July 27, 2024

Anxiety, depression | How to deal with thoughts? | The conditioned mind | The end of self-image

Here we can break, notice, with everything that thought represents in our lives. I refer to this pattern of thought that moves, producing conflicts, producing problems. People live with different problems. We human beings are loaded with problems in life. These problems are located in the psychological condition in which we find ourselves. This condition is present because we do not know how to deal with thoughts.

People want to be free from anxiety and depression, for example, but the presence of these different conditions, these pathologies that human beings carry psychologically, is something that is present and is very intimate to this pattern, this model of thinking that we have, that we know. So, having a direct look at this movement, which is the movement of thought, how it works, and getting rid of it, is all we need.

Here we are telling you that the mind as we know it, that we are dealing with everyday, is the mind within the conditioned mind pattern. Thus, psychologically, we are programmed for a guided, thought-oriented model of life; for this thought that throws us into this format, where we feel like people living in relations, living in relationships.

The truth is that this sense of person we have is not real. Life is happening, but the sense of person is an apparition due to this pattern of thought that we receive from culture, from human history. This feeling of being someone separate, naturally special, because this is how the ego, the “I,” this “me” positions itself in life, is something artificial, it is not natural.

Relation with the present moment is relation with life, but it is life in life. There is no such thing as “I” in life, such a person in existence, such a personality in relationships. It is thought that has forged this, created this, sustained this. So, as people, as personalities, with this “I,” living in it, we are experiencing conflicting, distressing states of problems and suffering.

Here we are working with you, telling you that this is not your Natural State of Being. Your Natural State is the state free from this separation between you and life, between you and the other, between you and a thought that appears, a feeling that appears, an emotion that emerges due to a response at that moment.

When the brain reacts to any moment, to any event, situation, happening, to any challenge, when the brain reacts, it arises, it appears, but there is no one inside that cerebral experience. It's just the brain in function, it's just the brain in operation, it's just this mechanism, this body and mind in expression in life, without separation.

It is thought that has produced in you this sense of separation. And when it produces this, this feeling of “I,” this personality, this person, is in trouble, has problems. When a person offends you, hurts you, saddens you, see, sadness is present, hurt is present, anger is present, frustration is present. This is established as a rule and norm of existence due to the presence of the “I,” the ego.

What is happening at this moment is that there is the idea of ​​someone present, special, who sees oneself special and separate from what happens, being someone who is a victim of what occurs, of what happens. This separation feeds the idea of ​​someone who is not part of what happens, who is not part of what happens, who is not part of life. So, here is the conflict that this duality model sets up. Are we together?

Note that all of this is processed in an unconscious, mechanical way, with total unawareness of this entire process for all of us. We are just reacting, responding. Notice, a mechanical, unconscious reaction, which is established in a model of tradition, of human culture. So, this feeling of separation, of identity, of someone, who is this “me,” is unconsciousness.

When they call you by name, who are they calling by name? Follow this with me here. They are calling an idea, the idea you have about who you are. You have an image about yourself, a mental picture, a psychological photograph of the special person that you are, naturally.

The interesting thing here is this issue of “special” as well. We don't realize how special we are, for more or for less. We can be for less – this feeling of being special for less is very common. When someone feels low self-esteem, they are less special. He sees himself as different from everyone else, in this feeling of low self-esteem. And some feel more special, in this feeling of high self-esteem.

So, it is typical of the mind of “I,” the egoic mind, the egoic consciousness, to be unconscious, reacting to everything that happens within this self-image format, where we feel special for less or more. Once free from the ego, from the “I,” there is no more anxiety, depression, boredom, the pain of loneliness, guilt, fear. See, fear in its various forms of expression.

We here are seeing with you the end of this psychological condition of self-image, of the idea of ​​the “I,” of this “me.” There are countless psychological states for a person. Here we are, in this speech lasting just a few minutes, touching on just a few aspects, but here on the channel we have hundreds of videos going deeper into this with you and also about others; however, they are all centered on self-image, they are within that center, settled in this particular world of the “I,” of the ego, of this egoic consciousness.

It is interesting that we also say this to you here: we use the expression “consciousness” as if, in fact, we had any consciousness. See, our entire pattern of behavior is in this self-image, which is the image that the “I” has, makes of itself – this is how the brain in us has worked, is working within this unconsciousness –, and what we have called consciousness is the consciousness of the “I.”

