May 31, 2023

Psychological Conditioning | Advaita Reality | Fear of death | Turiya | psychological complexity

Putting this straight to you here: it is not possible to realize Happiness without Realization of God. It’s no use! There is no Point! Whatever you accomplish, whatever you get, whatever you achieve, any and all external achievement will be there for a while and then it will disappear. The realization of Happiness is the Realization of your Being, it is the Realization of God. Only That is Real, nothing else is. Only That is True, nothing else is.

So, going straight to the point with you: on this channel we are working with you on the Truth of the Realization of God. That’s the only thing that’s Real, everything else comes and goes, everything else appears and disappears. Your Being is the Nature of Truth, which is the Nature of God. It’s not an achievement, it’s not something you achieve, it’s not something you get. So, when we use the expression “Realizing God” or “Realizing Your Being,” it is not something that you go out and make possible, it is not something that you idealize, plan and manage to go and make it possible. This God Realization is not something in time. We're going to work with you on that, here, in the next few minutes.

The question is: how to realize Happiness? How to achieve Happiness? Happiness is not achieved; Happiness is not realized. We become aware of the Truth of Happiness, we become present here and now. The awareness of What we are is Happiness revealing itself. It’s not a process, it’s a verification here and now.

Here on the channel we are working with you to end the illusion of the “person” or the person you believe you are. You see yourself as someone who was born, you have a name, you have a history, you look back and see your ancestors, you believe that your origin is within this context of history. The Truth of your Being is that you were never born. It’s very strange to hear that, because you see yourself in a body as “someone” who has a name and a story. Here I refer to the ultimate Truth of your Real Nature, of your Real and True individuality.

We have a completely wrong, mistaken notion about who we are. We are seeing ourselves in this illusory identity, this illusory “I”. When we use the expression “I”, the pronoun “I”, referring to “ourselves”, we are always identifying this “ourselves” with that body. Here is the mistake. When we say “I”, “me”, “myself”, “myself”, we are just expressing a word or a phrase – the word “I” or a phrase “I myself” – because it is something we have been taught, we have learned it and it is something that has arisen in time and it will also disappear in time. The whole problem with us is the idea of time, this psychological time: “I was this yesterday, I am this today and I will be this tomorrow”, that is time. We always refer here to this body. You look at a photograph when you were ten or fifteen years old and you look at your face in the mirror today and you realize there’s been a change, a difference, so this sense of time is something very ingrained in our model of psychological conditioning. We see ourselves in time because we see ourselves in the body, we see ourselves in a form. Realization of Happiness, Realization of your Being, Realization of God, is something out of time.

When we approach the Truth about who we are, when we investigate the illusory nature of the “I” – the one that separates itself from experience here and now – we realize that this “I” is just a belief, a concept, a concept within the body. We also realize that this body is just an expression of time, it is not What we are, it is what we confuse ourselves with. We who? This “I”, which is nothing more than memory, history, remembrances, therefore, we are back in time. Without time, where is the “me”? Who are you without your name? And your name is history, which is time and memory. Without your body, who are you?

Every night when we sleep, we go into deep sleep and there is no body, there is no name, there is no history, yet Something remains unknown. In deep sleep, there is no world, there is no “I”, there is no body, there is no history, but something remains outside that time, outside that dream of life that we call “human life”. When we come out of deep sleep, we are back in time, in the body, in the world, in the name, in history. The question for you is: what is this Reality that remains in deep sleep unknown? This Reality is your Being.

Your Being is out of time, name, history and world. This Being of yours, which is experienced in deep sleep – see this very clearly –, in deep sleep there is nothing but Peace and Happiness. There is no sensation, there is no pleasure, but there is Something extraordinary in deep sleep. Everyone loves, every human being loves deep sleep, because in deep sleep the whole sense of the “I” with its pleasures and pains, stories, memories, remembrances, all its characters disappear. Then, there is Something in deep sleep, which is the Unknown, but it is the Unknown in Peace, in Freedom, in Happiness. It is curious to say this: “We all deeply love deep sleep”, but in deep sleep, who are you?

