December 7, 2022

The end of suffering, egocentrism | Self-observation, Self-awareness | Spiritual Enlightenment

The whole point is the end of suffering. Now, when you have the idea of the end of suffering and you are looking for a way to achieve this, we are faced with a difficulty.

We are going to work with you today, here, what the end of suffering is.

The question is very common: “How to achieve the end of suffering?” People have an idea about the end of suffering. I want to investigate this here with you. An idea about the end of suffering is an idea of how to achieve the end of suffering, and that is an illusion. We have to approach this question of the end of suffering without any idea.

It is exactly this idea of the end of suffering that puts us on various paths created by thought itself, to accomplish this. For us, the idea of the end of suffering is in the achievement of something that will fulfill us, at that given level there, where suffering is.

Let me clear that up for you. If you miss affection and tenderness, appreciation, acceptance, the idea you have is that love is missing. So, at that level, you seek the end of that suffering by looking for someone who can give it to you. So, the idea about how to end suffering, how to put an end to this suffering, is, for example, finding someone.

What, in reality, is this suffering? We have not investigated what this suffering is. We want to find a way to get rid of suffering without investigating what suffering is. So, we created an idea, an ideal, a goal.

Suffering is present, and then I create an idea. This “I create” is thought formulating, idealizing, projecting a being different from what I am now: “I need to be different, be in a different condition, a condition different from what I have now, from what I am, from what I am living at this moment.” Then comes this idea of becoming, of accomplishing, of being someone. And here, “being someone,” in this example I just mentioned, is “to find someone": “What I am is not enough, I need to find someone so that I can be what I want to be. I want to be loved, accepted, recognized, fulfilled, and it is the other who will give it to me; the other I might find will have it to give me.”

Here, we are facing a great illusion! How can we be sure that the other isn't also looking for exactly what I'm looking for?

This “I” is looking for something and that other one is looking for something similar... similar to that. So, two needy people meet each other – that’s one aspect. The other aspect is that, in this illusion of searching for something, we are just trying to find a solution to a problem that won't end when the other arrives, because that feeling is part of that present sense of “I.”

What we don't realize is that the sense of “I,” the ego, that “me,” is never fulfilled.

It always has a need, or many needs, to fill.

It is the nature of the ego itself to ask the world to revolve around it so that it can be filled, so that it can be fulfilled. The fact is that there is no possibility for this “I,” this ego, to fulfill itself in external achievements, finding something else outside.

The nature of the egoic mind is the nature of conflict, contradiction, suffering and lack. The nature of the ego is to always behave in a movement of egocentrism. What is this movement? It is the attempt to find happiness outside.

The sense of the present “I,” of the ego, is always the sense of insufficiency, of lack, of emptiness.

The ego carries fear and desire. This is inherent in this aspect of the egoic identity. The ego, that present sense of “I,” the “person” you believe yourself to be, is a fallacy, an illusion, it is an illusory center. The thoughts that swirl in your head – are not few, they are many! –, all are memories, remembrances, unsatisfied, incomplete, unfinished experiences.

The nature of the mind is unhappiness – here I mean the egoic mind. I have called this egoic consciousness as mental consciousness. This mental consciousness is seeking happiness, it is looking for peace, looking for love, looking for wholeness. In reality, what it is looking for is a projection of ideas it has about what this represents. This search of man for happiness, this search of man for peace, for love, this search of human beings for what is called peace, love and happiness, is just a projection of fantasy, of idealization, which is born from this background of frustration, which are the memories of that “I” itself; it is a mere projection…

Real Happiness, Real Love, Real Peace, is the absence of that sense of “I,” it is not something present within that projection of “I.”

So, we have to inquire into the illusory nature of this center, the illusory nature of this “me.” Understanding this shows us that everything it designs to fulfill itself is completely false. This idea of “becoming,” of “getting,” of “achieving to be” – this is completely false.

In this movement, what is implied is the movement of ambition, desire and fear. And what is born out of ambition, desire and fear is born out of this confusion, this egoic, particular self-projection, this background of psychological conditioning, this programming, of egocentrism... This cannot be real.

The human being, for example, has an idea of being happy having an encounter with God, but he has an idea of how this encounter will be, and he also has an idea of where God is, and who God is. And that’s just an idea, a concept, a belief.