We speak of an individual consciousness. Notice, what we have is a particular egoic consciousness, a consciousness that, as we have just seen, is moving within a pattern of repetition and reactive continuity of unconsciousness, and, therefore, suffers. Discovering this whole movement of the “I,” of the ego, of this “me,” which is the movement of thought, which is always reacting to the present moment from this self-image, the awareness of this is the end to this condition. Then, yes, the truth of the Revelation of real Consciousness is possible.

This so-called individual consciousness or the consciousness of the person is not consciousness. What there is, is this pattern or model of human consciousness, where everything that is present in everyone is present, this common unconsciousness. Here lies in each of us for thirty, forty or fifty years now, what has been in humanity for millennia: envy, jealousy, fear, anger, anguish, the pain of loneliness, boredom. And now this so-called anxiety or depression – every day a new name arises for these internal psychological states of unconsciousness in this “I.”

The reality is that this “I” is not real. The truth is that this “I” has no truth in itself. It's the feeling of being, it's the thought of being, it's the sensation of being. And how does this feeling arise? And how does this sensation arise? And how does this perception arise? By thought. Thought places the idea of ​​someone in sensation, of someone in perception, of someone present within experience, within what arises, within what happens. Follow this with me here.

A thought arises, it is a thought arising. I ask your name and you give me the answer. That answer is the brain that found it. It was stimulated, it received a trigger, a stimulus and brought the response. It sought the information and presented the information. This idea of ​​someone present in this brain movement, responsible for it, is an illusion. This volitional or voluntary act is an automatic, mechanical act that does not require the presence of a personal consciousness to do, and yet we are putting a personal consciousness into the idea of ​​a response.

What is your name? The name is said. The brain found the answer. The answer is being uttered through speech. The idea behind it is that there is someone responsible for this. You see, we have been educated to believe this, to be absolutely sure of this, of a separate, unique, special, present individuality that has a name. This is a response of memory, of remembrance, of history, of recollection.

If I ask you a question and there is no information, memory, record, then you have no answer. You have no answer because the brain cannot respond to something it doesn't know, that it doesn't have, that it can't access. Note, it is very important for us to have this understanding, because the sense of someone present is established exactly in thought, when a feeling is present, when an emotion is present, when a sensation is present. But sensation, thought or feeling is a response of this biological mechanism of this body, mind, to a given stimulus.

The idea of ​​being someone doesn't define absolutely anything, but we carry this feeling, the feeling of being the thinker of thoughts, the observer of the things we observe, of being the one who listens to the sound that is present. What will be the truth about this? It is here, in a very clear way: there is only what happens, and in what happens, and in what appears in that moment, as action and reaction, there is no this present element, which sees itself separate from life, in control of it, which can judge, evaluate, compare, resolve, solve situations.

See, situations arise and solutions are found. Whatever happens, happens and finds a way to end it. Everything that appears, disappears. Everything that appears, there comes a moment when it is no longer there. It's life happening. However, we are feeding the sense of someone present, who carries this illusory background of a person who likes or dislikes, who accepts or rejects, wants more or doesn't want, or wants less. Then, the sense of ego-identity is established, of the identity of a center around which life needs to happen the way it expects, the way it desires.

So, thought created the illusion of a present identity, which is the thinker, who feels responsible for thought. But it's not like that! There is only thought as a reaction. The thinker appears, a few seconds later, to say: “I can't keep thinking like that, that's wrong.”

So, the thinker has established this illusory special identity that feels low self-esteem or that feels high self-esteem. So, this identity is the identity of the “I,” this self-image, is the illusion of someone. This someone carries anxiety, carries depression. Here we are showing you the beauty of the end to this illusory identity.

Thus, having a direct look at Self-awareness is eliminating this movement, which is the movement of the thinker, the experiencer, the observer. We are working on this here together when we end this notion of psychological time. So, thus, we have an encounter with the truth of what we are when there is an end to this psychic suffering, when there is an end to this illusion of this illusory consciousness, this so-called individual consciousness, for the awareness of what we are.

So, this is our topic here with you on this channel and also on our other channel called “Marcos Gualberto.” You have the link here in the video description to check out the other channel. Additionally, we have online meetings that take place on weekends. Saturday and Sunday, we are together delving into this subject here with you. So, through questions and answers, in this contact with Silence, we work on this. Here is the WhatsApp link, ok?

In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. If this is something that makes sense to you, leave your “like´” here and subscribe to the channel, ok? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and see you soon!

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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