July 3, 2024

Awakening of Spiritual Consciousness. The importance of Self-Awareness. Real Meditation. Atma Vichara

Here, when we address the issue of the Awakening Consciousness with you, we are focusing on the beauty of this Spiritual Consciousness. Thus, the subject here is actually the Awakening of Spiritual Consciousness. Within these talks, here on the channel, we are presenting you a new approach to this. I say new in the sense that it's something quite different from what people traditionally understand by spiritual awakening or awakening of consciousness.

So, our approach is about this Spiritual Awakening, about this Awakening of Consciousness. Then, what we call Spiritual Consciousness here is something quite different from what most people put forward as the truth of this Blossoming. Here we are dealing with the blossoming of your Being, the blossoming of your Divine Nature, of your Essential Nature.

We need to be aware, in this life, of what we are, in this context of what life represents. Thus, an approach to Divine Reality is an awareness of your Essential Nature. It is in this sense that we put these expressions here.

There is only one direct way to approach it. The sage of Arunachala, called Ramana Maharshi, called the direct path Atma Vichara. Atma Vichara means the awareness of self-observation: becoming aware of the “I.”

We are always within a movement, as people, which arises from thought. The formation of this “I” is the formation given by thought. The direct approach to the awakening of your Essential Nature represents the end of this illusion, which is the illusion of this “I,” this model of being someone, positioning itself in life, in the illusion of the control of experience.

A direct approach to this requires a study of ourselves, a clear perception of all this inner movement that is taking place within each of us. So, here we have an approach together in this direction. Then, here we highly value the importance of Self-Awareness because without the basis of Self-Awareness, we have no chance of this Spiritual Awakening, of this Divine Blossoming.

Part of Self-Awareness is the art of observing the movement of the “I.” The observation of this movement is Atma Vichara. So, this is something intimate to the truth about Meditation. When there is Self-Awareness, we have an approach to Atma Vichara, to self-observation. And self-observation is what shows you what Meditation represents at this moment.

Here, when we use the expression Meditation, once again, we are also putting it into a different sense from the one that people generally know and use. They use the expression “meditation” in a different sense to the one we are using here.

Here we are putting meditation as the skill or art of becoming aware of any movement of the “I.” This movement, by the way, is born of thought and comes from the past. So, we have to investigate all these aspects linked to this identity, to this person as we see ourselves in life.

A person is always in a relationship – a relationship with people, with objects, with ideas, with situations, with circumstances. We don't know what this person is and how they move within these relationships. Without the basis, which is the awareness of this, we have no real approach to Meditation.

So, notice what we're presenting to you here. We're not using the term “Meditation” as it is treated or approached from a technique, such as yoga meditation, Zen meditation or Vipassana meditation. We are using the expression “Meditation” here in the sense of observing the movement of thought, something very simple and straightforward.

In fact, it's something very intuitive. And we're not using the expression “intuition” here in the sense we generally use for this mystical, esoteric or so-called spiritual side. But rather, in the sense that it carries a simplicity of approach that, in fact, we've had access to since we were children, even without being aware of the simplicity it represents.

Any contact you have with a new moment, for example, creates an impact on your brain that, temporarily, for a few seconds – when you come across a new place, filled with a very simple and natural beauty – in a few moments, in that contact, your brain is as if impacted by an instant of Silence.

And at that instant, it is emptied of its traditional content, of memory, of recollections, of remembrances, something that comes from the past. And in that instant, you are taken by a Silence, without any effort, without any intention or volition on your part. It just happens.

So, ever since we were children, we've known what it's like to have contact with an instant of Silence, when we were playing, when we were running, when we were doing something, where an effortless intention was present. It was just a moment of attention at that instant, of deep interest, without any effort. And suddenly, you saw yourself as if taken by a moment of Silence.

So, this contact with Meditation – it's in this sense that we say it's something intuitive. When you go to the beach, to a mountain, on a hike or when you enjoy swimming, at that instant, something happens in your brain.

The impact of that moment, in that contact with the silence of nature, with the vastness of space when you look down from a mountain, a valley below, the contact with the water as you swim, there is something present at that instant that completely empties all that psychological content, which is the content of the “I” of the ego.

At that instant you are present, but it is a presence where the sense of “I” is not there. This is the presence of Meditation. It lasts a few seconds, then thought comes to seek the memory of it and says: “Look what a beautiful place, what a wonderful moment.” It's already the memory talking, because at the moment it happens, it doesn't arise.

