October 4, 2023

Illusion of free will | Real Consciousness | Conditioned mind | Action free from conditioning

All right! What I consider the foremost thing within these meetings is to learn following a speech like this, applying what we see, hear, perceive, and investigate in our living. Otherwise, we will just stick to the verbal, theoretical aspect of what is said here.

Notice that we are living in a world condition where there is confusion, disorder, and no clarity, where, in fact, there is a lot of suffering. This is the condition of this world – in reality, of this dream of a world we have because this is the world that we can recognize within this dream. Actually, this is the world of that very “I” with which we identify and mistake ourselves; then, this is the condition of the dream of the world that we live in. So, if we do not learn to deal with this situation, which is life as it is, as it presents itself, without this element, the element producing this confusion – the “I” – our life will continue the same way. Thus, there is no point in us listening to a speech like this only intellectually.

I want to talk to you at this moment, in a few minutes, about the aspect, for example, of choice – this is a real common illusion for all of us. We have this idea that from choices we make, we can find Happiness, Love, and Freedom; then, we put ourselves in a movement of action based on our choices.

We never investigate the nature of this “I” that makes these choices. First, this idea of choice is based on the illusion that we can decide, resolve, and apply our decisions and resolutions. So, the idea is that there is “someone” present who knows what is and what is not, what should do and should not, what needs and does not need to do, in other words, we always have the wrong idea, the idea of “someone” present here and now, making these choices.

We must discover that this internal basis of choice is nothing more than a programming, a pattern of thinking and feeling. So, the foundation of our options, which comes from this format, is the result of egoic, unconscious mechanical conditioning, which is this conditioning of the ego, the “I.”

So, this thinking and feeling that decides, resolves, and sets out to do, as this is born of conditioning, of a program that has already been preordained, based on the past, when this comes into contact with what is here, it produces confusion. What we say to you here is that our action in this present moment, based on the conditioning of the past, with this belief of choice, of that there is “someone” here able to know what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong, is totally confusing.

All our actions based on the past, on this conditioning, are illusory actions of this “I,” this ego, and this does not fit with this present moment; it does not correspond to this present moment. Those actions in us born from the ego, the “I,” are based on a choice of conditioning or programming. Since this is conditioning or programming, what we call “choice” here is just a repetition of the old.

Our life is confused and disoriented; we do not have a form of behavior in action here, at this moment, that can really favor Happiness because they are egocentric; they are actions born from this “I,” which, by nature, is confused. An action born from this confusion, from this state of confusion, of disorder, cannot produce what favors Freedom, Love, Peace, and Happiness.

Our actions are self-centered because they are born from this center, which is the “I,” something that comes from the past. So, when we talk about choices, we talk about an illusion. There are no choices. Our behavior is already programmed by a conditioned brain, within a conditioned mind.

We can make simple choices, choosing between strawberry ice cream and chocolate. Even this choice, which is a simple one, is born from a background of brain conditioning, but it is a simple choice. In any case, this choice is already conditioned; in other words, it is not a choice – there is already a predetermined program, a predetermined movement in the brain to decide between one thing and another, and that is not a choice. So, this choice is of this “me,” this “I,” this ego, this conditioning. Therefore, there is no freedom in what we call “choice” because it is a decision already preconditioned and predetermined by this sense of “someone.”

Now, when we extend this type of action to the various behaviors in our lives, we realize what a mess we are in. There is no freedom in our actions, for there is no Truth in these decisions. They are born out of this background of conditioning and, therefore, of this confusion, and it, for sure, produces more confusion and disorder in our lives. So, none of this represents a Real Truth in this search for Love and Happiness. In fact, this search for Happiness and Love, within this conditioning, produces more suffering, and confusion.

Here, we work with you on the end of the illusion of this “me,” this “I,” this ego, and, therefore, the end of this illusion of “someone” present making choices; then we can be faced with an action free from conditioning, from the “I,” that is born from this Natural State; thus, free from choice. That is the action of Intelligence, Presence, Consciousness, of the Truth of that Consciousness, and not of that supposed consciousness, which is the consciousness of the “I,” of the ego, always moving in the illusion of “someone” present within the experience.