A human being can even say: “I'm afraid of death”, he or she can feel the fear of death, he or she can say that he or she loves to live, loves life, but, in reality, he or she is afraid of losing what he or she knows, which he or she calls life, and he or she calls it “love for life”. What human beings really love is the Uniqueness and Unknown of deep sleep. We love deep sleep, and in deep sleep there is no life, no “someone” alive. Every night we die psychologically, historically, in terms of memories and remembrances. This happens every night when we enter deep sleep, we enjoy Peace, Freedom and Happiness. So, we love deep sleep. And why is it present? Because in deep sleep there is no ego, the “I”, the “me”. If we could bring Peace, Silence, and Happiness from deep sleep to our waking state, which is this “state of the world”, it would be something wonderful. If we could live in Love, in Peace, in Freedom, in Silence, in the absence of ego, in the waking state, as in deep sleep, we would all appreciate it for sure.

The invitation to the Realization of your Being, which is the invitation to the Truth of Happiness of your Real Nature, is life in the ego-free waking state and, therefore, in this Peace, this Silence, this Unknown Mystery of deep sleep. The Realization of your Being is the Realization of the Unknown, of That which has no name, of That which is beyond time and space and, therefore, beyond the body and all the story of psychological memory, beyond all illusion of the “I”. It is impossible to live in this Beauty, Grace, Love, Freedom and Happiness as long as the sense of “I”, of the ego, of all this psychological complexity, of all this condition of ego-identity structure, remains present.

We need to discover the Truth of deep sleep. Understanding this Truth about who we are, here and now, reveals the Truth in this waking state, in the dream state at night, and in the deep sleep state. The Sages have called this “the fourth state”, the state of Turiya, a state possible for each of us. It is the state of Wisdom, of seeing Life as it appears, without the sense of duality. This is also called Advaita, where there is only “this one without a second”, which is the Reality of God. The word Advaita means “the one without the second”, the present Reality of God. That is the Reality of your Being. There is no suffering in your Being, there is no suffering in God, there is no sense of separation, there is no sense of duality, there is no experiencer with his experience, there is no observer with what he observes, there is no thinker with his thoughts. There is only this Reality, which is the Unknown, the Nameless, the Presence of pure Consciousness. The State of Turiya is this pure Presence, it is the pure Consciousness that is Being, Happiness, transcending waking, dreaming and deep sleep.

Then, in deep sleep you have a glimpse of that Unknown, of That which we are talking about here in the channel, which some call Spiritual Enlightenment, the Awakening of Consciousness or Spiritual Awakening. It is you in your Being, in your Natural State, free of the sense of “I”, of the ego, of this “me”. So, our job is to investigate that, to go deeper into it, to have the clarity of the Truth of That which we are, here and now, free of time and space, free of the “I”, the ego, the “me”, free of the whole story of this character with whom we identify.

Perhaps your question is: “What about life?” There’s nothing out there to change. Life is what it is when the sense of “I” is not there. What disappears is the illusion of a sufferer to suffer, the illusion of an observer to observe the world, the illusion of a thinker to think his thoughts, the illusion of that “I” that sees the other as something separate from itself, that sees the world as something separate from itself, that sees God as something far away, distant from itself, that is what disappears – something invented by thought, this feeling that disappears. Then something new is present. That Something is the presence of the Reality of your Being, which is Happiness. This is the Realization of God, Spiritual Enlightenment, Awakening, and the various names that have been given to It – none of them really represent It, because it is Something that transcends all words, all language, any form of idea, belief or thought.

Therefore, this is the subject that we deal with here within the channel. We have several playlists exploring this subject with you. Just go on the channel and take a look at these playlists, investigate that and get closer to that. I want to remind you: we have online meetings, face-to-face meetings and also retreats where we are working with those who approach. Here’s the invitation and we'll see you at the next meeting.

Thanks and until next time!

May, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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