realization, there is no Realization of your own Self, there is no Kundalini Awakening, there is no Awakening of Consciousness. Here, we are talking to you about the possibility of this Self-realization, which is to assume the Truth about who you are, which is Consciousness.

So, Kundalini is the Energy available for this work in that body, in that mind. So, there's a shift in that body and that mind, and here the mind includes feelings, emotions, thoughts, the brain... This Energy, at the moment, is being wasted for this psychological time, which is this model of thinking turned to the external world, to external accomplishments and to various forms of escape from the conflict, the suffering, the pain that this represents.

So, that Energy, once turned outwards… The condition is the condition common to all, the condition of that ego identity – there is no Awakening, there is no Realization of Truth, there is no Self-realization. But when a work begins – and this work is to become aware of who you are, what is shown here and now, in what “I am,” in what “I represent”…

If I represent envy at that moment, this is verified; jealousy, this is realized; some form of psychological suffering, this is realized. And if there is Self-awareness, there will be no escape from these inner states, from these states of perception of what I am here and now. This contact with it is Self-awareness.

When there is no escape, there is a direct perception of this movement. The direct perception of this movement is the Realization of the Truth of what, here, this sense of “I” represents. And this is done by this direct perception, what I have called self-observation. And when there is this self-observation, that Energy is no longer being dissipated, because the separation between this "me" and this experience is eliminated, between this “I” and this experience.

Let's make this clear. When there is envy, what we have is envy; there is no envious “I.” When there is jealousy, it is only the presence of jealousy; there is no “one” jealous. When there is anger, it is only anger, not “someone” angry. When there is desire, likewise. When there is some kind of fear, of dread, the same thing. When there is a thought, there is no thinker, it is just the thought, and if it is seen in this way… Try it, to look directly at the experience here and now of this “me,” this “I,” and you will realize what this represents – it's just a memory, an image, a story built by thought, feeling, emotion; there is no identity in this.

If it is seen in this way, there is no dissipation of that Energy, then that Energy becomes available for the Awakening of Consciousness. This is Meditation – looking without choice, without judgment, without condemnation, without criticism, without rejection, without trying to escape from what is shown here now. So, this Self-awareness is simultaneously the contact with self-observation, which is Meditation.

So, there is now an Energy available, which is the Energy of Consciousness itself, which is the Energy of Kundalini. So, it does work in that body, in that mechanism, because now what is present is Meditation. Meditation is being aware of yourself here and now, of any thought, any feeling, emotion, sensation, perception without separating yourself as an observer of that experience, without separating yourself as being a sensor of this experience, someone who judges, being a judge for this experience, someone who is also defending this experience, being a lawyer, or someone who is condemning this experience or showing the flaws, the defects, the mistakes of that thought, being a prosecutor.

So, when that's broken, there's an entirely new sense of Perception of Reality. That is the end of this ego identity. Then, an entirely new and unknown Silence takes over this body-mind right here – this is Meditation!

This is done moment by moment, in your living, in your day by day. You don't sit down for it. You don't look for a special place for it. It is not a meditation practice. In fact, this has served for many as an attempt to escape from inner states of conflict, contradiction, suffering, and when you escape and flee using some expedient, like this so-called meditation practice, which I have called therapeutic meditation, you have wonderful momentary relief, but that doesn't put an end to this inner contradiction, to the egoic sense, to the "I" sense, and if that doesn't end, the suffering doesn't end. It will keep coming back, it will take on new forms and it will rise again and again and again and again.

We are talking to you here, when we are talking about the Kundalini Awakening, which is the Awakening of Consciousness... This is the Real Awakening of Consciousness, Real Kundalini Awakening. In that True Awakening of this Presence, which is Kundalini, there is a definitive end for the sufferer. The end of the sufferer is the end of suffering; the end of the egoic sense is the end of the sufferer, the end of the “I,” the end of the “me,” the end of the ego. This is Self-realization! This is Spiritual Enlightenment!

There is a way for this to establish itself as being real to your life: it is through this Self-awareness. So, this self-observation occurs … in this self-observation without choice, without judgment, without comparison, without the desire to escape, without the desire to flee, what I have called True Meditation takes place. Then, there is Awakening, which is the Awakening of your Real Nature, your Divine Nature.

We have several playlists here on the channel dealing with this subject. Realization of the Truth about who You are is the Real Kundalini Awakening, the Real Awakening of God's Truth in you. OK?

I want to remind you… we have online and face-to-face meetings as well as retreats.

If this makes sense to you, leave your "like," subscribe to the channel and let's work on it together. OK?

Until next time.

August, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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