February 7, 2023

The search for God | Joel Goldsmith: Infinite Invisible | The psychological conditioning

Ok! Very well! Today we're going to talk about this quest or this search for the Truth. Men, human beings, have been looking for something outside their ordinary life for millennia. We know that our life, in general, is problematic, full of problems, tedious, afflicted, and worrisome. And human beings have been asking themselves for many, many years, for millennia: is there anything outside this life full of problems we know?

So, there’s this quest or the search for the Truth. Philosophers, for example, will ask: does Truth exist? Thus, it seems to me that this issue is for philosophers, but not only for philosophers! Human beings are really looking for something, and religious people call it God; philosophers call it Truth.

So, let’s work with you on this issue. After all, what is Truth? And if It is Real, if It is God, can we find This? The first thing here is that we have to approach this calmly. Look how curious human beings are: they’re looking for the Truth, but what is the Truth that we, as human beings, can find? Will this be the Truth? Because, in our mind, we formulate, we have ideas, beliefs, and concepts about the Truth, and that’s what we've done concerning God.

God as being the Truth, for us, is something that, in reality, is within our concepts. So, the mind formulates what the Truth represents, and what it formulates as being the Truth is nothing more than a concept, an idea, a belief, a goal projected, idealized by itself. If so, it can’t be the Truth; it’s imagination about Truth.

Words are very curious when we use them. In making use of words, we always put emotional or intellectual content within those words. Words, for us, are representations of things, but they are much more than that! We’ve mistaken the word for this very representation. So, for example, the word “God” carries a very strong emotional content, and also an intellectual one, for each one of us.

So, we were raised within this standard of taking words for what, in fact, they are not. We start believing, trusting, and putting all certainty in words, which is an illusion, because the truth of words is that words are just words.

The word “love” means absolutely nothing! But, psychologically, internally, for us, for the human being, this has become a big problem, because that word really represents a lot, especially emotionally.

So, we write about love, we make songs and lyrics about love, we give lectures and we use the expression love… Priests, poets, philosophers, mystics, politicians, everyone uses this expression, giving them a very strong emotional meaning.

So, in that expression, they give them a great sense of emotion, of feeling, special, very strong! And we start mistaking the word for the thing itself. No, the word is not the thing. The word “love” is empty of content. The Truth of Love is Real, but the word “love” is just a symbol, it’s just a verbal expression, an idea, a concept that doesn't represent anything at all, it’s something empty.

The same is true with the word “God.”

So, we are dealing with concepts and putting, within these concepts, emotional content, for ourselves, which is not real. We don't know who God is or what Truth is, but we have ideas and we’re working to come to a real experience of these ideas, beliefs, words, and concepts, and here the concept is God.

The Truth is that God doesn’t fit within a concept. Just as the word “love” doesn’t encompass the Truth of Love. The Reality of God isn’t within the word “God.” The Truth of Love isn’t within the word “love.” This is the same for Happiness, Peace, and Freedom… But, in general, human beings are very attached to symbols, without any awareness of the Truth that the symbol represents something, which is what is symbolized. The word is the symbol; what is symbolized is Reality.

Thus, this issue of the search for God is the search for an idea, a belief, or a concept.

Here, we come across a great difficulty: what you can find is still part of what you know. Notice how delicate this subject is.

If we're talking about God as being a Reality that surpasses the intellect, emotions, feelings, and this human sense of perception, anything that you find within that human sense of perception, within that particular view of the person, the so-called human being, cannot be the Reality of God.

So, what you’ll find will still be part of what you are as a human being, tied to intellect, emotions, feelings, sensations, and sensory perceptions.

If we really want to be aware of the Reality of God, we need to go beyond this limitation, which is the limitation of this so-called human being.

So, notice what we are saying: you’ll never find God because you can't! The Reality of God, or the Reality of Truth, can come to you, It can reach you, but you can’t go there. The human being doesn’t go to God; it’s God who comes. It’s not the human being who has a revelation from God; it’s God who reveals himself. And here we enter the second important part of this speech: if God reveals himself, He reveals himself as being God. He doesn’t reveal himself within our vision of humanity.

Notice calmly what we’re saying. You want to know who God is, but you don't know who you are. If our search for God, for the Truth – here we’re talking about this search for God or the Truth – if it’s real, it must start in ourselves. It’s not idealizing, psychologically objectifying, imagining the Reality of God, going after This, because who would be going after This? We need to find out who this “I,” this “me,” this “person,” this “human model” is, who is looking for This.

Therefore, if God’s Truth is to be found, the first thing here is to discover the Truth about who we are.

When you become aware of the Truth about who You are – not about the Truth of God, but about the Truth of who You are – you have the Reality of God revealing itself. And when that Reality of God reveals itself, that sense of a present “I,” that “person” you see as being yourself, believing yourself to be, disappears, because the Reality of the Revelation of God, is not going to fit that sense an “I” present.

This is a way for us to address this issue of the illusion of the sense of an “I” present, separating itself from this Reality that is God.

The Reality, the Truth of God, is the only Reality in the whole Manifestation. This sense of humanity, this sense of “person,” as you see yourself, is a projection created by beliefs, ideas, and thoughts.

