February 14, 2023

How to get rid of jealousy? Mutual interest and egocentrism. Look inside yourself, observe the fear

Will it be possible a life where what’s present is the Vision of Reality? This Vision is possible when the sense of egoism, of this self-centeredness, is no longer present. So, there’s the presence of Love, indeed. The presence of Love is the presence of Real Happiness.

Notice how curious thought is processed in each one of us. We mistake feeling, pleasure, fulfillment, and intimacy in a relationship for Love. No, it’s not Love! We can have affection, kindness, care, reciprocity, sharing emotional, sentimental, and sexual intimacy, but that’s not Love.

I want to work with you on this here, in the few minutes we'll have together. The question people really ask is “how to get rid of jealousy?” This is a common question people ask, “how to get rid of possessive jealousy?”

Note this curious thing: is there any jealousy that is not possessive? Is Love possessive? Is Happiness possessive? When there is Freedom, is there possession, control, or fear?

What people usually call “love” is full of jealousy, possession, control, lack of freedom, and fear. We are here together working the end of the sense of identity present here and now, in this experience, in our relationships with each other. Indeed, contact with the Reality of What You are in your Being is that Oneness, that Non-Separateness, or Non-Duality.

What is this duality? It’s the idea of “someone” present here, with his things. Thought in us gives this meaning to our relationships, gives this value to our relationships, puts a label on our relationships with one another and categorizes our relationships with each other. What I mean is that thought is always giving a name to some experience, which is what happens within our relationships. And so we have this expression: “love.”

Notice what we are going to say to you: when there is Love, Real Love, the overflow of the Heart – and, here, “Heart,” I don’t refer to that romantic, sentimental, emotional side in us. It may be like that now, but when you feel rejected, deceived, betrayed, you revolt, and that which is so affectionate, so loving, becomes violent.

That sentimental side of us is very, very possessive, it’s very controlling. We need to look, observe, and study ourselves here and now, at this instant, to perceive this: how violent, aggressive, and possessive we are, sentimentally and emotionally speaking. But we call it love. This is jealousy, and jealousy is violence, fear, and desire, not Love.

The question is: “How to get rid of jealousy?” Discovering the Truth of your Being, realizing the Truth of the Love of your Essential Nature, going beyond possessiveness, beyond every form of psychological, sentimental, romantic, and emotional dependence in the relationship with others. It’s when the sense of “I,” the ego, becomes unimportant.

If that sense of “I” in you becomes unimportant, the other’s sense becomes unimportant as well. Then there’ll be no more fear and manipulation in the relationship, no more this game of mutual interest. There’s a game of mutual interest in our relationships, and this is based on egocentrism, on the sense of an “I” present in this experience of desire, power, control, dependence, of this mutual dependence.

Looking inside yourself, perceiving all this movement, what is happening here and now with you, moment by moment, in this relationship with the world, with the other, looking and noticing, just looking and noticing... It’s not trying to change, to alter, to do something to get rid of, to get rid of this possessiveness, this control, this jealousy, this fear; it’s not doing something, just looking at.

Let me tell you something: what disarms the sense of “I,” of the ego, that “me,” is the observation, the direct observation of that movement, just the observation. It’s not the effort, the desire, the comparison, the volition, the will to see yourself free that can give you that Freedom, but it’s the verification, the direct and objective verification of this internal movement, without criticizing it, without trying to get rid of it, without judging it, without judging yourself, without making any effort this or that way to get rid of it.

So, you won’t judge it, won’t try to get rid of it. At the same time, you won’t cling to it, won’t identify with it, won’t continue to be manipulated by it, because now, for the first time, you see it, you bring awareness to this instant, to this moment. This is what I’ve just called “looking at yourself,” inside yourself. It’s not introspection; it’s here, at this instant, just a direct and objective look.

The word introspection implies the desire to look to do something. No, it’s not about introspection, but just looking to see, to observe the fear present. And when you observe fear and you don't name this experience called fear… it is a discomfort, pain, dependence, suffering, but you don't name this experience, you just notice and realize that’s not Love, but rather the desire to be appreciated, accepted, and loved.

I don't know what you take for love. Where there’s dependency, suffering, fear, possession, mistrust, envy, or jealousy, Love is not present. And you just verify this in yourself, this feeling linked to thoughts; and as you observe it, there’s a break because the sense of present identity, the sense of “I,” loses its importance.

I repeat: it’s when the other, who is a projection of this “I,” vanishes; it’s when, for the first time, a relationship free from the sense of “I,” of “me,” of the ego, is possible. In this relationship, when the sense of “I” is not present, the appearance of Love is possible since there’s no psychological dependence, no fear, no desire, and no control.