So, here we have two forms of illusion; we believe in two completely absurd things. The first one is the power of choice for this “me,” this “I,” that considers this “I” can make choices based on Intelligence, Freedom, or true Consciousness. The other is the illusion of this model of acting in freedom, which some call free will. Then, we have two very intriguing things here: the first is the illusion of choice, and the second is the illusion of free will. We can even change the order: first comes the idea of free will, this power to make decisions with Intelligence, with Presence, with Consciousness, and then comes this illusion of choice. Thus, neither free will nor making choices has any reality within this Intelligence, this Presence, this Real Consciousness.

In Real Consciousness there is no choice, and this idea of free will is dispensed with. No one is present making choices or decisions when there is Real Consciousness. The work of Spiritual Awakening, the Awakening of Consciousness – I refer to the Awakening of the Truth of your Being – is the end to the illusion of this so-called “free will,” this so-called “choice.” An action born at that moment, in Freedom, blossoming in Love, in Pure Consciousness, is the action of God, of your Being; it is the action free from the “I,” the ego.

Thus, this work here consists of our investigation of the nature of this “I,” becoming aware of this structure and nature of the false identity with this so-called “free will” and its power of decision and choice. Intelligence – I want to repeat this here for you – Truth is Pure Clarity, and in that Clarity, as there is no confusion, there is no need for any choice.

Notice how interesting this is: our choices are choices because we have two things: they are choices because we face a decision – between two things, we need to make a decision. This decision to choose between two things is present when there is no clarity between what is Real and what is not, between what is appropriate and what is not.

When there is clarity, there is no choice; there is an action born in Intelligence, in Freedom, that flows with the present moment. This action is not from the “I” from confusion; therefore, it is not born from choice. When there is Clarity, Intelligence, and Freedom, the action happens, and it does not happen from an “I” making choices and, therefore, from a confused “I” trying to choose between one thing and another; it is a new action, of a different quality.

Here, we are working towards the end of this old and ancient action trapped in this pattern of psychological, egoic conditioning and, therefore, trapped within this illusion. Notice that all our actions based on the “I” show themselves in the short, medium, and long term as actions that produce suffering for ourselves and others because they are actions centered on the ego making choices based on this confusion, on this absence of Intelligence, Clarity, and Freedom. There is a new way of acting, a new direction, and this action is born from this new space when there is a new mind, this Presence of the true Real Consciousness.

So, our work here consists of discovering the Truth about who we are, abandoning this imagination, this idea of achieving, accomplishing, and obtaining something in the future. That is the movement of the “I,” the ego; this is the kind of movement centered on this choice and, therefore, in this confusion.

Reality is What is present here as being the Truth. In this Truth, there is Clarity, Freedom, and, of course, this action already in Love and Happiness, Something that is present here and now, the Reality of God; it is the presence of Truth, therefore, of Happiness. It is not something to be achieved, idealized, or sought after; it is all part of this idea of “someone” to achieve something in the future, to stop being what they believe they are now, to become something they suppose will be, that they will come to be in the future. That is the projection of the “I,” the ego.

Our actions are always centered on this illusion of time; therefore, we need to make choices and move towards these goals, and that presupposes the presence of time. Our choices are born out of confusion and our actions of the illusion of this time to accomplish that tomorrow. What we say is that the Divine Truth is present here and now. The Reality of your Being is What shows itself here present when this sense of separation, which is the sense of an “I” that sees itself separate from God and seeking to find Him tomorrow, disappears.

So, all we need is an approach to Self-Awareness. By looking at this movement of the “I” within you, by realizing the illusion of this sense of identity within the present moment, within living, within this instant, the illusion disappears because there is no longer this background of conditioning, this confusion. Contact with this is Real Meditation in an experiential, practical way, here and now.

Here on the channel, we have two playlists that I want to recommend to you: about the Truth of Self-Awareness – what is the Truth about true Self-Awareness? – and Real Meditation in a practical way – what is the Truth about that? Thus, that is our purpose here within the channel. We have weekend meetings online. Here in this video, you will find, in the description, our WhatsApp group for participating in these weekend meetings. We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats. If this makes sense to you, please leave a like and subscribe to our channel. See you, okay? Thanks for meeting us, and see you next time!

September, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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