What the mind produces is still part of itself. That Reality, which is Divine Reality, which is God’s Reality, is not something that thought can produce, idealize, or seek. That Reality is beyond the egoic mind, beyond the ego, beyond the “me,” beyond the “I.” That Divine Reality, yes, is the Supreme Bliss; yes, it is the Supreme Peace. The Supreme Divine Peace is in God; the Divine Love is in God; the Divine Happiness is in God – that is the Supreme Reality of Truth.

Now, That is present where the egoic sense is not, when the sense of “I” is not. So, there needs to be an end to this search, to this search for that ideal: the ideal of God, the ideal of love, the ideal of peace, the ideal of happiness.

And, here, the way to approach that is from where we are right here and now. What do you have present here and now? Is it anxiety? OK. Is it concern? OK. And suffering? OK. Is it frustration? OK. Is this void of lack of love? OK. Don't project it outside, don't go after it through this effort or this struggle to get it, because that movement will be the very movement of the “I,” of the ego. It doesn't know where Love is.

The human being has been looking for That, and what he has found are other people, who, by the way, are also looking for what he is also looking for. And when two people meet each other, they are two personalities. In fact, it is the meeting of the ego with itself, two null things that meet.

The encounter with Truth is here and now, when there is an investigation of the illusion of this sense of “I.” So, you look at that sense of “I” in its neediness, in its ambition, in its envy, in its fear, in its desire, in its loneliness, in its lack of love...

You just look at it, you don't project something different; you just look at it, approach it, by Self-awareness.

Recognizing the presence of this egoic sense, understanding the presence of this sense of “I,” realizing what it represents, is the most important step towards the Awakening of Wisdom, to have that Revelation of the Truth of That which, now, is also present here, which is the Truth of God.

That Truth of God, which is Love, which is Peace, which is Freedom, is never absent from You, as Pure Consciousness, but as long as that sense of ego remains, that sense of duality is unseen, uninvestigated, as long as it does not disappear, this Reality does not show itself, It does not present itself.

So, it’s not about going in search of love, peace, happiness, God; it is a question of verifying what this “I” represents here and now.

To examine, to look, to approach, to perceive what is sustaining this separateness, this duality, this “I” and the Truth of Consciousness, which is the Truth of God.

What is sustaining this separateness are the motivations of this “I” itself, the misidentifications of this “I” itself. That “I” is identifying itself with thoughts, identifying with emotions, identifying with sensations, identifying with experiences; this “I” is identifying itself with projections... This “I” lives within a circuit, a circle of memory; it is the past, which is memory.

With this memory, this “I” is identifying itself and projecting itself into the future, placing itself in this sense of duality, in this sense of separateness. That “I” is upholding the whole model of egocentrism, the whole model of egoic activity. It has separated you from the Divine Reality.

Self-observation will show you, Self-awareness will demonstrate that this “me,” this “person” that you believe you are, does not exist, it is not real, it is just a formulation of psychological conditioning, something that you bring from childhood. Our work together here is to discard this fraud, this illusion. So, it is possible to see yourself outside this “observer;” it is when Life is seen without the sense of a present “I.”

Here, on this channel, we are working on this. We have several videos explaining how this is done through Self-awareness. This contact with True Meditation is possible. This reveals to you the Realization of your Being, which, in Itself, is complete, not looking for any form of fulfillment from the outside. That is God Realization, That is the Realization of Happiness, the Realization of Love.

Now it is no longer the other, or something outside, to complete you. You are Happy because Happiness is your Real Nature. And, if That is present, every relationship with the external, with the world, with the other, is a relationship that has this basis: this Happiness. Some have called it Spiritual Enlightenment or Spiritual Realization.

We have several playlists here, on our channel, explaining to you, showing you how to work with this in this life, how to Realize What You Are without the idealism of becoming something, of getting something, of achieving or attaining something out there. Everything is here and now, in Life as It is, when you assume the Truth about What You truly are, which is this Consciousness, which is the Truth of God.

This is the subject here on our channel. Take a look at these playlists we have here on the channel. We are working on This with you, showing you This, bringing you clarity on how to Realize This.

In addition, we have online meetings and also face-to-face meetings and also retreats to work on this together.

If this is something that makes sense to you, so leave your “like” on the video, subscribe to the channel and let’s work on this together. OK?

See you soon.

December, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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