All we are saying to you needs to be verified here and now. In general, we don't know anything about it because we never pay attention to ourselves in our relationships, what we feel, think, live, and experience in these contacts.

We leave these contacts with images, remembrances, and memories, then, we keep remembering and reminiscing. Thought begins to construct images of these relationships. Some are pleasant images, which we appreciate, like, want to hold, want to have, and keep with us. By clinging to this, we become possessive, distrustful, scared, and fearful, then the fear of not having that anymore arises, which, in fact, at that moment, is just a memory, a remembrance. We call it love.

For us, love is the remembrance of the one we love. That is, if there’s no memory, there’s no love. Notice what thinking has done to us, what feeling has done to us. Feeling and thinking put us in an inner psychological condition of vulnerability and fear, dependency, and imagination, and this causes all forms of discomfort and suffering in us. Then we end up expressing it in our relationships, in an uncontrolled, aggressive, violent way, as in jealousy, and then we want to get rid of that jealousy.

You see, we don't want to get rid of the illusion of this “me,” we want to get rid of this pain, but this pain is that “me.” See what we are saying: there’s no jealousy without the one jealous. The jealous person is the very jealousy, but the jealous person wants to get rid of jealousy and wants to keep what they call love; but the jealous one is fear, is jealousy itself, the own psychological dependence in this relationship. Is that clear?

I don't know if it’s very clear to you. Looking at yourself and realizing that it’s a game of images, remembrances, memories, and recollections, which we attach to, cling to…. We become possessive about it, then, there’s possessiveness. We want to get rid of possessive jealousy. And the other jealousy? Where there’s jealousy, there’s no Love. Every form of jealousy is suffering. It’s that jealous one in this experience of jealousy. This duality is present when the sense of “I,” of ego, of that “me,” is present.

So, as long as there is this “me,” this “I,” this ego, which is a set of memories, recollections, remembrances, to which it’s attached, clinging – they are remembrances, memories of these relationships – as long as this sense of “I,” of the ego, is present … this is the jealous one, this is the “I,” the “me,” the ego.

We want to get rid of the effects. The effect is this pain, this aggressiveness we present in our relationships, which injures, wounds, and hurts the other; we want to get rid of these effects. The cause is this sense of “I,” “me,” ego; this is the sense of jealousy present in our relationships.

Love is something completely different from that. Love is not memory, Love is not thought, and has no images. In Love, there’s no such thing as “me” and the other. Love is the Presence of the Reality of your Being in a direct relationship with Existence, with Life. And this, of course, includes relatives, friends, wife, children, relatives, but not the idea of someone owning this, controlling this, dominating this, psychologically dependent on this, on this thing called family, wife, woman, children... the identification with one’s own body, this dependence on being someone in this experience, carrying fear...

Life is Love, Life is Happiness, and Life is Freedom. In that Freedom, Happiness, Love, everything is included, but there’s no aggression, no more violence. You relate to your wife, your children, and your family, without that sense of an “I” present, without that present sense of an ego demanding, requesting. This is a relationship free from psychological dependencies and therefore it’s a relationship in Love.

The Truth of your Being is the Truth of God. This Truth is present when there’s the Awakening of your Divine Nature. This is Spiritual Enlightenment, the Awakening of Consciousness, the Awakening of your Being, present there, here, and now. Then, Love, Happiness, Freedom, and Peace are present.

So, our work together is to show you that it’s possible to realize the Truth of God, which is the Truth of Love, the Truth of the other. There’s no other when Love is present, so there’s no possession, fear, envy, jealousy, ambition, no preoccupation. Happiness remains in What You are as Pure Consciousness. I mean the Real Consciousness, not this egoic consciousness, this mental consciousness, this common consciousness we have in our relationships, all of it based on thought, on these memories, remembrances, and images we have of each other, we make of each other, which sustain fear and all forms of suffering. Is that clear?

Our job here is to show you that it’s possible to realize the Truth of your Being through the Awakening of Consciousness. The sages also call it Kundalini Awakening, that Presence, Power, and Energy that works on that body and mind, creating a transformation, a change, where the Flourishing of Love becomes possible.

Love is that Presence of the Unknown, of What is nameless, which we call God. So, in your speech, in your gestures, in your eyes, in your life, this perfume is present, and if this is present, everything is present. Ok?

This is the subject we deal here within this channel. If this is something that makes sense to you, let’s work it out together!

We have face-to-face meetings, including retreats, where we work on this with those who approach us. We also have online meetings. In the video description, you find the link to our WhatsApp. To finish, leave your “like,” subscribe to the channel and see you next time. Ok?

See you!

January, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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