July 6, 2024

The search for spirituality | How to overcome past traumas? | How to really meditate? | Advaita

Here in these meetings, we have discussed with you several questions, all of which concern the truth of Self-Realization, the Realization of That which we are, this Divine Realization. And today I want to work with you on this issue of search.

There is in every human being a search, a longing, a yearning, a search for something beyond what our lives have been. Some identify this search as the quest or the search for spirituality. But when we approach this word, this expression “spirituality,” what we realize is that the human mind has many ideas about what spirituality represents.

Therefore, people are in this so-called search for spirituality, looking for some experience, some contact with something outside the routine, the boredom, the repetition, the continuity that has been their life. But what is the truth of the search? What, after all, are we looking for?

In my view, the truth of this search, for most people, is what is present due to an internal level of non-conformity, non-establishment, non-acceptance of this condition in which they find themselves. This occurs due to a deep level of dissatisfaction. And here we have to investigate this issue of dissatisfaction and see if, in fact, there is the possibility of finding this dreamed-of fulfillment of satisfaction in this search for spirituality.

Most people end up looking for first in the world, in search of fulfilling an external accomplishment, in this experience with external achievements. Tired of this, they begin to turn to this so-called search for spirituality. And yet, this so-called spiritual search or search for spirituality is still the search, in fact, to replace the state of life in which they find themselves, which is one of dissatisfaction, with something that can fulfill them.

Therefore, there is a search for fulfillment, satisfaction, achievement, in an attempt to complete oneself, to feel happy, to feel at peace, in freedom, in love, in completeness. Here we are seeing this with you, clearly telling you that we cannot continue within this model, in this attempt to replace something that we have, that we are living at the moment, with something that we want to live later, achieve later, or something that we have and that we need to get rid of or replace it with something else.

We need to take a direct look at this condition, which is the condition of dissatisfaction. To understand this element present in dissatisfaction. What is this element that is dissatisfied? Note, it is not about what is missing or what is present here that does not give us the satisfaction we desire, but rather this present element that is unhappy, that is dissatisfied.

So, what are we actually looking for? Is it the end of dissatisfaction or the understanding of what dissatisfaction represents? Note that it is something totally different. The search for the end of dissatisfaction with a replacement is something different from the direct understanding of dissatisfaction for the end of it. Understanding dissatisfaction is, in fact, understanding that element that is unhappy, that is dissatisfied. And looking for something to fill and to put an end to this dissatisfaction, in accomplishing something, is just looking for a replacement.

So, note that it is something completely different from what we are proposing here for you. Here it's not about finding something, it's not about getting rid of something – something that makes us unhappy – or finding something that can make us happy. Here it is about understanding the truth about the unhappiness present in what “I” am. Nothing in life, in the world, in any achievement, be it achieving something or getting rid of something that will make you happy.

Note that what we call happiness is this feeling of being happy. So, when you feel happy, you are in happiness. Now, how long does this happiness of feeling happy last? When something happens that fulfills you, that completes you, that satisfies you, you are happy. But what you call happiness here, feeling happy, is about being temporarily filled with some level of satisfaction, fulfillment, pleasure.

What we call happiness, which consists of an experience that happens to us and is then replaced by another experience, and then by a third, a fourth, and so on – this is what we know –, it is still within this model, which is the model of routine, which is the model of boredom, which is the model of continuity.

So, we need to ask ourselves what the truth of what we are seeking is. And here we are pointing, signaling to you the truth of this. The truth is that you are not looking for something. You are searching – and of course this is all unconsciousness, this takes place at a level that you are not aware of –, you are looking for something that is not part of the known, that is not part of the model of thought.

It's important to say this here. Thought, everything it knows, is within what it represents. What it represents, because it is what it knows, is within this limitation, and we have experienced this. So, our entire lives, we spend many years of our lives involved in searching or seeking to achieve something or to get rid of something that thought knows, that is within that thought pattern.

