July 10, 2024

Anxiety and depression | Psychological conditioning | The conditioned mind | Psychological time

As long as the idea of ​​this separation between life, life happening, and the idea of ​​someone here, in life, in this format remains present in us, contradiction, separation, duality and, therefore, every form of conflict, of problems, of disorder and suffering will remain.

We are here with you, taking a new look at this approach to life. So, approaching life by addressing its reality requires us to investigate this fundamental matter, which is the matter of the “I,” the person you see yourself as in life, how you represent it to yourself.

Your way of looking at the present experience is from someone in the experience. When you look at something, you look at it from this you. That seems natural and yet an illusion is present, and we are not aware of the presence of this illusion and that’s why we remain ignorant.

What is being seen is being seen by someone – at least that's the idea we have. Actually, we have the presence of the looking, of perceiving, of this seeing. You see, this is something that is present, indeed, in experience. In fact, this is the experience. However, we don't have an observer who is separate and apart from this observation. Note, this is where separation, duality, is present.

When you see something, there is an observation. However, psychologically, this “you” doesn't exist. We spend a lifetime in this confidence, this security, this certainty, this conviction. It's a belief: the existence of an entity present in the experience being the experiencer, being the observer, separate from what is being observed, from what is being experienced.

Look how simple it is, however, we don't get it, we don't perceive it. And it becomes fundamental for us to have an understanding of this. Observation requires the presence of one single reality here. We don't have two parts in the observation. Look how simple it is: observation is observation. We are the ones who have divided observation between the observer and the thing observed: that’s the separation.

Before a sound, there is only the listening, but we put one element to listen and another element to produce the sound. You see, we are facing one single phenomenon from a psychological viewpoint. From a psychological viewpoint, there is only the experience, there is no experiencer; there is only observation, there is no observer; there is only listening, there is no one listening.

And why is the understanding of that fundamental to ending all the disorder, confusion, suffering and problems we have? Because this is the end of this illusory presence of the ego, of the “I,” of this “me,” in life, here and now.

How to deal with anxiety and depression? See, that's one question, but we have several other questions as well: how to deal with fear, with the conflict that desires establish in our lives?

Note that all these internal states of problems we have within ourselves, and also present in our relationships with the world, with each other, with everyone around us, all this is present because of this illusion, the illusion of this center, this “I,” this ego, this element that separates itself and moves through life in an egocentric way, always centered on itself.

So this entity, which is the “I,” the “me,” the ego, is living in this duality, in this separation, in this self-centeredness. This sustains confusion. Ambition, envy, jealousy and fear are present. Every psychological disorder in us is reflected in our relationships. Then, this particular life of the “I,” this particular life of the person, of this personality, is the life of problems, it's the life of confusion, it's the life of disorder, it's the life of suffering.

People don't perceive that, psychologically, they are seeing themselves as entities, as particular people, with particular lives and moving particularly in this self-centeredness. They don't perceive it. We don't perceive it. We have an anxious mind, a chatty mind, a worried mind.

All these different inner states we know, and we know very well, are something that we've been dealing with for thirty years, forty, fifty, sixty years. If you're ninety, you've been dealing with it for ninety years. However, this is not new. This is human history, the history of humanity. For millennia, human beings have been living in this sense of the “I,” of the ego, of this “me” and, therefore, in this condition of separation. A separation, I repeat, psychological separation from life, the introduction of this psychological pattern into existence, into life.

Life as it happens is what it is. However, psychologically we are introducing into life, because of this format established by thought, by feeling, by emotion, by the particular form of sensation, of perception of this center, this illusory center, this particular center, this false center, which is the “I,” this internal movement of this consciousness, which is this movement of thought in life.

So, we have that which is present here as being what it is: that's what the life of the “I” is constituted. Then, what is the life of the person? That's what it is. And what is that? Problems, suffering, the issue of anxiety, depression, anguish, the various forms of fear present.

Can we discover life free of all that? Life as it really is, without this pattern that the conditioned intellect, that the egoic mind has constituted as being what is shown, what is presented. So, what presents itself is actually what it is for the “I,” for the “me,” for the ego. We can go beyond that which is, by discovering real life as it actually is when the “I,” the ego, is not present.