Then, you project yourself as a separate identity in time and space, being a person in search of God. This is not real. The Reality is that there’s only one Truth in all this Manifestation.

Therefore, this body, this mind, and this human mechanism are all part of this Manifestation, and the only Reality in that Manifestation is the Reality of God.

So, here we already have the third thing to say: God is That or this Reality that reveals itself in you, and the Revelation of This shows itself to be the only Reality of all Manifestation.

Then, what is this encounter with God? It’s God revealing himself to Himself in this body, mind, and experience. So, what’s the real impediment to God’s Revelation? The illusion about who we are.

So, not Recognizing the Truth You are is the non-Realization of the Truth about the Divine, God, about this one Reality present.

So, what are we doing together in these meetings, when we share with you, here, in these meetings within the channel and, also, in online and face-to-face meetings? We are investigating the nature of the illusion, of these beliefs. These beliefs are the illusion we bring about ourselves. The illusion we have about who we are gives us an illusion about life, the other, and about the Truth, God.

This work of investigation about This, of an approach about This, about What we are, is the True Self-Awareness.

Here on the channel, we have an extensive playlist about this work of Self-Awareness. Looking at what is here and perceiving directly that all this programming, all this psychological conditioning, this whole set of beliefs, images, ideas about us, the other, the world, and about God is false; this is an illusion. Perceiving this is the basis for the Realization of the Truth of your Being, which is the Truth of God; it’s when God reveals himself in this disappearance of the sense of an “I.” This is Self-Awareness.

It brings you closer… this is something that brings you closer to Meditation, True Meditation. Meditation is this emptying of all this psychological content of conditioning. We carry a huge content of psychological conditioning. This psychological conditioning gives us the idea of identity present here, at this moment, living life, being “someone,” thinking and feeling things, hating, loving, wanting to continue, trying to get rid of, taking actions, making decisions, choices… All this is based on the illusion of the sense of separateness, which is the sense of an “I” present in the world, in life, in the search for God or Truth.

If that disappears, through this Acknowledgement of the Truth about who we are, if this whole psychological content, of conditioning, culture, civilization, humanity, of the wrong view we bring, we have, if this is emptied... The emptying of all this internal psychological content is Meditation. And when there is this emptying, the brain quiets down. Actually, this stillness favors this emptying. And when the brain is whole and completely still and silent, empty of all that content, something shows itself, reveals itself, becomes clear, patent, as being the only Reality – that’s the Reality of God, the Unknown, the Unspeakable.

Joel Goldsmith has a beautiful expression. Joel Goldsmith says, “All concepts of God must disappear.” The expression of the Mystics, the Saints, and the Sages regarding this encounter with God is very curious.

Then, Joel Goldsmith speaks of God, saying: “I’ve found the only way to express God free of all concepts” – he says – “with an expression.” He calls it “the Infinite Invisible” … “the Infinite Invisible.” Yes, that expression is beautiful: “the Infinite Invisible,” because you cannot give a form to it, he says. There’s no way you can fit the expression Infinite Invisible into a form.

This expression by Joel Goldsmith is beautiful, and we’re here discovering the Truth of our Being, of this Infinite Invisible – I’ve called “the Unknown,” “the Nameless,” “the Real Being,” this Being that is Being-Consciousness-Bliss.

The observation of the Truth – listen – not the Truth of God, but the Truth about who You are… The Revelation of the Truth about who You are is the Revelation of the Truth that there’s only God. So, there’s no “me,” this “I,” this “you.” That “you” is the problem. I’ve been saying this a lot in these meetings.

People talk about problems... There are only problems when the sense of “I” is producing them. Every problem in your life consists of the existence of a separate identity, which represents an illusory identity present within the experience of living. It’s this present sense of “I” creating all confusion, suffering, and disorder.

The Reality of your Being-Consciousness-Bliss, the Infinite Invisible, this Reality beyond all names… When This takes over this body and mind, everything disappears, and all illusion disappears. In the language of Joel Goldsmith, the error disappears; the hypnotic state of this consciousness of separateness disappears.

We’re talking about something experiential: you experience This in Yourself. Therefore, I’ve been emphasizing the importance of the Understanding of the Truth about who we are, and This is only possible when you study yourself. You need to study yourself. Studying is looking at what is happening here and now: thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, and the whole perception of reality. By observing this, by studying this, you find out that this is a condition of somnambulism, unconsciousness, a dream within a sleep, which is this sleep, this dream of an existence separate from the Reality of God.

That’s why Joel uses the expression “Conscious Union with God.” I’ve said: this Consciousness is the Consciousness of the Reality of God. It’s not someone uniting with God, but rather God taking the place, the space that is His, that always was and always will be, in this body and mind.

Here on the channel, we’ve been working on this with you, showing that a change in the body itself is necessary, a change in the structure of the brain and the body.

Here, touching on the issue of Kundalini Awakening, we also have a playlist working on that and showing the place that it has within this work of Realization of God or Spiritual Enlightenment, because that’s our subject here on the channel.

So, if what you've just heard makes sense to you, if it touches you in some way, leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel... I want to remind you again: we have online and also face-to-face meetings, where we are working with those who approach us.

We have a WhatsApp link there: you join our group and approach this work. Ok?

Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

January, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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