October 15, 2023

Joel Goldsmith. The Conscious Union with God. Understand the nature of illusion. Master Gualberto

GC: Hello everyone! We are here for another videocast. Gratitude once again, Master Gualberto, for being here with us, for being able to come here in the videocasts and bring to us what this experience in this Natural State is like, what it is like to live free from all conditioning, from all imprisonment, and free from suffering, which is what everyone longs for. And then we'll talk more about this, Master. And, Master, I'm going to read an excerpt today from Joel Goldsmith's book, the book called “The Conscious Union with God.” In this excerpt, Master, Joel says the following: “Always remember that the basis of our work is: ‘But seek first the Kingdom of God’. One of the ways to first seek the Kingdom of God is this understanding of union, because when you demonstrate your consciousness of union with God, all things are given to you in addition.” Can you talk more about it, Master?

MG: The idea you get, listening to what he says, is that you're going to do this, you're going to allow yourself this, you're going to achieve this, you're going to somehow get closer to this. Our positions here are a little different. This awareness of the Reality of God is assumed due to realization of the present illusion being seen. So, here it is – let's put what he said in another way, with a slightly different language, and I want you to be patient with this –, here it is about the perception of illusion. The sight of this illusion is the end of this illusion. So, here it is about becoming aware of this illusion. The awareness of this illusion is the end of this illusion. The end of this illusion is the end of this ignorance, of ignorance of the Truth about You.

You are not aware of the Truth about Yourself, so you live in ignorance because you are not aware of this illusion. You become aware of this illusion, you realize the Truth about Yourself, and that is the end of this ignorance about who you are. So, we have the Reality of God present here and now being verified. It is not about being achieved, about being attained, or demonstrated, but about simply being acknowledged. You verify this Reality, which is the Reality of God. And, in fact, when you realize this Reality, which is the Reality of God, once this sense of “I” is no longer present, there can no longer be problems.

All problems are only problems for the “I.” It is always in a relationship with something that the problem arises. For example: fear. Fear is the relationship of the “I” with something, with a memory, with a situation, with a difficulty, which it does not want to meet, which it wants to get rid of, which it cannot bear. This is fear, that is, it is always something in a dual relationship. There has to be this “I” and the other thing. In this duality lies the problem.

So, always, all human problems are present while this “human” is present. Fear is present for the fearful one, jealousy for the jealous “I,” desire for the desiring “I,” fear for that fearful “I,” anger is a problem when there is that angry “I.” We never investigate the nature of anger, of fear, of jealousy, of envy, of the problem. We never approach the problem to look closely at what it represents. To look closely at this, is to see this duality. That is the end for this “I” and, of course, the end for this so-called “problem.” So, this problem, be it fear, envy, anger, or jealousy, disappears when this “I” is not there. This is God's Truth. There is only this Reality.

The problem with us is imagining this Reality. So, when we use the expression “God,” the conditioned thought in us, in this conditioned brain, already creates an image, already sees a being there, or something separate from this “me,” this “I.” So, there is this “I” and God. Here we are faced with an illusion. In fact, with one more problem, because now we want to find God, and we also place Him inside the mind, as something else separate from this “me.” So, there is “I and God.” Just like there was “I and fear,” “I and envy,” now there is also “God and I.” So, everything remains the same. “Fear and I” is there, “envy and I” is there, “jealousy and I,” “anger and I,” “God and I” ... That’s the problem!

The end of problem is the end of the “I.” So, it is true that, as he says, when there is awareness that the Only Reality is God – and here it is, I repeat, a realization, and not a posture or a position of someone to demonstrate this, but a realization... This realization is not the realization for someone, it is God's realization for God, it is God revealing Himself, being the Only Truth present in this Life. So, this “life,” which you call “my life,” is no longer “my life.” In this Life, which is now no longer “my particular life,” in this Life, there is no problem.

There is no problem, Gilson, in Life, there is only problem in the mind, and the problem in the mind is the problem of duality, it is the sense of someone present within experience – and here I refer, naturally, to this mind of the “I,” to the egoic mind. So, a New Presence, with a New Mind, with a New Heart, with a New Life, is present when there is only God, in the non-existence of the “I,” in the non-existence of the ego. So, it's not about you demonstrating God so that there are no more problems, but it's about you becoming aware of the illusion of this “me,” this “I.” It is the awareness of Truth from God to God. This requires work in this direction.

GC: Master, I want to read a question from a subscriber here from both Luz do Despertar and Master Gualberto's channels. Joel Graf asks the following question: “Hello, Gilson! Here’s one more question for the Master: because the ego is a cunning and subtle mechanism, can we say that it is an artificial intelligence, since it is not rooted in the Being?” Then, he makes another comment, adding: “Furthermore… are we at risk of being dominated by an intelligence of this magnitude?”

