February 24, 2023

What is introspection? | Self-Discipline and Personal development | ego identity

It is essential to look at what we are here and now – here, I refer to a non-introspective look. Let me clear this up for you. Don’t mistake this direct Perception of what is presented here and now, both externally and internally, for introspection.

People sometimes ask “what is introspection?”, “what is introspection?” The intention to discover what introspection is, is present due to the intention to bring about in themselves, through introspection, a change, a modification, a transformation. This also occurs within this process, this search for personal development and the intention of self-discipline – self-discipline for personal development.

So, there’s this search, this people’s search to understand what introspection is, how to carry out this self-discipline for this personal development. All this occurs under this intention to produce in themselves a transformation, a change.

I want to approach this a little differently. The question is: who is this person dissatisfied with him or herself that needs this transformation, this change, and who, through introspection, understanding what it means and practicing self-discipline, will achieve this change, this transformation, within this purpose of personal development?

Here, I want to invite you to understand the Truth of your Being, of your Real Nature. We have this apparent being we are, this truth we appear to be here, right now. Dissatisfied with this, we want a change, we want a transformation. When we go deep into this observation of this movement, which is the movement of the “I” – and this is not possible through introspection or through self-discipline – when we do this, we have the awareness of the Truth of our Being, no longer of this being that we appear to be.

Let me talk about this first. In fact, the only approach we can have is to this being we appear to be, and not about the Ultimate Truth of our Nature, because It is nameless, It is unknown. It’s possible to Realize This, but not to talk about This. Then, the expression “Spiritual Enlightenment” or “Spiritual Awakening” or “Awakening of Consciousness” is not a description, it’s just a verbal expression that is very far from saying, in fact, what It represents – it is the Happiness, the Love, the Freedom to live in the True Consciousness, which is the Consciousness of God, but none of that describes It.

But we can investigate what we appear to be, we can look at that, and the recognition of that, yes, is something that goes far beyond your need for personal development, your need to, through introspection and self-discipline, make a change, a real change, a profound change.

The Acknowledgement of the Truth of your Being is something, indeed, radical. This Acknowledgement of your Being is a radical change from what the egoic mind knows. Unlike a self-discipline or self-help practice where, through some superficial change, you improve as a person.

For many people, the purpose of this introspection, self-discipline, and this personal development, is for them to achieve goals in life. They need to improve as people, to get along well in business, at work, in relationships with people…

Here in this channel, we are working with you on the end of the egoic sense and therefore the end of this “I,” of this “me,” of this “person” that you believe you are and that needs self-discipline to accomplish something. This model of becoming a better person, of becoming, of achieving goals in life, all this may even have a certain purpose, but none of this is the Realization of the Truth about You.

Another important point I want to emphasize is that when you look inside yourself through this introspection... What is this introspection? It’s looking within to make a change; and when you do this, you're under an internal wave of pain.

Notice that the frames of anxiety, depression, loneliness, the pain of loneliness, and the existential emptiness occur because people look inside themselves, they introspect, and what they find are internal states with which they can’t deal. And they have this illusion that they can change that through self-discipline. Thus, there’s this illusion of self-discipline for this pursuit of personal development, and they want to do that by making use of introspection.

Contact with the “reality” of what you appear to be, which is the “reality” of life here and now, indeed, shows you the envy, the jealousy, the desires, the fears, the greed, all these aspects of the “person,” of that sense of personality, which you intend to change by making adjustments, obliging and forcing yourself to change, in that self-discipline. And all you can get with that are peripheral changes, superficial changes.

If that “I,” that ego, changes, if that “person” changes for the better, it still remains a “person,” and a “person” basically is the sense of an ego identity present in its egocentric activities, in its model of action, which produce even more conflict, since it is an ambitious action, an action with goals of an egocentric order.

Here, what we put to you is the possibility of Realizing your Real Being, not what you appear to be, this egoic mind, this egoic consciousness, this consciousness of the “person,” which involves this peripheral, superficial condition, which some people call conscious mind, and something deeper, which some people call the unconscious mind. This is something loaded with fears, desires, ambitions, all the conditioning of society, of the world. None of this represents the Truth of your Self. It’s the end of all this, the end of this ego identity, this sense of separateness, the end of this egoic sense, this egocentrism, and this model of “person” seeking change and improvement; it’s the end of that, which represents the Realization of your Real Being, which is the Truth of God, Spiritual Enlightenment, as it is called, or the Awakening of Consciousness, as it is called; it is the Acknowledgement of the Truth of What is beyond this condition.

So, looking at what is going on inside you and wanting to make a change through effort, discipline, through self-discipline, this introspective way of looking, still fosters more and more contradiction, conflict, and these internal states of unhappiness do not disappear. Improvements are possible, but there’ll be no end to the illusion as long as the “I” is present.

Here, our work together is to become aware of the Truth we are here and now. Hence, this self-observation is not introspection; it is this disidentified look at what arises. Any thought, feeling, emotion, anything that is seen, perceived, here and now… you don't try to do anything about it, you don't fight it. You just verify and observe the sense of separateness, the sense of duality, the sense of a present “I” demanding, requesting, and seeking to get rid of things that it doesn't like.

It’s curious to say this, but it’s exactly like that. When you look within yourself, you want to get rid of what you don't like. But who is this “I” that likes some things in itself and dislikes others? All this disappears in this Vision of the Reality of your Being.

The observation of the movement of the “I,” the Perception of the Reality of your Being here and now, discarding this illusion of the egoic sense, the sense of separateness – this is our work together within these meetings.

If this is something that makes sense to you, I want to invite you: leave your “like,” subscribe to the channel… Reminder: we have online and also face-to-face meetings, and we can work on this together! Ok?

See you next meeting.

November, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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