October 8, 2023

Joel Goldsmith | Invisible supply | Concept of God | Duality and Unity | Master Gualberto

GC: Hello everyone! We are here for another videocast. Thank you very much, Master Gualberto, for once again being here with us, giving us the opportunity to bring to us what is the experience of this Natural State, this State Free of this sense of being someone. Master, I'm going to read an excerpt today from Joel's book called: “Invisible Supply.” In this excerpt, Joel comments the following: “As long as we believe that we are something outside of God and try to return to Him, as long as we strive to bring God into our experience, we will continue to nourish the feeling of separation from God.” Master, could you tell us a little about what this feeling of separation is, this duality and unity?

MG: Here, once again, it is necessary for us to have a very clear approach to the Truth about who we are. This attempt to bring God into our experience is a big mistake, because, in fact, we are the ones who have to leave this experience, which is the experience of God. It's the opposite.

Our ideas are confused, they are mistaken. We believe we exist here, within the experience. In fact, in this belief, with this belief, we are the invaders of this experience, because this experience, or that which is present here, is the Reality of God, the Reality of Truth, the One Reality, it is the Indescribable, Unnamable Reality, which we call God.

We call God a Reality, a Truth, that we do not know. We believe that this Reality or Truth – which, by the way, we are unaware of – can become something present within our known experience. Here, we are faced with an error, an illusion, a belief: the belief that we exist within this experience and that, in this experience, in which we exist, we can also bring God into.

In fact, this experience does not contain this identity, which is the “I.” This “I” is a set of statements, formulations, ideas, concepts, and beliefs that thought creates and sustains in each of us as being real. This is what thought calls “I” ... “I here and now.” There is no such “I” now, here! Here and now is only the Reality of God.

We cannot bring God into this experience, because God, I repeat, is That which remains unknown, outside the mind itself as we know it. Within the mind as we know it, all of its contents are known. This explains, Gilson, why it is completely nonsense to have any belief. Belief is a thought. We see God, the Nameless, Indescribable Reality, which is beyond the known, as an idea, a concept known and recognizable by the mind itself, and this is a fraud, this is an illusion. So, the concept of God, or belief, is an illusion projected by thought itself. All we need here is to become aware that this “I” is an intruder, that the illusion of this identity here and now is fake. We are the impostor!

So, the sense of an “I” is the sense of an impostor within experience. So, all we need is to investigate the nature of this “I,” this impostor, to perceive that its movement is the movement of the mind, this egoic mind, this illusory mind, which is the result of programming, conditioning, beliefs, concepts, and ideas.

The end to this illusion of “I” is the revelation that God is the only Reality present here and now. So, it's not about bringing God into our experience. That’s why Joel says, “You can’t bring God into your experience.” You cannot bring Him into your experience, just like you can find Him. That's why our emphasis here is always not on studying who God is, but on studying what the truth of this “I” is, that we believe we are. So, the basis for this Revelation of God is Self-awareness.

Self-awareness reveals the illusion of a present “I.” The very expression “Self-awareness” is very paradoxical, because it is not about an “I” that knows itself. People have used the expression “self-awareness,” in general, in psychology, philosophy, or elsewhere, in that sense, and it is not in that sense that we use the expression “Self-awareness” here. Here, the expression “Self-awareness” is the awareness that there is no “self” to be known. So, the verification of this “I” is the verification of the illusion. This is why I have used another term as well, I call it “the vision of the illusion of ignorance.”

We need to see, we need to verify this illusion. We need to realize, be aware of this illusion. When we verify this illusion, there is an end to this ignorance. So, the realization of the illusion is the end of ignorance, and the illusion is the identity of an “I” present here, within living, within this instant, in this present moment, in the relationship with the other, in the relationship with the world, in the relationship with life, and in this search for a relationship with God. This is duality, because this “I” is not real. This is projected as an ideal of Realizing God in the future, which implies what I have called the “illusion of time,” which thought creates to achieve this in the future.

If there is a Reality, that Reality is here and now, and that Reality is the Reality of God. So, it's not about reaching Him. As for the other – “You and I,” “me and him,” “me and the world” –, this is just a formulation of thought. It is thought that says that there is this “I” and the other thing, that which is seeing and that which is being seen. This is a belief, it is a concept, it is an idea. In this idea is the sense of separation, of a subject within an experience with objects, and, here, these objects can be things, can be places, they can be people. So, there is the “I,” which is the subject, and these so-called “objects.” So, this is the duality: “the place and I,” “I and the person,” “the world and I,” “my thought and I,” “my feeling and I,” “my emotion and I.” This is all within this principle of duality and, thus, there is also “my God and I.”