MG: That’s a very interesting question. He talks about artificial intelligence. Gilson, we have divided everything. All we know to do well are divisions. We divide everything! For example, love is already divided: love for family, love for country, love for children, love for oneself, love for God. So, we take the word “love” and create these subdivisions; this is what we do with the word “love.” We do this because we don't know what Love actually is. We don't know what Love is! As we do not know what Love is, and all this affective, pleasant, satisfying, fulfilling approach, internally, psychologically, for the human being, at this or that level, we call it “love,” so we divide the word “love.”

We did the same with the word “intelligence.” Until then we had different intelligences: emotional intelligence, spatial intelligence, mathematical intelligence, musical intelligence... Notice: we made a huge division with the word “intelligence.” This was done exactly because we don't know what Intelligence is! Now artificial intelligence has emerged. So, there was no artificial intelligence. For us, emotional intelligence was natural, mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, musical intelligence... A huge group of love, a huge group of intelligence, and now there is also artificial intelligence.

This is very curious, because there is no such thing as intelligence; neither this so-called “natural” nor artificial. In the field of the mind, in the field of the “I,” in the field of that identity which is separate from living, which is the sense of someone present, which is the ego, there is no such thing as Intelligence and there is no such thing as Love. The presence of Love is something beyond everything that is known and beyond all the divisions that thought can create. The same applies to the Truth of Intelligence.

People use the expression “intelligence” in the sense of skill, technique, and knowledge. Some, yes, have a greater ability for music, mathematics, others for some specific branch of science or art, and we use the expression “intelligence” in that sense. But here, the real word is not intelligence, it is technique, it is skill, it is knowledge! Every brain or every mechanism, every organism, every so-called “person,” has a certain ability, a certain capacity for this or that type. So, what we call “intelligence” is an ability in which everyone has a certain proficiency. For some it is one way, for others it is another way.

And here we use the expression “artificial intelligence.” His question is whether we are at risk of being guided or driven by artificial intelligence. What I want to say to Joel is that this is already happening! The intelligence that human beings claim to have is completely artificial, it is not Real Intelligence! So let’s use the word “artificial” here in a new way. True Intelligence, like True Love, is something outside the known, it is something outside the egoic mind. In my opinion, Gilson, Real Intelligence is the Intelligence of the Sage, of the one who does not suffer, because he does not see himself as a separate entity in time and space, producing more problems for himself, nor for the world around him, because he is a free being, who lives free from suffering, imagination, beliefs, theories, ideas, free from psychological conditioning, he is free from this culture that is based on envy, fear, and ambition, living in all frames of unhappiness and suffering.

Such a life is a life of Real Intelligence, and this Intelligence is the Real and Natural Intelligence of Being Consciousness. When That is present, when That is the Reality of your Being, we also have the Reality of Love. Not this love that we know, not this love that we divide and subdivide, as we just put it here. We are talking about Love that is beyond what is known, that is beyond this condition of description, of definition, something that is not directed to purposes and objectives in this dream of the world and life as we know it.

In this sense, Gilson, we are already under the control of this so-called “artificial intelligence.” All ego’s intelligence is completely artificial. The scientist may be very intelligent in his laboratory, but he is afraid of his wife at home, he is afraid of dealing with his children, he is afraid of receiving a “no,” he is afraid of rejection. He's a scientist, but he suffers from anxiety and depression. So, we are already living in this artificial intelligence. This artificial intelligence is discovering wonderful things in technology, science, and all areas of human knowledge. All we have is this so-called “intelligence,” which, in fact, is still artificial, because it is something within the known, an intelligence that favors us in terms of comfort, fast transportation, global communication, and all this sort of thing.

Unimaginable things we have in our world today: they are the wonders of science, but of the science of artificial intelligence. We are already under the control of this intelligence, because, despite all these achievements, we remain the same creatures as four thousand years ago, ten thousand years ago. Internally we remain unaware of Real Love, Real Intelligence, Real Happiness, Real Peace, Real Awareness of God. So, we are scientists, we are educated, illustrated people, but we are not Wise, because we do not realize the Truth of God. So, yes, we are already under the control of this artificial intelligence.

GC: That analogy is interesting. We, really, in this sense of being someone, we are slaves to this idea, which is artificial intelligence. And, Master, the question: “How to get rid of this illusion, this artificial intelligence and awaken this Real Intelligence?”

MG: This Real Intelligence is the Flourishing of Consciousness. The direct touch of the Reality of your Being is the Flourishing of Wisdom. So, the Awakening of Wisdom is the Awakening of this Intelligence. Here, when you ask “how?”, it's a very simple basis. The answer to this is: by becoming aware of illusion. The awareness of illusion, Gilson, is the Verification of Truth. As long as we are living within this context of illusion, taking this illusion for Truth, we will be under this aegis, under this domain of this so-called “intelligence,” which is the intelligence common to all: this intelligence of the ego, this intelligence of the “I.” It can be spatial, emotional, it can be technological, it can be mathematical, it can be human relations, but it will always be this intelligence within this sense of an “I,” an artificial intelligence, and, therefore, within the illusion of this sense of an identity that separates itself from Divine Reality. The answer to this “how?” lies in the verification of this illusion. The investigation into the nature of the “I,” the ego, is the end for this “I,” this ego, and, therefore, the end for this limitation of this ego-identity, with this so-called “intelligence” that it has, that this ego has.