So, in these encounters, the work consists of becoming aware of this pattern of being someone, of what it is, looking at this. That's when the Truth reveals itself. Then the mind, our mind, as we know it, as we are living, needs to be seen. The mind needs to become aware of its own movement, its own way of acting, of operating, of functioning because it is producing this particular condition of life for this “me.”

Once the mind begins to become aware of itself, conscious of itself, it is possible for something new to emerge. A direct understanding of the mind requires a look where the mind becomes aware of itself, conscious of itself, of all its own movement. At that instant, the mind silences and this pattern of duality, of separation, is undone.

Then we are left with life really happening as it is, without this element, which is the “I,” the ego, getting involved with it. Then we have the end to this psychological condition of being someone, seeing oneself as separate from life, because at that moment the Silence of the absence of the egoic mind is established. In that Silence, the Divine Truth is revealed, which is the truth of your real Being. So, follow along with me here.

The separation and duality format is something based on this psychological condition of being someone, due to the presence of thought moving within each one of us, within a process of psychological conditioning that has been repeated for millennia. Notice that this happens because of the absence of this attention to this movement of psychological conditioning.

That's what we're working on here with you, showing you that we need psychological deconditioning. We need to break the continuity of this model, where the thinker is the one who sees itself separate from thought, where the observer is the one who sees itself separate from the observed object, where the experiencer is the one who sees itself separate from the experience.

So, there's an end to this psychological condition of this sense of the “I,” of the “me,” of the ego. We have a new brain, a free mind. Your whole Being is present in that unique and real Presence, without any separation. We are no longer living in a particular psychological condition, from an egocentric center that moves in this conditioned thought, in this conditioned brain, in this conditioned mind, where there is all this mistaken notion of past, present and future.

Notice, all of this is part of the movement of thought within each of us. It's a pattern of conditioning. Looking at yourself and seeing yourself as someone who has come from the past, is living in this moment and moving towards the future, and keeping everything around you as part of an experience for the experiencer, something being seen by an observer.

Notice how important this is because thoughts are present, the feelings are present, and as long as there is this sense of duality, which is this “I,” thinking these thoughts, feeling these emotions, it will be within a particular vision, where it will be believing, where it will always be getting involved with thoughts, getting involved with the emotions, within a particular viewpoint, centered on the “I,” on the ego, on this observer, who lives in this liking or disliking, who lives in this wanting more or wanting less of the experience, of what is shown here. Then, this establishes division and, of course, conflict.

Is it possible to have a mind free of the “I,” of the ego and, therefore, of this model of separation between thinker and thought, observer and observed thing, experiencer and experience? Is it possible to have a free heart, a mind free from this model of psychological time? Anxiety, depression, boredom, the pain of loneliness, the various internal conflicts present in human beings are present because of this model of thought, this idea of time.

We've investigated all this here on the channel. Anxiety is time, depression is time, thinking is time. Notice that all of this comes from the past and shows itself at this moment, distorting the reality of this instant. Here at this moment there is no fear, there is no room for anxiety, depression or anguish, because this moment is a complete moment when thought is not present. When it isn't present, there is no time.

If we don't have thoughts, we don't have the time. If we don't have the images that come from the past, which are thoughts, which are time, what is present here is the absence of the egoic mind, of this movement, which is the movement of the “I,” which is always placing us within this condition, where this psychic suffering is present, which is the movement of thought, appearing here, without being seen, without being understood and, therefore, without being finalized.

So, that's our subject here with you, within this channel. We are working on the Awakening of Consciousness, of your real and true nature in this life. This is the end of suffering, the end of anxiety, of depression, of the anxious mind. This is the Truth about what is You. I refer to this Spiritual Enlightenment, the awakening of your Divine Nature.

This is our subject with you on this channel and also on our other channel, called “Marcos Gualberto.” Go ahead and take a look later, you'll find our link to the other channel here in the video description.

We also have online meetings that take place on weekends. On Saturdays and Sundays, we work together with you on these issues. We're working with you to put an end to this “I” condition. You can find our WhatsApp link to participate in these online meetings on weekends here in the video description.

We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats. If this is something that makes sense to you, I invite you to leave your like here and please, subscribe to the channel, okay? And see you. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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