July 26, 2024

Self-Awareness and life project | Importance of Self-Awareness | Anxiety and depression

It's interesting to tell you here that, in general, people are looking for a project for their lives. Here, I want to discuss this topic with you. Let's look at it very closely. When people talk about a life project – and one detail: linking this to the issue of Self-Awareness – there is confusion here. The first is that we don't know what life really is and yet we idealize a project for this life. We don't know what our life is because, basically, we don't know ourselves. We don't know the Truth about who we are and still we have a plan for the life of this person we believe we are. Secondly, we have the idea of ​​Self-Awareness as, perhaps, a possibility of knowing something about ourselves that helps us, that makes it easier for us.

Thus, Self-Awareness is a tool, in people's minds, for them, as people, to improve and carry out the projects they have in life. Here I have some things to say to you in this meeting: no matter how accomplished you are today as a person, or as you may become as a person tomorrow, none of this represents the Truth of That which is you, in your true and Real Being. This is what we work on here on this channel, we are telling you that the Truth of What you are is not something within what is achievable or obtainable through a project. So, you accomplish anything in life, but this will always be within your particular life and in this format of a project idealized by you in thought, while the Truth of what you are is not something in this known life and achievable or attainable by thought.

Here, we are talking to you about Divine Realization, the Realization of God. Nothing you achieve, obtain, attain, accomplish will actually make you happy. Observe the idea we have about happiness: it is something that is found, that someone finds, that someone obtains, that someone achieves. Note this, no one would be interested in a life project if it weren't to be happy. So, at first, this idea of ​​carrying out a project is to be happy, and here we are saying that this idea of ​​being happy in this life project idealized by thought is a mistake. The idea is a mistake, this “being happy” is a mistake. This notion of being happy is something linked, connected to achievements over time. Then, when are people happy? When they accomplish something, when they obtain something, when they carry out a project and it materializes. They have the project, the desire, the yearning or the dream of getting married, of achieving a different social position than the one their parents had, for example.

So, the pursuit of power, wealth, fame, success, all of this is the picture, the painting of happiness for the person. However, all this comes and goes, all this is what is here now and then is no longer. You are happy the day you get married, you are happy the day you pass the exam, you are happy the day you earn your first million, you are happy the day you buy your first car, you are happy the day you get engaged, you are happy the day you have your first child… but it’s only on that day! In fact, it is only in those minutes when the thing, the event, the situation, the episode is happening. Then, you reach a climax and after that peak, that happiness drops down; That's what we call happiness: happy moments, but moments come and go. Some may last for a few hours, a few days, apparently a few weeks, but then it dries up, because we live – notice – within an internal psychological condition, and this internal psychological condition in which we live is what determines the states in which we find ourselves.

So, we need to look closely at all of this, see all of this clearly. Here we are telling you that, yes, this Truth of the Realization of Happiness is possible in life, but it is in life where there is no project, dreams, ideals, or desires. The truth is that only one thing can really make you happy. What can make you happy is the Awareness of your true Nature. Only the Awareness is what brings you the recognition of That which is you, at this instant. An important detail: it is in this instant, but it is not an instant that immediately after has another instant and that then has another instant, we are talking about the Reality of That which is present now. Thus, the expression here “now” is in this sense. Divine Truth is Happiness, it is not satisfaction – notice – it is not fulfillment, it is not gratification, it is not accomplishment, it is not what comes as a result of something that is achieved, that is obtained, that is conquered.

The Awakening of Consciousness, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Enlightenment, I have called it the “Natural State”, this true Being that is you, free from the illusion of that “you” that thought says it is you… that has a life and that in this life you need to undertake, idealize, design, program, create a project and go in search of the accomplishment of that project, in this particular life. Here it is about the Divine Reality that is present at this moment, which is Completeness, which is Happiness, which is Freedom, which is Love. We need to look at this, become aware of this, understand this. Love is not what thought says to be love, Happiness is not what thought says to be happiness. Here we need to look closely, have a new look at this Truth of what we are. Thus, the expression “Self-Awareness” is not a tool for a life project, Self-Awareness is the awareness of the revelation of the illusory identity, which is the identity of the “I,” of this person, who always carries this dissatisfaction, this insufficiency, this insecurity, this fear, this expectation of attaining in something the happiness you dreamed of, the objective, the purpose of your life.

So, we are with you working on the importance of Self-Awareness. It is essential to learn to look at what is happening here, right now. Everything we do in life is to obtain, in life or from life, something that can make us happy. And here, with you, we are working on this, saying that Happiness is something present here, and not something that is separate from life now, at this moment. However, the Awareness of this requires the absence of illusion about who we are. Observe the world, observe people… Human beings live in anxiety, in depression. How to deal with this? How can we resolve this issue of this anxiety, this suffering present in this form of fear? Depression, anxiety, worry about the past or the future, all of this is within what fear represents; and if this is present, there is pain present, there is suffering present.

Then, we can idealize an end to it when something happens to us in the future. So, these projects are always for later. Notice how we work: we build a house, it takes a few months or a few years; we go to college, it takes a few years before you graduate; when you plan a wedding, you plan in advance and it takes a few months or maybe a few years. It seems that everything we accomplish in life is in time, and here we are talking about life free from exactly this notion, which is the notion of time. Thus, Happiness is a life outside of time, Happiness is not something that happens in time. This life to accomplish something is the life that thought projects, idealizes and plans. See how important it is for us to understand this here. Everything we have called life, which is located in this time, is something that thought is projecting. So, this life and this time are the same thing. Everything you need time to accomplish in life – this life or the fulfillment of this life – is tied to that time. your Real Nature, your Divine Nature is not like that, which is the Truth of God, this is not in time.

Thus, we are dealing with life that we do not know, which is the life outside of thought, understand that. We have the life that thought projects and we have the life that thought does not reach, that it cannot reach. That's what we're talking about here with you, in these meetings. This life that thought cannot reach is the life where Happiness is. This is the Revelation of your Being, which is not in this dream of time and life, as thought has constructed. Can we eliminate time as a factor for Happiness? So, we eliminate thought and we eliminate this notion of life where this happiness will one day be found. In humanity, notice, in our human culture, everything happens in time. A direct look at the Truth of this Being, which is the Divine Truth we are at this moment, this Reality here and now, is not in time. And that's the Truth of Happiness; If this is present, there is no suffering, there is no anxiety, depression or any form of fear.

So, in these meetings here, we are approaching with you the end to anxiety and depression and all forms of fear; the end to this illusion, the illusion of Happiness being found in time. We are addressing with you here, working on with you the Truth of Spiritual Enlightenment, of Divine Realization. Then, this is the subject we are working on here with you, on this channel and also on our other channel called “Marcos Gualberto.” Here in the video description, you have our link to check out our other channel. And, in addition, we have meetings, which are our online meetings that take place on weekends. Thus, Saturday and Sunday we are investigating this together, working on this with you, through questions and answers we can deepen this. OK? In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. If this is something that makes sense to you, here is the invitation, go ahead, leave your “like” here, subscribe to the channel, and write it down here in the comment: “Yes, it makes sense.” OK? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time.

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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