The Truth of the Realization of Being, which is this One, Unique Reality, This is the Only Truth, which some call Oneness, I have called Non-Duality. This one present Reality is the Truth of God, and It is not in time. Look what a curious thing! For us, this moment is the present moment, and the past happened yesterday, and the future will happen tomorrow. From a chronological point of view, we know that this, within this dream of life and the world, has a reality or is something real within the dream. Within the reality of the dream this is real: past, present, and future, but from the point of view of the Reality that is God, the One Truth present here at this moment, there is no past, present, and future.

The interesting thing about this is knowing that this moment is the Only Reality of your Being. Here there is no more past, present, and future. The beauty of God Realization is the awareness that the only Reality present is not something that will enter into my experience. It is Something that is present when the “I” is not there, the ego is not there. This Reality, which is the Reality of God, which is the Reality of your Being, is Happiness, Completeness, Real Intelligence, Real Love. This is the Truth of Realization or Enlightenment, or whatever name we want to give This.

The fact is: there is only This, and This is the Nameless, the Unknown, the Mystery, this One Reality, which we call God, but there is no way to put This into words. And belief is just a belief, so we abandon belief and can live this right now, in this “now,” here.

GC: Master, it's interesting, and I've said it several times, but Master's speeches are very revolutionary, because, within this concept of beliefs, I myself, within a trajectory, a story, within a very dogmatic and religious view, this was all within a concept, a belief in a distant God, a God in heaven. And then, on the journey within spirituality, I replaced that belief in a distant God for the belief, the idea, of an Omnipresent God, that is, of a God who is in me, of a God who is in everyone, including this idea that there is only God. And then, this “I,” this egoic identity, clung to this belief: “there is only God.” And is that any good? Well, with the Master, I've seen that it's no use, it's just the dog chasing its tail. Can the Master talk a little more about it?

MG: That's just a thought, that's just a credulous statement, that's just a statement of belief. If you had been raised... I've said this to people a lot: in a country where people don't believe in God, you wouldn't have that belief and you wouldn't miss that belief at all, but it's interesting... The Reality of God is something undeniable, but the belief in God is something cultural, it is something we receive within a culture where we were raised.

Here, Gilson, we are emphasizing the Reality of God, and not the belief in God. Everyone has a belief in God when they are born in a country or culture where they hear about God since childhood. So, in general, people have a concept of God, a belief, which is nothing more than a mental image. This is totally apart from Reality, because it is putting this Reality, which is beyond thought, beyond the mind, beyond each and every image or imagination, into imagination, image, and thought.

So, here it is about becoming aware not of who God is, but of the Truth about who you are. Since we cannot, in the mind, reach God, we can discover the truth of the mind itself, of this “I.” Investigating the nature of this “I” shows you what it represents, the conditioning, the limitation that it represents. This is the end of this “I,” and with the end of this “I,” there is Something that is revealed here and now, which is present, which is the Nature of Being, which is the Nature of Truth, which is the Nature of God, showing itself as being your own Being. It is not about the intellect achieving This. It is precisely about this programmed, conditioned intellect, losing its ordinary movement, and this ordinary movement, as the word itself says, this ordinary movement is a movement of past, present, and future. It is the movement of reaching, of obtaining or getting rid of, of abstaining.

So, there is always, in the ego, in this “I,” in this movement, in this conditioned brain, in this conditioned intellect, this movement that I called ordinary, which is the movement of time: past, present, and future, and, within this movement also lies this belief. Some believe in some things and others believe in others; It's just beliefs! Beliefs are concepts, they are ideas, they are mental formulations. No belief deals with Reality. Belief deals with belief, belief deals with concept, with image, with idea. We are not dealing with Truth when we deal with beliefs, we are dealing with concepts. That's it.

GC: Master, within this topic, we have a question from Marlene Silva. She asks the following: “Thank you, Master! How can we live this Reality free of beliefs and conditionings?”

MG: Simply getting rid of them, the conditionings and the beliefs! A free mind is needed, which requires a deconditioned brain, a deconditioned mind. As long as we are stuck to models: to cultural models, to propaganda models, to teaching models, to learning models given by others, ideas, books, different concepts, movements external to ourselves, we will always be within a limitation, which is the limitation of thought itself.

