February 17, 2023

What is Satsang? Meditation, Silence, the encounter with your Being in Darshan. The existential void

What is Satsang? This word has made a lot of people confused. People are a little confused by this. After all, what does the word “Satsang” mean?

Note, the word “Satsang” in Sanskrit means “the encounter with the Truth.” Generally, this word is used in India and in all parts of the world for the encounter with the one who Realized his Being.

He who is in his Natural State of Being is in “Sat.” Sat is Being and Sang means the encounter with that Being.

So, the word “Satsang” means the encounter with an Awakened One, the encounter with a Sage, with a Realized Being. So basically, that’s it; that is the meaning of the word. Now, here we are working with you exactly for the end of all meanings.

So, the word has a meaning. The word “arrow” has a meaning, and when I use the expression “arrow,” immediately, in your mind, an image appears. If I use another expression, like “tree,” an image will appear. This image that appears, as well as this word, are still symbols, they are representations. These representations are not what Reality is. So, the symbol, the word, that meaning is not the Truth. That encounter with the Being, that encounter with That which is the Reality of your Divine Nature, of your Real Nature… that is Satsang!

We live in this life, here in this world, a thought-oriented life… a thought-feeling life in this body-mind structure. Life, within this context, is taking place or happening within a dream, a dream of life, a dream of existence, a dream of the world.

The human being is in this feeling and thinking, becoming confused, moment by moment, with the illusion of a dreamer in this experience of life, or of the world, which is nothing more than a dream.

So, everything that is good or bad, real or illusory, pleasant or painful, the whole existence of human life common to all, takes place within this dream model. This encounter with Satsang, which is the encounter with your Being, the Reality of your Divine Nature, of your Essential Nature, is the Awakening of that dream.

So, when you go to Satsang... In general, this word in India is used for meeting a Realized Being. If you go to an encounter of a Being Who has Realized his Essential Nature, you are going to a Satsang. So, an encounter with a Realized Being is an encounter with the Truth of your Being in another form. The one you meet as a Realized Being, who has Realized God in this life, is the one who has Realized the Truth about who he or she is. There is no longer “someone” there! The body remains, but the present Reality is no longer a personal, private identity, with a life centered on thought and feeling. So, you are facing the Realization of God in a human form. This is Satsang!

And, in this meeting, you are faced with the investigation of the Truth about who you are, and therefore, the possibility, too, of realizing that all of this, in fact, is just a dream. There is Something beyond all this, or rather, there is Something present which is all this. That “Something beyond” is Something that is present here and now, being all of that. I mean the Truth of God.

The Realization or Awakening of this dream is the clear vision that there is only God present, and this Reality that is God present is beyond this condition of egoic identity or identity separate from life, from the other, from the world. Then, the Realization of your Being is the Truth of that Encounter with Sat, with the Being, with your Divine Truth.

I have invited people to be in Satsang, to be involved in Satsang. Thus, they can discover, within Satsang, within these encounters, through self-investigation, through self-enquiry… thus, they can verify here that the Truth of their Being is Love, Peace and Happiness; verify that the whole sense of existential suffering is present while this emptiness is present, while the existential void, this pain to be someone in search of filling that void, in search of a realization that can put an end to this pain... if this remains present, illusion remains present, the dream remains present.

So, unhappiness and suffering are present because of the sense of the “I,” of the ego, of this “me,” carrying this illusion of the sense of an existence separate from God.

This is how our encounters are here, within this work. And this is something beyond a video that you watch here on the channel. The Satsangs… There is something greater than what we have presented within these meetings that we have here in the videos on the channel, but it is something that is outside of language, outside of speech, outside of words.

You can, internally, detect what we are saying, but you will also have the same difficulty explaining to others what happens, what happens, inside you, within an encounter where only this Presence, this Consciousness is settled, bringing this Stillness, this Silence, this “other Thing” – and, here, I use the expression “other Thing” signaling that there is something beyond the mind, beyond the body and beyond the world. This becomes possible when you are in Satsang.

Realizing the Truth about who you are has a flavor, an indescribable perfume. The Nature of Reality, the Truth about God, the Uniqueness of your Being has a fragrance, a delicacy, an indescribable beauty. This is revealed in this contact with Meditation, and it becomes natural, spontaneous, free of any effort or any intentional work on your part when we are in Satsang, because the Presence of Grace itself, the Divine Presence itself, which is this one Consciousness present in the Realized One and in you, is shown as a single Reality. So, there is a sharing or communion with this Silence, this Consciousness, this Presence.

So, there is something very real in Satsang. The expression is “Darshan.” Darshan is the contact with Silence in the eyes. Darshan is also a word in Sanskrit, which means “to see and be seen” ... and to place oneself in that openness, in that encounter, in that gaze, in that listening, in that direct experiencing, without the intervention or interference of thought.

Thought in us judges, criticizes, condemns, accepts, rejects, understands, does not understand, analyzes... Before this look, which is Presence, which is Consciousness, which is Silence, there is a disarming of this model condition of intellect, which analyzes, judges, compares, accepts, rejects, suspects... So, we are faced with That which is the Truth of our Being unfolding in that Silence.

So, there is something about Darshan, there is something about seeing and being seen, this looking and being looked at, that transcends the “me,” the ego. So, we are, for the first time, beyond the need for language, for speech, for verbal communication. It is the communion or sharing of Silence, of this Presence of Grace; it is to drink from this one Consciousness: that is Darshan!

Here, in this instant, in this moment, this is possible for you: just listening. And it is not necessary to understand, to adjust this to any comprehension, to any understanding, to any intellectual self-explanation. It’s feeling, it’s looking, it’s seeing, it’s being seen, it’s not resisting that moment of encounter with the Reality of Silence. And intellect is the barrier; logic, the need for explanation, or self-explanation, or conclusions, are the barrier.

So, when there is Meditation, when there is the encounter with the Silence of your Being in Darshan, we have the Presence of Satsang, this encounter with the Divine Reality.

That’s why I've been inviting people to online meetings and also face-to-face meetings. Of theories, beliefs, concepts, words, people are already full! Those who arrived at this channel must have already read many books, listened to many lectures, learned many things. The Reality of your Being is not something you learn; It is something that is seen here and now, verified as being your Essential Nature, as the Truth of your Being, when exactly there is an emptying of all that psychological content, of all that information.

So, contact with Awakening, with Enlightenment, which is contact with your Being, with What is You here and now, is this encounter with the Silence of this Presence. It is not about learning something, but exactly about unlearning everything to simply be, to live the Truth of What You are here and now. This is Darshan, this is Satsang, this is the encounter with Reality of your Divine Nature, your Essential Nature.

So, our work together here is a work in that direction, towards the Verification of the Silence, for the Realization of the Truth, for the Verification that there is only God! So, there is no “me and you,” there is only That which is here. That’s the Truth about who You are; that is the only Reality: the Reality of your Being. OK?

So, if that’s something that makes sense to you, I want to invite you to online as well as face-to-face meetings. We also have retreats, where we are working on this Beauty of Awakening or Spiritual Enlightenment with those who approach.

If this is something that makes sense to you, leave your “like,” subscribe to the channel and let’s work on it together. OK?

Thanks for the meeting and until next time!

February, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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