December 19, 2022

Joel Goldsmith | Conscious Union with God | The psychological Conditioning | Psychological time

Alright… Is it possible for the mind to become entirely and completely free of contradictions, conflicts, dilemmas, suffering, and problems? Is it possible?

The purpose of our meetings here, on this channel, is to address the possibility of your Divine Realization, your Realization of God. This is also called “the Awakening of Consciousness” or “Spiritual Enlightenment,” What we have just put for you – a brain, a mind, a life completely Free, in Love. Is this a real possibility or is it a utopia?

So it is, only you can get that answer inside you. You may even believe the testimony of many saints and sages throughout human history; they are always testifying to that possibility. And maybe you don't believe it. But one thing is certain: you can work on yourself and become aware of it by yourself. Because believing it or not will change absolutely nothing in your life.

Here, we are telling you it’s possible, yes. It’s not a dream, not a nostalgic intention, a utopia, but rather a possibility: the possibility of a life free from problems and suffering, which represents a new way of living this life, this existence.

The human brain, according to experts, to anthropology, has been developing for millions of years. This human brain, this brain in us, is always responding to this life of ours, biologically, with a background of psychological conditioning. So, the way we move in life is a way within a conditioning program, a neurological and psychological program.

Here, I emphasize for you the beauty, the importance, of discovering the Truth about your Being. The Sages have testified to this – those who have realized the Truth.

The good news here is that This can stop being a theory, a belief. You can discover This within yourself, in that self-observation – to get closer to yourself by self-observation, by observing all that inner movement of consciousness in you.

Here, it’s about the free mind, the free heart, the Vision of the Reality of your Being, entirely free from this psychological conditioning.

Yes, we have neurological programming. Our brain responds very similarly to an animal’s brain. In our brain, there’s a functioning of self-protection, self-defense, and response for this organism, for this mechanism of self-preservation. This neurological conditioning is fundamental for the preservation of this organism, this body.

Here, we are dealing with the possibility of breaking this psychological conditioning. It’s in this psychological conditioning that problems are constituted, that these problems are present. This psychological conditioning has, as its content, fear, ambition, avidity, envy, desire, the movement of separateness, and the illusion of an identity present here, in life, in this movement of life. And that’s the movement of ego-identity – that illusory identity that you get confused with.

The breaking of this psychological conditioning is the breaking of this ego-identity structure. This represents the end of this state of mind, heart, and life with problems. Discovering the Truth about who You are and What You are… The Truth about who You are – that Discovery – shows you the illusion of a present identity. This is the Truth about who You are. Realizing this is Understanding the Truth of What You Are, is understanding What You Are. You are Being, Consciousness, Happiness.

So, this aspect of the Reality of your Being is something present when there is an end to this condition of psychological conditioning, of the ego identity pattern.

Thus, this is our job here with you: to show you that the Truth of your Being is Happiness, it is Consciousness.

What you present within this context of culture, of the world, of human history, of society, is the result, the fruit, of psychological conditioning. What is this psychological conditioning? It’s the time factor as we know it. The idea of being, the idea of having been, and the idea of becoming: “I am this, I was that yesterday and I will be something else tomorrow”; “I am this, yesterday I was that, and tomorrow I will be someone else.” This is implicit in this illusion of the egoic identity, the sense of psychological conditioning.

So, throughout all of human history, we've been cultivating this model of inner conditioning, sustaining this egoic identity, this sense of separateness, this sense of “I” present, having a human experience.

Notice, there is within you this sense of existing as someone. This is completely false! That sense of being is real, but that sense of being someone is illusory. This sense of being someone contains the illusion of a story, a name, and a psychological standardization of conditioning, where envy, fear, ambition, and desires are present...

All suffering is the result of this conditioning. There’s no suffering in What You are; there’s suffering in what you believe to be. What You are, is Being, Consciousness, Happiness – this is something straight from the Vedas, your True Nature, Which is the testimony of the sage, the testimony of the sages throughout all of human history.

The Sages are those who discovered something beyond that psychological conditioning that occurred to the human being and to that brain throughout the history of mankind; [they] testify to the Truth of What is You in your Being.

In India, they have the expression “Sat-Chit-Ananda,” or “Being-Consciousness-Bliss.” This is the Nature of Being, this is the Nature of Consciousness, this is the Nature of Happiness, the Nature of the Truth about You, What is You.

We are working together here to end this illusion, this programming, this psychological conditioning, the illusion of the ego-identity. When This is settled in that organism, in that mechanism, in that body-mind, What is present is You in your Divine State, it’s God Realization.

Christ had an expression for it: “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.” He compared this Kingdom to a treasure hidden in a field: “That man went and sold all he had, gathered the money, and bought that field in search of that treasure because he knew there was a treasure in that field.” This is a parable from Christ, from Jesus, about a man who sold everything he had, took the money, and bought a field, where he knew there was a treasure. He said: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like that treasure hidden in the field; a man sold everything he had, took the money, and bought that field.”

The Discovery of the Truth of your Being, the Realization of your True Divine Nature, is God Realization. This is the Truth of your Conscious Union with God, in Joel S. Goldsmith’s language. We, here, are signaling to you your Conscious Union with God, your Conscious Union with the Truth. This is present when there’s an end to this illusion of the sense of “I,” of the ego; when there’s this Revelation that the unique Reality present in this life, in this existence, is the Reality of Being, is the Reality of God.

So, we have an end to the illusion, we have an end to this state egoic of mind – what Joel Goldsmith calls the hypnotic mind, hypnotic mind state – this illusion of the sense of “I,” the end to this sense of separateness.

When This is present, everything is present! There’s nothing to worry about psychologically, nothing to worry about, everything is revealed, is shown and everything is present in this Plenitude, in this Grace, in this Divine Truth, which is the Truth of your Being, the Truth of the expression of this Divine Kingdom, this Kingdom of Heaven. This is Spiritual Enlightenment, the mind in an entirely new state, freed from the illusion of this psychological time.

This psychological time is the one that gives you the idea of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The only Reality is the one that is here and now. Tomorrow is not real, just as yesterday was not and the present is an idea now.

We are here dealing with Consciousness, which is the Consciousness of Reality now. This experience of Life as It shows itself is the vision of the Kingdom of Heaven, with all the Beauty, all the Grace, all the Truth, all the Abundance, with all the Fullness that It represents.

And we are here, today, working with you, pointing out, signaling, in this channel, for you, the possibility of this Divine Realization, which is the Realization of your Being. Ok?

If this is something that makes sense to you, leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel... I want to remind you: we have online meetings and also face-to-face meetings to work on this together. Ok?

If that makes sense to you, see you next meeting!

December, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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