Everything that information, beliefs, books, and teachings gives us is more information, more training, more conditioning, more beliefs. We need an emptying, Gilson, of all this psychological content of formation, of culture, of theoretical, conceptual, bookish learning, of diverse pieces of knowledge, in order to attain the Truth of this discovery of this innate Wisdom, which is the Wisdom of Being, which emerges when Intelligence awakens.

This Intelligence awakens with the Awakening of What I have called the New Consciousness, the New Mind, this new brain. This is possible when we go beyond conditioning, beliefs, teachings, and specific directions given by information, propaganda, and culture. We need to discover the simplicity, Gilson, of being Pure Consciousness. This is Pure and Real Intelligence; this is the Wisdom of God.

It is no longer the vision of the mind; therefore, it is no longer the vision of the world. The Wisdom of God, the scriptures say, seems foolish to man, because the Wisdom of God deals with this Intelligence. It does not deal with this knowledge of words, of concepts. So, this is about Self-Discovery. We have to open this one book, which contains all this Divine Wisdom, all this Wisdom of God. This book opens within each of us through Self-awareness, through True Meditation, in an experiential way, then Something reveals itself beyond the mind, beyond the “I,” beyond knowledge, beyond all conditioning, beyond all beliefs.

GC: Master, even within this point, if you could talk a little more... There is a concept, within psychology, where Self-awareness is knowing, growing as a person, developing. Within spirituality, there is something in relation to this self-awareness or even an investigation, to investigate and find the Being within oneself, find God within oneself. And then, I would like the Master to talk a little more about this Self-investigation, this Self-awareness, within this idea that you bring.

MG: Here, Gilson, it is not about finding the Being, finding God, much less introspecting in an attempt to, internally, discover this thing. In general, people, through introspection, want to find virtues in them, find kindness, compassion, divine attributes in them. This is what they call “fnding God within themselves.” That's not what we're talking about here, it's not about introspection. What we are dealing with here, Gilson, is an emptying of this psychological content acquired over millennia, which has given each of us a set of predispositions of beliefs, which makes us feel and think within a conditioned culture, programmed by propaganda, by education.

So, we are human creatures who are always repeating the same program of the culture where we were raised and educated. This makes us human beings ambitious, greedy, fearful, worried, jealous, anxious, depressed, unhappy, full of internal conflicts, full of fear... and all of this as something that is the result of conditioning. This is based on this sense of this illusory “I,” which has not been investigated.

Here, it is about learning the art of observing this movement of the “I.” In this pure observation, it vanishes, in a direct observation of every thought, every feeling, every emotion, every response coming from the past, being seen here and now, without any resistance, without any struggle, without any desire to alter or change that. The direct and pure observation without this “I,” without this observer, without this experiencer, causes what is shown here to dissolve, be seen, and disappear.

This is what I have called the emptying of this psychological content, which is the “I.” This psychological content is what we call consciousness. This human consciousness, this consciousness of the “I,” is this set of programs, of responses coming from the past, of repetition, culture, and humanity, which has been repeated for millennia in human beings. Unless you wake up to the Reality of your Being, you will live as everyone has lived before you, within this same condition of egoic identity, trapped within this conditioning model, carrying all forms of suffering, living a self-centered life and, naturally, unhappy, because you did not become aware of the Reality of your Being, you did not Awaken in this life to the Reality of God.

So, here it is not about introspection or trying to improve as a person, but about understanding the illusion of that person, that sense of someone within living, here and now in life. It is the end to this sense of separation between you and life, between you and others, between you and God. This is a real approach of Self-awareness. Anything else called “self-awareness” is just another technique, a practice, something that can improve you as a person, but that’s not what we’re talking about. We are talking about something else. We are talking about the Awakening of a New Consciousness, of a Vision, which is the Vision of the Sage, which is the Vision of the Being, which is the Vision of God, in this life here and now.

GC: Gratitude, gratitude, Master. It is a freedom to be able to truly study oneself, to be, as the Master encourages us so much, in this True Meditation, in this look at this crazy movement of thoughts. But, Master, we have reached our time here. Thank you for this videocast. And for those of you watching the video: leave a “like,” make comments, you can ask more questions, so we can bring them to the next videocasts. And whoever feels it, who has a fire within for this Realization, for God, here is the invitation to come to Satsang, which are these intensive weekend meetings with the Master. Here in the first comment, pinned, there will be the WhatsApp group link with information about the meetings. So, once again, gratitude, Master.

September, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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