So, the work here is about getting closer to the Truth about who we are, discovering the art of perceiving this movement of the “I” producing, sustaining, feeding, creating more and more problems, more and more difficulties, more and more adversities in our lives, in this sense of separation, moving in a purely egocentric activity.

So, no matter how great this so-called “intelligence” we have, if it is intelligence limited to this context of the ego, it is not yet the Truth, it is not yet the Flourishing of Self-awareness, it is not yet the Flowering of Wisdom, and, without Wisdom, there is no Real Love, Real Intelligence, Real Truth, there is no God. That's it!

GC: Master, about this “seeing illusion”: humanly, in a general context, thoughts come and we believe that those thoughts are ours, or a feeling comes and we believe “I am feeling.” This “seeing illusion” is observing this movement of thinking, of thought, knowing that it is just a thought, the illusion of a thought, the illusion of a feeling of someone feeling, right? In reality, there is thought and there is feeling, but there is no one in this experience of feeling, of thinking...

MG: The idea, basically, that we have, due to this training we received from childhood – and this is something that is already ancient in the history of humanity – is that there is someone present. That someone is that sense of “I” in that self-consciousness. In this self-consciousness, in this “I,” you are the one who thinks, you are the one who feels, you are the one who, when you use the pronoun “I,” is speaking the truth about yourself. This is totally false! Everything we do is repeat what we have seen within the context of culture and society, of the world.

This sense of a present “I,” in this so-called “self-consciousness,” has to be investigated. This thinker is not real! This emotional one is not real! The one who feels is not real! There is feeling, there is thinking, there is emotion, but there is no “I” element within the experience. Here is the thing, Gilson, here is the hypnosis, here is the illusion that needs to be verified: the idea of ​​a present “I” that separates itself by being the thinker of that thought, being that “I” in that feeling, this “I” in this emotion, this “I” in this action. This is not real! Action happens, feeling happens, thought happens, sensation happens, but there is no “I.”

Discovering the Truth about yourself will show you that this “me” has no reality within this moment and that this present thought is just a conditioning model emerging, just like this feeling, this emotion, and this action. We are creatures, Gilson, who move in this time, which is a time only idealized by our own thoughts, which is this so-called “today,” which came from the past, came from yesterday, and moves towards tomorrow. This is within this illusory vision of an identity moving. To understand the nature of the “I” is to understand the nature of the illusion of a present identity. Do you know the beauty of that? It is that, through Self-awareness, it is possible to see the end of this “I,” the end of this illusion. So, in True Meditation, a reality outside this time – past, present and future – is revealed, outside this thinker, experiencer, outside of this emotional “I,” this sad “I,” this upset “I,” this bored “I.”

Here we are already touching something outside of words, we are touching Reality outside of the “I.” This is possible to be experienced, but the sense of someone doesn’t remain to report something about This, to tell This, to explain This. This is contact with the Truth of Meditation. We need to become aware of this Reality, this Being-Consciousness-Bliss, which is the indescribable, unspeakable Reality of the Nature of ourselves. This is the encounter with the Awakening of Consciousness, which is the Awakening of Real Intelligence, which is the Awakening of Real Love.

Looking at this movement of thought, feeling, sensation, and perception without placing the “I” element, is something that happens due to the power of Divine Grace itself, bringing you this direct realization of the Reality of Being. So, it is a work of Grace itself, of the Divine Presence itself. All we do here, Gilson, is just observe this movement, is to become aware of this movement. When we become aware of this movement, there is an end to this movement and this Reality reveals itself.

This is our work within these meetings: working on That, the Awakening of Truth, what some call Enlightenment, God Realization. I always called this the “Natural State,” today I'm using all this language because of these countless videos here on the channel going to YouTube, but words don't matter, people give a lot of importance to words. They say nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing about It! That's it.

GC: Gratitude, Master, gratitude. It is pure Grace to be able to be in Satsang, to be able to be with the Master, because, somehow, in this sharing of Consciousness, we get a ride with the Master and can glimpse this Freedom without conditioning, where the illusion of an “I” is present, the illusion of that center, disappears. It's pure Grace, it's pure Grace! Gratitude, Master.

Master, we're done here, our time has passed. People who are watching the video, leave a “like,” a “thumbs up,” because this helps YouTube recognize that the content is relevant and be able to distribute it to more people. Leave a comment, which also helps, and bring questions for future videocasts here in the comments. And here's an invitation for anyone who feels something beyond what is being said in the words of Master Gualberto, for anyone who feels that indescribable something, an invitation to come to Satsang, which are these intensive weekend meetings, both online and face-to-face, in Pernambuco, in the city of Gravatá (Brazil) – but, on any flight, we get there quickly. And there are also retreats, where it is even more intense, because they are retreats lasting several days, a week, ten days, and are really for those who are deeply interested in delving into this Self-Investigation. Master, gratitude, for this videocast.

September, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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