Therefore, our mental life, which is this life of this consciousness of the “I,” is determining this search, this quest, and this real Happiness is not understood, verified – notice this –, because we are always in the field of the known, which is the field of thought.

When people approach these meetings and ask how to truly meditate, it seems that they were told that meditation will also provide them with something, give them something and they will achieve, through meditation, something that will make them happy. This is not the truth about Meditation. So, when a person asks how to truly meditate, we have to investigate what Meditation is, realize the reality of Meditation and what it means meditating.

Meditating is exactly having an emptying of all this content of the known, content of the mind, which is the content that is part of this movement of thought. So, the truth of Meditation is the awareness of Being, and it is present when this element of dissatisfaction is not there. And the element of dissatisfaction is not the absence of something that is missing, nor is it getting rid of something that is present, causing dissatisfaction. The truth of Meditation is the end to the illusion of this dissatisfied one, which is the “I,” the ego, this “me.” This is what we are dealing with here with you, within this channel.

So, what is the truth of Meditation? How to really meditate? Becoming aware of this element of dissatisfaction, which is the “I,” the ego; understanding that nothing can fulfill this condition, which is the condition of a present illusory identity that carries this whole psychological condition of disorder, of every kind of disorder, of every kind of suffering. And this is all part of this pattern of the past. It is what sustains this element of dissatisfaction, which is the “I,” which is the ego.

When people ask: “How to overcome the traumas of the past?” Note, the internal state of consciousness of the “I,” the ego, is loaded with all kinds of problems, disorder and suffering. There are many forms of trauma, for example.

Having contact with the reality of what this “I” represents, becoming aware of its movement and having an emptying of all this content that comes from the past, which is grounded, which is basically based on thought, this is contact with the truth of Meditation. Then, it is possible to empty this content. It's not about overcoming trauma, it's about having a direct understanding of that element that is the “I,” the ego, which lives in the past, which lives from the past and, therefore, is in this trauma.

When people ask: “How to overcome past traumas?” Becoming aware of this past, this sense of “I” present in experience, in the continuity of this state of suffering, conflict, pain, grief, dissatisfaction. So, having a direct look at all this internal movement of this consciousness of the “I” is to have an emptying of this content. That’s when we have the end of the traumas of the past, because there comes the end of the past.

So, dealing with these traumas is like dealing with all forms of fear and psychological suffering. By becoming aware of the movement of this consciousness, it is possible to empty this content. When this emptying occurs, we have contact with Something beyond the mind, beyond the “I,” beyond the ego. Then, the beauty of Awakening happens, this flourishing of Consciousness happens. This is Divine Realization; this is God Realization.

So, what is it that we are looking for? What, in fact, do we need to free ourselves from everything that psychologically the sense of “I” represents here, in this life, in this particular life of the “I,” of the ego? What, in fact, do we need to end this dissatisfaction, to end these traumas, these various fears, afflictions, conflicts, dilemmas and problems? We need to get an approach of the truth about Meditation.

So, this is what we are working on here with you within this channel; showing you that, yes, it is possible for life to occur without this element that separates itself from it, which is the “I,” the ego, and, therefore, produces conflict, contradictions and all forms of confusion. Thus, contact with the reality of this Real Being, which is the Nature of God, here and now, is the end of this disorder, the end of this confusion, the end of this suffering, this dissatisfaction.

Therefore, this is our work here with you, within this channel and also on our other channel called “Marcos Gualberto.” You can later take a look at our other channel, here in the video description we have the link so you can check out the other channel.

Additionally, we have online meetings that take place on weekends. Saturday and Sunday, we are together becoming aware of this reality of who we are. So, for two days, through questions and answers and contact with Silence, we have been investigating this. Here in the video description, you have our WhatsApp link to participate in these meetings.

In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. If what you just heard makes any sense to you, leave your “like” here, subscribe to the channel and put it in the comments: “Yes, it makes sense.” OK? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and see you soon!

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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