So, here we're talking to you about living this art of Self-Awareness, which brings you closer to true Meditation, Real Meditation. We're talking about this Meditation. Then, we're dealing with something simple and direct. It's in this sense that we use the word “intuitive” here. And we can also use this word in the sense that it is something inherent in what you already are, here and now.

People are turning to all kinds of practices in an attempt to access this contact with something outside the egoic mind. So, they look for a private place, sit down, cross their legs, practice a breathing technique, a concentration technique, try to dispel their thoughts or repeat a phrase or a mantra, but, notice, it's all so artificial, it's something technical.

We can discover here, at this instant, we can have a contact here, at this moment, with the presence of this Being, which is the Divine Reality we bring, as happens on the edge of a beach, on a mountain or hiking on a trail. I mean in everyday life, in the most mundane, trivial matters, in this contact with our profession, with our family, with our work colleagues, at work, at the office, in the garage, driving the car or in the kitchen, cooking rice or baking a cake.

We can become aware of the Reality of this Being that we are here and now. It is in this sense that we are placing the truth of Meditation here. We have a purpose here on this channel, which is to present the truth of what you are, in a very direct, simple, objective way, without any technique, system or practice, without any need for support in scriptures, which only give us a merely intellectual or verbal formation of the need for a Divine life, a religious life, a real life, a real contact with Grace, with God.

We can have this Reality of this contact by dispensing with all this, by discovering in a direct way, through Self-Awareness, through the truth of Meditation, how to empty ourselves of all this content that has formed this center, this “me,” this ego. Here we are presenting you with the possibility of the Awakening of Spiritual Consciousness, which is nothing other than your own Being. All this language is still somewhat spiritualistic or religious.

But note, we are dealing here with something very simple, very direct: what we are when what we appear to be, what we show ourselves to be, what we position ourselves to be, when there is an egocentric movement of the life of the “I,” of the ego, is not present. When this is not present, what we truly are, outside of the ego, outside of the “I,” outside of this old movement, self-centered, thinking, acting, speaking, seeking this self-interest in these contacts of relationships.

Thus have been our lives. Thus have been our relationships. That's why our lives are set in contradictions, in every form of violence, and fear. There is a lot of hypocrisy in our perception of the world and our contact with it. We are distorting the reality of what we feel within these relationships, due to a movement within an egocentric principle, in this model of disguise and hypocrisy. All this in order to obtain results in relationships, based on selfishness, self-centeredness, a pattern of desire and fear.

Stripping yourself of this ego-identity, going beyond this model of aggression, fear, desire, purely self-centered behavior, stripping yourself completely of all this is the basis of Self-Awareness, of understanding the truth of That which is beyond the “I,” beyond the ego. It is in this sense that we use this expression here.

So, an approach to the importance of Self-Awareness is essential. Note, it's not the knowledge of the person you are, but it is the awareness of the model of illusory identity you present yourself to be when there is this movement of separation, of duality and thus of hypocrisy, desire, fear and so on.

Thus, our subject here is non-duality. The word Advaita means “the one without the second.” It is contact with a Reality that is present outside of everything the egoic mind knows, everything this person's consciousness knows. Thus, an approach to life free from this sense of “I,” of the ego, an approach to life where this perfume of the presence of Real Meditation is here and now.

You see, this Real Meditation is what reveals You in Your Natural State, free from this model, which is the egocentric model of being, which is the model of the “I.” Thus, our work here consists of bringing together an approach of this type, of this quality.

We have hundreds of videos here on the channel working on the most diverse topics relating to this configuration of this “me,” this “I,” this ego, exploring this, investigating this. In addition to these videos here on the channel, we also have our other channel, called “Marcos Gualberto.” There, you can also access many videos. You can find the link to our other channel here.

In addition to these videos, we have something much more relevant: the importance of an online meeting. We have a weekend together. I'd like to extend an invitation to you. Saturday and Sunday, we have an online meeting. You can find our WhatsApp link here in the video description to take part in this meeting, where we investigate this, explore this, through questions and answers, working on this issue of blossoming, of the Awakening of this Realization of God.

We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats. If what you've just heard makes sense to you, go ahead, leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel, OK? And see you. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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